I get forearm pump and hands even without being on the HGh. I train hard and wouldn’t mind to experience the 3D look. It took me a while to get my bloods in good levels and I am a regular blood donar. Just don’t want to fuck around with sides that much as I can’t tell any yet. Also coming off I heard it’s not like other gear , you keep what you gain ? Well I’m sure if you keep up with same diet and training
If you want the real experience do what I am doing now.

Train on a 3 day split im doing PPL push pull legs. One day on one day off repeat.

Post workout pin a vial of GH or roughly 10-12ius equivalent. I have opti greys 120s so b4 i workout I recon with 1.2ml bac and as soon as i get home i pin the bottle. Takes 2 shots but one right after the other. So you pin every other day.

Right after the shot i drink shake approx 60g protein ~100g carbs. Im not sure if carb source is so important. I also take bcaas deliberately going for the leuceine and i take enough to get me 5g leuceine. Also i take creatine 5g.

After that maybe 30 minutes later i eat a big meal. Nutritious. Macros roughly double the shake but whole food.

About every hour i intake protein and carbs as I can force them.down. macros about same as the shake maybe less carbs closer i get to sleep but ill be honest, i get best results when im really pushing food. Its nauseating.

Guess what when i wake up to piss protein shake. When i get up in the morning egg whites with chopped oats. I get sick to my stomach if i dont eat this constantly.

Im also taking 750mgs test 450mgs eq and 300mgs tren weekly. I cannot say whats doing exactly what but i go by how i look and feel and the scale and the results tell me keep going! Its exciting. My housemate here is 82 and I ran into the living room just now like "omg look at my calves!" Like it was an emergency. I mean I have veins popping I never knew I had. I love it! My friend says "jeez if that was me Id be heading for the hospital." Rofl.

Wish you the best

Oh as for gains being permanent I dont have the experience to answer that yet.
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They don’t have to cover up anymore some still do but a lot of women don’t anymore
They are allowed but does peer pressure still compel them to do so or they just like dressing like that in a brutally hot country.

I remember some years back they prevented young schoolgirls from escaping a burning building because they couldn't get to their face covering or the bee-keeping outfit they wear so they all burned to death.

Little kids burned to death.

They are allowed but does peer pressure still compel them to do so or they just like dressing like that in a brutally hot country.

I remember some years back they prevented young schoolgirls from escaping a burning building because they couldn't get to their face covering or the bee-keeping outfit they wear so they all burned to death.

Little kids burned to death.

That was before MBS (the crowned prince) took over. He got disbanded the religious police and put a lot of his family in jail (hotel but can’t leave) for being corrupt and has changed a lot of laws... including women can now drive walk outside without their husband or family member. Some still dress like that but usually it’s the older population. Saudi is like 70% under 35 years old now. They allow holding hands and hugging in public. You can go to the movies with your girlfriends and most places done away with the men only and family section of restaurants. How I tell everyone I know is like this..... whatever you hear about saudi on the news it’s the exact opposite.

It’s a safer country than the USA even for a white American. Because the punishments are swift and fast.

You rape, molest, murder, are a terrorist, or traffic large amounts of drugs...... it’s the death penalty. In Riyadh at chop chop square in front of everyone.
Thanks for the info , I have been in the game for a long time my diet and training is on point. I was just simply asking about sides and if the effects would be much more. I think I will stay on my 6ius a day since I feel great. I know there is no magic other than training and diet.
Don't forget genetics. :)

I’ve been on Opti’s for 2 years straight. I have vacation coming up. I’ll be gone for 8 days. What do y’all do in this circumstance? I thought about smuggling bac water and a vial in my luggage but I’m kinda paranoid. I’ll only have a carry on so if they do check it in the spot I’m kinda fucked.

I thought about just banging 20 IU the day I leave but with the short half life that’s probably a waste.

should I just say fuck it and take 8 days off?
I’ve been on Opti’s for 2 years straight. I have vacation coming up. I’ll be gone for 8 days. What do y’all do in this circumstance? I thought about smuggling bac water and a vial in my luggage but I’m kinda paranoid. I’ll only have a carry on so if they do check it in the spot I’m kinda fucked.

I thought about just banging 20 IU the day I leave but with the short half life that’s probably a waste.

should I just say fuck it and take 8 days off?
Just take 8 days off.
I’ve been on Opti’s for 2 years straight. I have vacation coming up. I’ll be gone for 8 days. What do y’all do in this circumstance? I thought about smuggling bac water and a vial in my luggage but I’m kinda paranoid. I’ll only have a carry on so if they do check it in the spot I’m kinda fucked.

I thought about just banging 20 IU the day I leave but with the short half life that’s probably a waste.

should I just say fuck it and take 8 days off?
I travel with it all the time inside of the US. Personal use HGH is the last thing they are looking for, and I carried on as well.
I travel with it all the time inside of the US. Personal use HGH is the last thing they are looking for, and I carried on as well.
I think having a syringe with you opens you up to potential scrutiny and I cannot justify the potential risk with the potential reward personally.
Well all you have to say is that your a diabetic. I’ve had my shit looked into with customs and when they saw some insulin syringes all they asked is if I was a diabetic. When I said yes they just put it back in my bag. Put it in you your shaving bag . If your going for a longer time I just mail it to
Myself to the address I’m gonna stay never an issue. That’s for local though
I think having a syringe with you opens you up to potential scrutiny and I cannot justify the potential risk with the potential reward personally.
Totally understand. I have a TRT prescription, so the syringe part doesn't bother me. I use insulin syringes, so I'm even less worried. They are bound to see 1000s of them all the time for people with diabetes. And prescription drugs legal or otherwise is not was the TSA is after. They are looking for weapons, bomb materials, etc.
The 280s test quite a bit worse. You get what you pay for
Really? What tests? Were the results posted? I tested 1/3 of a vial and got blood drawn three hours later and it scored a 38. I was shock at how much 10ius tested. (I drew 1/3 which just over 9ius and then gave it an extra couple of clicks to get it closer to 10ius)
That was before MBS (the crowned prince) took over. He got disbanded the religious police and put a lot of his family in jail (hotel but can’t leave) for being corrupt and has changed a lot of laws... including women can now drive walk outside without their husband or family member. Some still dress like that but usually it’s the older population. Saudi is like 70% under 35 years old now. They allow holding hands and hugging in public. You can go to the movies with your girlfriends and most places done away with the men only and family section of restaurants. How I tell everyone I know is like this..... whatever you hear about saudi on the news it’s the exact opposite.

It’s a safer country than the USA even for a white American. Because the punishments are swift and fast.

You rape, molest, murder, are a terrorist, or traffic large amounts of drugs...... it’s the death penalty. In Riyadh at chop chop square in front of everyone.
Good to hear. Thanks for the inside info.
Really? What tests? Were the results posted? I tested 1/3 of a vial and got blood drawn three hours later and it scored a 38. I was shock at how much 10ius tested. (I drew 1/3 which just over 9ius and then gave it an extra couple of clicks to get it closer to 10ius)

Good to hear. Thanks for the inside info.
If memory serves, the 280’s tested fine, just had more dimer
Really? What tests? Were the results posted? I tested 1/3 of a vial and got blood drawn three hours later and it scored a 38. I was shock at how much 10ius tested. (I drew 1/3 which just over 9ius and then gave it an extra couple of clicks to get it closer to 10ius)

Good to hear. Thanks for the inside info.

He's referencing the HPLC testing, serum testing is pretty meh in regards to hard concrete testing for GH. But they did not test "quite a bit worse" afaik they were a couple percentage points off on purity and have dimer in them but they're still considered good GH. Mike really should check on the website before dropping comments like that, he also said they tested at "87% off the top of my head" which is fucking horrible GH.

200+ kits last test was 97% with 5% dimer. This would be lower under Jano's new sensitive test but to contrast the 120s were 99% and 0 dimer from this same timeframe.

tldr; smaller kits = different, GMP lab with 0 dimer
280 kits = generic kits from another lab that still test well with some dimer

my personal opinion: You're already going generic, get the good generics....
I’ve been on Opti’s for 2 years straight. I have vacation coming up. I’ll be gone for 8 days. What do y’all do in this circumstance? I thought about smuggling bac water and a vial in my luggage but I’m kinda paranoid. I’ll only have a carry on so if they do check it in the spot I’m kinda fucked.

I thought about just banging 20 IU the day I leave but with the short half life that’s probably a waste.

should I just say fuck it and take 8 days off?
Just take off man, you’ll lose some water weight and you’ll look crispy when you get back