I’ve been on Opti’s for 2 years straight. I have vacation coming up. I’ll be gone for 8 days. What do y’all do in this circumstance? I thought about smuggling bac water and a vial in my luggage but I’m kinda paranoid. I’ll only have a carry on so if they do check it in the spot I’m kinda fucked.

I thought about just banging 20 IU the day I leave but with the short half life that’s probably a waste.

should I just say fuck it and take 8 days off?
You can mail FedEx to FedEx pickup ….hold for pickup at ups…or overnight to wherever you lay your head out of town …. I was just blowing fat trees in the teton mountains last week … gotta learn how to use the resources available to us to be comfortable wherever you go in the country tape your shit in the box and fookin send it mate
There is testing on Bluetop 100s / Greys / Purples in Optican's thread who exclusively carries Opti's products including his Jintropins. The blues actually tested higher than the greys with 0 dimer.

Maybe @opti can clarify.

Meso, hope you and your loved ones are doing well.

Wanted to bring some clarity to the aforementioned regarding the Blue Tops offered by @Opti-Canada. These 10iu Blue Tops are from the same manufacturer as my Grey Tops, a licensed GMP facility. I'm thrown back a little by the slight disparity regarding purity but prior to 2021 they never tested below 99%, minimal fluctuation if any.

I'll leave any further questions to @janoshik regarding testing, certification, calibration of lab equipment, etc. etc.

Taking into consideration all fees once in possession(USA) of the kits, price difference is meager between the 100iu Blue Top and 120iu Grey Top kits. I'm sure you as the customer would prefer more IUs.

Hope I have brought clarification to this matter.

My best to all.
Got my results back. Baseline igf after 3 months off is 240.

Liver enzymes are high and other shit to do with liver are high could be because of some antibiotics I had to run in the Middle East (don’t ask)

I was on only 250mg of test a week. Don’t really know why my T3 uptake is elevated

Got my results back. Baseline igf after 3 months off is 240.

Liver enzymes are high and other shit to do with liver are high could be because of some antibiotics I had to run in the Middle East (don’t ask)

I was on only 250mg of test a week. Don’t really know why my T3 uptake is elevated

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I'd worry more about the eGFR and keep a close watch on that. Everything else can be improved. Kidneys don't come back. Also, everybody's kidneys start to weaken as the year go on. It gradually lowers and lowers. Like the heart, live long enough and the kidneys will stop working.
I'd worry more about the eGFR and keep a close watch on that. Everything else can be improved. Kidneys don't come back. Also, everybody's kidneys start to weaken as the year go on. It gradually lowers and lowers. Like the heart, live long enough and the kidneys will stop working.
Higher Creatinine and lower eGFR can be caused by dehydration, although @Mighty-mouse strikes me as someone who would monitor that closely.
I'd worry more about the eGFR and keep a close watch on that. Everything else can be improved. Kidneys don't come back. Also, everybody's kidneys start to weaken as the year go on. It gradually lowers and lowers. Like the heart, live long enough and the kidneys will stop working.

Higher Creatinine and lower eGFR can be caused by dehydration, although @Mighty-mouse strikes me as someone who would monitor that closely.

I got the covid vaccine about 2 days before this blood test winder if that had anything to do with it
In this thread we talk a lot about Dimmer in the testing, it’s obviously not good but what exactly is it? How does it work? Does it cause more side effects?
Higher Creatinine and lower eGFR can be caused by dehydration, although @Mighty-mouse strikes me as someone who would monitor that closely.
Ive had same issue befor I test with eGFR and creatinine, a week later made sure I was fully hydrated did my blood work again everything came back perfect. And since then have had blood work several times never an issue.
Ive had same issue befor I test with eGFR and creatinine, a week later made sure I was fully hydrated did my blood work again everything came back perfect. And since then have had blood work several times never an issue.

Yea first time my kidney and liver where elevated only thing different is covid vaccine and less water intake I’m sure. Also a lot of antibiotics in the Middle East but they should have been flushed
Yea first time my kidney and liver where elevated only thing different is covid vaccine and less water intake I’m sure. Also a lot of antibiotics in the Middle East but they should have been flushed
My AST and ALT used to be a lot higher than yours are. Started taking liposomal glutathione and they have been great ever since. You mentioned ibuprofen earlier. You might want to stop taking that until you get your kidney levels back in check. Ibuprofen is rough on the kidneys. It's probably just a hydration issue, and if you had any alcohol even a few days before the test, that could account for the AST.
My AST and ALT used to be a lot higher than yours are. Started taking liposomal glutathione and they have been great ever since. You mentioned ibuprofen earlier. You might want to stop taking that until you get your kidney levels back in check. Ibuprofen is rough on the kidneys. It's probably just a hydration issue, and if you had any alcohol even a few days before the test, that could account for the AST.

I can’t remember a blood test I pulled where I haven’t drank the night before. I live by 3-9 tequilla shots raises your igf daily sooooo yeah I’m leaning on the covid vaccine fucking those numbers up.
In this thread we talk a lot about Dimmer in the testing, it’s obviously not good but what exactly is it? How does it work? Does it cause more side effects?
I am going from memory of @janoshik 's posts (and even further back, my education), so this may not be 100% correct, but IIRC, "Dimer" is two hgh molecules being bound together. This makes the resulting oligomer unable to bind to our receptors, effectively making the gh less pure.

This type of bonding is apparently somewhat difficult to avoid completely in certain gh production processes which is why many batches have some "dimer".
Anecdotally, higher dimer has been associated with higher sides. I have seen no scientific explanation as to why, however.
In this thread we talk a lot about Dimmer in the testing, it’s obviously not good but what exactly is it? How does it work? Does it cause more side effects?

Isn't that called Acromegaly? Never heard of that happening but does to pituitary gland issues (Obviously making to much growth hormone.)
Does it make it look more masculine cause it didn't do shit for my jaw line. Haha
Its water retention
I am going from memory of @janoshik 's posts (and even further back, my education), so this may not be 100% correct, but IIRC, "Dimer" is two hgh molecules being bound together. This makes the resulting oligomer unable to bind to our receptors, effectively making the gh less pure.

This type of bonding is apparently somewhat difficult to avoid completely in certain gh production processes which is why many batches have some "dimer".
Anecdotally, higher dimer has been associated with higher sides. I have seen no scientific explanation as to why, however.
If dimer is present in a given batch, can it be filtered out in some way?