No.. inwoukdnt do that.. I'm if you know of the stuff they have called insubolic.. it's says it's real igf1.. I'm asking know if it's real or any info about it.. I know some ppl like their qtropin or whatever it's called.. they say the 2 together is the shit.. bit everyone says that.. I habent seen any real.evidence
Qtropin is the liquid gh no?
Whoa! Don't get all crazy on us.

Looking large for somebody who has been Ramadan starving in the desert. Welcome home.

Man I lost a bunch of body fat. So I would eat a double whopper large fries and drink every night around 10pm wake up drink a protein shake 2 hrs later eat a protein bar or 2 then shake again.

I’m continuing that way of eating except now cooking hamburger patties and chicken to eat. Got to be beach ready in 5 weeks. Also bout to try this melontan or what ever the peptide is called.
Oh cool. I did not realize you had done your homework. Glad to know you are back on normal routines and can eat. Ramadan has to be tough for a bodybuilder and I commend you for your faith brother.

As said earlier I’m not Muslim but I got a whole lot of respect watching them work in 110-115 degree heat in the desert without drinking ANYTHING.... they have a strong faith and are true to it.

Saudi let’s you eat during Ramadan just better have bread and stuff to make sandwiches cause nothing is open to serve food until the sun is going down. IMG_7882.jpg
I am for the moment running a PPL split and going one day on one day off etc. Today was chest shoulder triceps and i kept workload and intensity at 80% which is unbelievably difficult for me. But i have seen crazy gains already, im just so used to the idea i can be like Dorian and push thru anything. I am human afterall. Ty for your input always.
I appreciate your input as well learning from your experience as well as many others on the meso, awesome community of people to be connected. I’m 38 years old, I’ve been lifting since I was 14 on and off, and I’m still learning something new all the time. But like I said I’m learning from your protocol and experience as well, your a bad ass keep lifting like a maniac!!!
when i ll have some spare money i ll test just for the laughs… promise

So it's trash.. I was curious. I figured of it was legit it would be talked about alot more is
If you are talking qtropin my friends brother used to smuggle jugs of nutropin out of genentech and all the bodybuilders in the bay area here loved the stuff. It had to be kept refridgerated at all times if i recall. It was good gh and it came as a liquid. I think qtropin is a knock off and they.claim its stable at room temp and I highly doubt that. Could be wrong...
Man I lost a bunch of body fat. So I would eat a double whopper large fries and drink every night around 10pm wake up drink a protein shake 2 hrs later eat a protein bar or 2 then shake again.

I’m continuing that way of eating except now cooking hamburger patties and chicken to eat. Got to be beach ready in 5 weeks. Also bout to try this melontan or what ever the peptide is called.
Make sure you monitor any moles that you have already and pay attention for emergence of new moles while on melanotan 2. There have been studies that link it to cancer. I have a friend who takes it, and he loves it. He's also had skin cancer before, but hasn't had any negative side effects yet.
As said earlier I’m not Muslim but I got a whole lot of respect watching them work in 110-115 degree heat in the desert without drinking ANYTHING.... they have a strong faith and are true to it.

Saudi let’s you eat during Ramadan just better have bread and stuff to make sandwiches cause nothing is open to serve food until the sun is going down. View attachment 148255
What a beautiful picture.
Make sure you monitor any moles that you have already and pay attention for emergence of new moles while on melanotan 2. There have been studies that link it to cancer. I have a friend who takes it, and he loves it. He's also had skin cancer before, but hasn't had any negative side effects yet.

Thanks bro I will have you had any runs with it. If so what u run it at?
Make sure you monitor any moles that you have already and pay attention for emergence of new moles while on melanotan 2. There have been studies that link it to cancer. I have a friend who takes it, and he loves it. He's also had skin cancer before, but hasn't had any negative side effects yet.
That is scary as fuck dude
Thanks bro I will have you had any runs with it. If so what u run it at?
I haven't used it yet. My doc will prescribe it for me tho, so I might try it. I burn pretty badly in the sun, and it's supposed to be good for people like me. It's also apparently good for erections, which is always a good thing. This page is a pretty good dosing source:

I appreciate your input as well learning from your experience as well as many others on the meso, awesome community of people to be connected. I’m 38 years old, I’ve been lifting since I was 14 on and off, and I’m still learning something new all the time. But like I said I’m learning from your protocol and experience as well, your a bad ass keep lifting like a maniac!!!
I just turned 41. I have a bit of advice which maybe applicable to anyone but moreso to older guys, i am on the mend from cns overload and i just realized i should have seen it coming. My dumbbell pullovers got progressively worse starting a few weeks ago. I built up to 8 good reps with the 140lb dbell then next workout i got 6 then 4or5 and last back workout i barely got 4. Then i did the drop set on leg press and WHAM. I couldnt for the life of me figure out what was going on my pullovers had been steadily improving like clockwork. If i had known what i know now i would have cut back but i didnt realize i needed to.
So don't leave us hanging. Did it work? Did he grow and get lean?
Again I am asked a question that was specifically address in my post. Hmm, I'm going to have to type louder.

"It did work in the sense that his IGF level did increase and I certainly saw it first hand..."
Make sure you monitor any moles that you have already and pay attention for emergence of new moles while on melanotan 2. There have been studies that link it to cancer. I have a friend who takes it, and he loves it. He's also had skin cancer before, but hasn't had any negative side effects yet.
I have some permanent skin changes from a short, conservative usage. several eraser sized moles and a few are even raised. They appeared quickly, stayed, and are still here years later.

I turned African brown in just a few days, though. I am already dark for a white boy, and this stuff was like pouring coffee under my skin. MT2 before and during a weekend at the beach will get me into any affirmative action program.

Given the permanent changes that appeared quickly - I would not have run it had I known the consequences. Irreversible.