If I ever got water retention on GH it was never much. I don't think I could tell I was holding any at all. You guys going by appearance I assume but do you guage by your sock line or anything?
I start noticing my jawline eroding and becoming less sharp.
You really need letrozole for 400mgs of test?
Absolutely not. Over use of AIs is rampant imo. You should get bloods and use appoprately, letro on 400mg of test is bonkers. Even on trt levels my mindset is get yourself to a point where you don't need an AI. But some people are outliers.
I start noticing my jawline eroding and becoming less sharp.
Isn't that called Acromegaly? Never heard of that happening but does to pituitary gland issues (Obviously making to much growth hormone.)
Does it make it look more masculine cause it didn't do shit for my jaw line. Haha
Isn't that called Acromegaly? Never heard of that happening but does to pituitary gland issues (Obviously making to much growth hormone.)
Does it make it look more masculine cause it didn't do shit for my jaw line. Haha

Think he means becoming less sharp due to bloat/water gain. Acromegaly you need to be taking some heavy, heavy doses for that tomato head growth you see in some IFBB pros.
Think he means becoming less sharp due to bloat/water gain. Acromegaly you need to be taking some heavy, heavy doses for that tomato head growth you see in some IFBB pros.
Oh ya. Da! He did say that. I did 15iu for a while. Didn't notice any growth.

Get it? Growth? Lol
I just ordered my first kit from opti. I'm stoked but I was curious about one thing. I used to buying 100 iu kits but these are 120. Should I keep the water amount the same and have a higher concentration or add more water to keep each tic on insulin pin at 1 iu. I been off for a while so I will start at 1-2 iu a day. Any advice is appreciated
I just ordered my first kit from opti. I'm stoked but I was curious about one thing. I used to buying 100 iu kits but these are 120. Should I keep the water amount the same and have a higher concentration or add more water to keep each tic on insulin pin at 1 iu. I been off for a while so I will start at 1-2 iu a day. Any advice is appreciated
add 1.2iu of water so every .1 is 1 iu of gh
I just ordered my first kit from opti. I'm stoked but I was curious about one thing. I used to buying 100 iu kits but these are 120. Should I keep the water amount the same and have a higher concentration or add more water to keep each tic on insulin pin at 1 iu. I been off for a while so I will start at 1-2 iu a day. Any advice is appreciated

Add 1.2 ml then every 10 insulin units on your slin pin is 1 international unit of growth
So been off growth for a little over 3 months and just started back up..... 6 iu a day 4 am fasted 2 iu post workout “ish” mid afternoon. I also started sdrol and damn I forgot how great that compound is.

Now my last big igf number was 707 on split dose I belive 3 am 3 pm let’s see if this changes the numbers I pull dosing 4 morning 2 afternoon.

So far today I felt like absolute trash joints hurting everywhere ..... but I got 600mg ibuprofen on hand and not afraid to swallow a few.


Daddy didn’t raise no bitch either ...... so I’m not backing down the dose. Still waiting on my preblood work quest been taking forever since covid
So been off growth for a little over 3 months and just started back up..... 6 iu a day 4 am fasted 2 iu post workout “ish” mid afternoon. I also started sdrol and damn I forgot how great that compound is.

Now my last big igf number was 707 on split dose I belive 3 am 3 pm let’s see if this changes the numbers I pull dosing 4 morning 2 afternoon.

So far today I felt like absolute trash joints hurting everywhere ..... but I got 600mg ibuprofen on hand and not afraid to swallow a few.


Daddy didn’t raise no bitch either ...... so I’m not backing down the dose. Still waiting on my preblood work quest been taking forever since covid

My man, I would never presume to give you advice, as you're obviously very experienced and accomplished in this game, but if I may make one suggestion (of which you may already be aware): ibuprofen inhibits muscle protein synthesis, especially when dosed high (>400mg). If you must take it, (again something I'm sure you know), take it as far away from your workout as possible.

Looking forward to your new #'s.
Us domestic all I see on list is 120's and 280's and the Chinese pharma

There is testing on Bluetop 100s / Greys / Purples in Optican's thread who exclusively carries Opti's products including his Jintropins. The blues actually tested higher than the greys with 0 dimer.

Maybe @opti can clarify.