That is a good read. I will say when a woman in full garb makes eye contact with you it’s game on. She wants what she sees and as king as she doesn’t break eye contact then she wants u to make the move. Either by giving her your number on a piece of paper or you will wink at her and she will follow you out the establishment. This happens if you see a group of girls at like a coffee shop or tea spot.

9 times out of 10 you can tell what they look like under the garb and sometimes they are wearing just jeans and a shirt with a hijab.... if they are showing a little hair they are def down for some anal.
Bro we need def need to party.
Hey guys I just wanted to see if I could get any feedback here. This is my first time taking hgh and I do feel great. I have been using opti 120s for little over 3 months now. I started with 2ius , then 4ius, 6ius now I wanted to move onto 8uis a day. I take about 250mg of test a week as well. Not sure what I am suppose to look out for? Any sides at that dose and how’s that for putting on some size? I have been getting leaner , but I have increased cardio and better diet so not really sure what to look for as in effects of the hgh. Thanks
Hey guys I just wanted to see if I could get any feedback here. This is my first time taking hgh and I do feel great. I have been using opti 120s for little over 3 months now. I started with 2ius , then 4ius, 6ius now I wanted to move onto 8uis a day. I take about 250mg of test a week as well. Not sure what I am suppose to look out for? Any sides at that dose and how’s that for putting on some size? I have been getting leaner , but I have increased cardio and better diet so not really sure what to look for as in effects of the hgh. Thanks

Have you pulled bloodwork yet? If not why not?
I have not but my buddy did and everything looked good so thought there was no need. I have done recent blood work and everything is good but did not pull my IGf 1 levels
I have not but my buddy did and everything looked good so thought there was no need. I have done recent blood work and everything is good but did not pull my IGf 1 levels

With hormones they are different with everyone else. So a certain dose for him may not do the same for u. I would def pull igf1 and see how your body is metabolizing it. What were your liver values on your last bloodwork
Hey guys I just wanted to see if I could get any feedback here. This is my first time taking hgh and I do feel great. I have been using opti 120s for little over 3 months now. I started with 2ius , then 4ius, 6ius now I wanted to move onto 8uis a day. I take about 250mg of test a week as well. Not sure what I am suppose to look out for? Any sides at that dose and how’s that for putting on some size? I have been getting leaner , but I have increased cardio and better diet so not really sure what to look for as in effects of the hgh. Thanks
You did not state goals so I will throw some ideas out there. If you want fat loss 4 ius per day split into am/pm no need for higher doses. If you want that 3d look you need higher single dose shots. 10ius plus. Your budget is your limit. If you just want the GH to work with the test yiu are on even 2 ius per day should be plenty. Up to 6ius id say.
I would have to double check but my doc said no issues but I will check it out soon then
With hormones they are different with everyone else. So a certain dose for him may not do the same for u. I would def pull igf1 and see how your body is metabolizing it. What were your liver values on your last bloodwork
Yeah my goals are to loose fat and gain a little bit of size. I stay on trt so always on that and I also take deca for my shoulder every now and then and I must say the hgh has seemed to help a lot in my shoulder. So what would 8uis a day do in those regards?
You did not state goals so I will throw some ideas out there. If you want fat loss 4 ius per day split into am/pm no need for higher doses. If you want that 3d look you need higher single dose shots. 10ius plus. Your budget is your limit. If you just want the GH to work with the test yiu are on even 2 ius per day should be plenty. Up to 6ius id say.
Yeah my goals are to loose fat and gain a little bit of size. I stay on trt so always on that and I also take deca for my shoulder every now and then and I must say the hgh has seemed to help a lot in my shoulder. So what would 8uis a day do in those regards?

It’s all Depending on your physique now.... and how your diet will be in the future.
Yeah my goals are to loose fat and gain a little bit of size. I stay on trt so always on that and I also take deca for my shoulder every now and then and I must say the hgh has seemed to help a lot in my shoulder. So what would 8uis a day do in those regards?

More is not always better. It all depends on your whole body’s functions. You want to make sure everything is firing on all cylinders. I have never went over 7 iu’ sand I had better results at 5iu. Also I have never went over 300mg of test in the past 5-6 years.

If you want to bulk up or lean up focus on diet while on gear and not the gear..... you will have better results focusing on the food you are eating
Yeah my goals are to loose fat and gain a little bit of size. I stay on trt so always on that and I also take deca for my shoulder every now and then and I must say the hgh has seemed to help a lot in my shoulder. So what would 8uis a day do in those regards?
You have the wrong attitude and I am not knocking you at all. Its human nature I think. 2ius a day maybe 3 will be about the max for your goals. If you arent happy, you need to look further than GH because its not magic. There is no magic out there trust me/us. Diet will do more than aas/gh combined. In fact both are totally dependant on your diet to do much of anything.

8ius will make you retain lots of water and yield similar results to 4ius. Try for yourself you will see.
Watch this video in particular listen to what Chad Nichols says in the beginning. Trust me, TRUST ME there is no secret cabal that bodybuilders and coaches and Mr. Olympias all go to where they sacrifice goats and swear to never reveal the secrets of bodybuilding or whatever. Across the board they say the same damn thing and its not growth hormone.
Watch this video in particular listen to what Chad Nichols says in the beginning. Trust me, TRUST ME there is no secret cabal that bodybuilders and coaches and Mr. Olympias all go to where they sacrifice goats and swear to never reveal the secrets of bodybuilding or whatever. Across the board they say the same damn thing and its not growth hormone.

You're right its multiple grams of AAS, Insulin, AND growth hormone. But ask any of them now and it was a smidge of test and 1 vial of Deca a week and sometimes a Dbol or two accidentally fell in their Lucky Charms.
You're right its multiple grams of AAS, Insulin, AND growth hormone. But ask any of them now and it was a smidge of test and 1 vial of Deca a week and sometimes a Dbol or two accidentally fell in their Lucky Charms.
You are totally misguided. Ive listened to what pros say and I have seen what happens in my own body and i do not think they are lying

Make this simple- provide me with at least one example to back up what you said. Just one. You cant use lee priest.

People like you think the way that you do because you never really put in the hard work and have no idea whats really possible. Hard work in and out of the gym.
You have the wrong attitude and I am not knocking you at all. Its human nature I think. 2ius a day maybe 3 will be about the max for your goals. If you arent happy, you need to look further than GH because its not magic. There is no magic out there trust me/us. Diet will do more than aas/gh combined. In fact both are totally dependant on your diet to do much of anything.

8ius will make you retain lots of water and yield similar results to 4ius. Try for yourself you will see.
Thanks for the info , I have been in the game for a long time my diet and training is on point. I was just simply asking about sides and if the effects would be much more. I think I will stay on my 6ius a day since I feel great. I know there is no magic other than training and diet.
Thanks for the info , I have been in the game for a long time my diet and training is on point. I was just simply asking about sides and if the effects would be much more. I think I will stay on my 6ius a day since I feel great. I know there is no magic other than training and diet.
Im no expert but from what I have heard you should not experience more sides if you slowly up the dose. If you are using 6ius now and are wondering what 8 might do.for you i cant answer that question. Im not sure anyone can because we all react different. Personally i should have stayed at 2ius I saw the biggest changes but my friend nagged me about how i was wasting my gh and all that. I never saw any big differences until i messed around with 10-12ius at a time. 5 6 8 didnt matter all the same. But 10 seems to have a nice kick to it and 12 quite a bit more. More fullness hardness and day after day the 3d look is getting more pronounced. sides are up and down. Typing this post is killing me for example. Forearm pump/pain hands fingers ice cold. Ugh

@mands for better input
You are totally misguided. Ive listened to what pros say and I have seen what happens in my own body and i do not think they are lying

Make this simple- provide me with at least one example to back up what you said. Just one. You cant use lee priest.

People like you think the way that you do because you never really put in the hard work and have no idea whats really possible. Hard work in and out of the gym.
You're smoking crack if you believe what people like Arnold and others said they took back in the day including some of the people in the 90s. My proof that IFBB pros at that level are abusing the shit out of stuff? Dallas McCarvers autopsy and test levels, Munzer's? Dallas had a whopping 55,000 ng/dL test level you do the math on what you think he was taking (hint: it's in grams).

Genetics is absolutely necessary for that stage but it also goes hand in hand with major abuse of AAS and everything under the sun.

You ask me for proof and then follow up with your n=1 story about yourself and how you use drugs as if that is some solid proof that pros don't abuse drugs, you make zero sense once again.

I'll rephrase this, i 100% agree food and fuel is important as hell, genetics are important, but that does not mean that pros at the highest level do not run some abusive levels of gear on top of both those important factors. and you are naive to believe otherwise.

Lee priests logic also makes no sense if he could be that good with his genetics on some test and deca why would he not push it further and up the dose if he was only using such a small amount to try to win if he's a hyper responder? People at that level aren't toning things down, they are tunnel visioned at winning it all.
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Im no expert but from what I have heard you should not experience more sides if you slowly up the dose. If you are using 6ius now and are wondering what 8 might do.for you i cant answer that question. Im not sure anyone can because we all react different. Personally i should have stayed at 2ius I saw the biggest changes but my friend nagged me about how i was wasting my gh and all that. I never saw any big differences until i messed around with 10-12ius at a time. 5 6 8 didnt matter all the same. But 10 seems to have a nice kick to it and 12 quite a bit more. More fullness hardness and day after day the 3d look is getting more pronounced. sides are up and down. Typing this post is killing me for example. Forearm pump/pain hands fingers ice cold. Ugh

@mands for better input
I get forearm pump and hands even without being on the HGh. I train hard and wouldn’t mind to experience the 3D look. It took me a while to get my bloods in good levels and I am a regular blood donar. Just don’t want to fuck around with sides that much as I can’t tell any yet. Also coming off I heard it’s not like other gear , you keep what you gain ? Well I’m sure if you keep up with same diet and training