He's referencing the HPLC testing, serum testing is pretty meh in regards to hard concrete testing for GH. But they did not test "quite a bit worse" afaik they were a couple percentage points off on purity and have dimer in them but they're still considered good GH. Mike really should check on the website before dropping comments like that, he also said they tested at "87% off the top of my head" which is fucking horrible GH.
200+ kits last test was 97% with 5% dimer. This would be lower under Jano's new sensitive test but to contrast the 120s were 99% and 0 dimer from this same timeframe.
tldr; smaller kits = different, GMP lab with 0 dimer
280 kits = generic kits from another lab that still test well with some dimer
my personal opinion: You're already going generic, get the good generics....