So I have a question/concern. I’m still getting to know how gh works in the body. I was wondering if you all have experienced blood glucose in the mornings high than normal range? Mine was 126 this morning. Hadn’t eaten anything since 9:30 last night. Checked it around 6:30 this morning. Only doing 2 - 3 iu for 3 weeks now. Also, I went to the gym at 7. Ate - had my RKT during gym session and also preworkout, came home checked it again and it was 118. Is this normal? Or should I go see a doctor about prediabetic? I’m concerned and wondering if I need to just stop the use of gh. I don’t want to end up being a diabetic. Sorry if this is a dumb question. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
That's high, I'd stop if it were me. Do you have fasted numbers prior to HGH?
So I have a question/concern. I’m still getting to know how gh works in the body. I was wondering if you all have experienced blood glucose in the mornings high than normal range? Mine was 126 this morning. Hadn’t eaten anything since 9:30 last night. Checked it around 6:30 this morning. Only doing 2 - 3 iu for 3 weeks now. Also, I went to the gym at 7. Ate - had my RKT during gym session and also preworkout, came home checked it again and it was 118. Is this normal? Or should I go see a doctor about prediabetic? I’m concerned and wondering if I need to just stop the use of gh. I don’t want to end up being a diabetic. Sorry if this is a dumb question. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
@mands what're your thoughts man?
Also, does the glucose numbers go down after eating? I thought they increased? I barely eat any sugars either. Diet is pretty good. Lean meats veggies and carb 6-7 times a day. Off days I get a cheat meal to substitute for one of my meals.
Fasted is 8 - 10 hours? Correct? Maybe I should get bloods done. I got them done about 2 months ago and everything was perfect.
Have u calibrated your meter? There is a sugar liquid you use to calibrate the meter and make sure its giving a good reading.

Also try getting blood from other areas besides fingertips. I sometimes get real high reading from my fingertips that are super inconsistent.
Where else can I draw blood from other than my fingers? And I didn’t know I could or needed to calibrate it. I just got it yesterday. They don’t come already calibrated?
Have u calibrated your meter? There is a sugar liquid you use to calibrate the meter and make sure its giving a good reading.

Also try getting blood from other areas besides fingertips. I sometimes get real high reading from my fingertips that are super inconsistent.
@Methyl Mike it might not be calibrated. Or maybe need a new one? My gf is in prep right now and her fasted blood glucose was 100 this morning. She’s not on any drugs. I don’t know if that’s out of range either or so figured I’d throw that info in too.
Where do I get this sugar liquid to calibrate it? It’s weird that a couple months ago my blood work was near perfect including bp. And now the meter is saying I’m prediabetic. Any more help much appreciated. Thanks yall!
Where else can I draw blood from other than my fingers? And I didn’t know I could or needed to calibrate it. I just got it yesterday. They don’t come already calibrated?
If its a reli-on like i have call the phone number on the box to get a free calibration solution. Just to be sure the machine works right.

You can get blood anywhere lol. Vary draw sites see if you get any variance in readings.
@Methyl Mike it might not be calibrated. Or maybe need a new one? My gf is in prep right now and her fasted blood glucose was 100 this morning. She’s not on any drugs. I don’t know if that’s out of range either or so figured I’d throw that info in too.
Where do I get this sugar liquid to calibrate it? It’s weird that a couple months ago my blood work was near perfect including bp. And now the meter is saying I’m prediabetic. Any more help much appreciated. Thanks yall!
100 is high if fasted and not already a type 2. In fact two readings of 120 or higher is how a dr would diagnose you having type 2 diabetes. 100 is pre diabetic.

Get a different blood glucose reader imo. Theyre cheap enuf.
Also #1 keep your test strips super clean #2 you know how the test strips work right? Get a drop of blood after lancing and with the test strip in the machine asking for blood put the strip next to blood drop and osmotic action will suck the blood up the test strip.

You do have to do the process correct to.get a proper reading. Dont drop blood onto the test strip or anything.
@Methyl Mike it might not be calibrated. Or maybe need a new one? My gf is in prep right now and her fasted blood glucose was 100 this morning. She’s not on any drugs. I don’t know if that’s out of range either or so figured I’d throw that info in too.
Where do I get this sugar liquid to calibrate it? It’s weird that a couple months ago my blood work was near perfect including bp. And now the meter is saying I’m prediabetic. Any more help much appreciated. Thanks yall!
Try some R Lipoic Acid. Take 1200mg. This is a good brand and the one I use.
So I have a question/concern. I’m still getting to know how gh works in the body. I was wondering if you all have experienced blood glucose in the mornings high than normal range? Mine was 126 this morning. Hadn’t eaten anything since 9:30 last night. Checked it around 6:30 this morning. Only doing 2 - 3 iu for 3 weeks now. Also, I went to the gym at 7. Ate - had my RKT during gym session and also preworkout, came home checked it again and it was 118. Is this normal? Or should I go see a doctor about prediabetic? I’m concerned and wondering if I need to just stop the use of gh. I don’t want to end up being a diabetic. Sorry if this is a dumb question. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
way too high for morning fasted, I'd use some metformin or berberine but I'd definitely hop off and see if ur morning fasted drops.

Im not an expert on insulin levels though.
way too high for morning fasted, I'd use some metformin or berberine but I'd definitely hop off and see if ur morning fasted drops.

Im not an expert on insulin levels though.
Hey whats the verdict on berberine? I jave a bottle and stopped using it when I saw a thread on here saying it lowers igf1?

start training fasted and having no intra

supplement extra magnesium

remove carbs from your last meal, replace the cals with fat

do 20-30min cardio before bed 1hr after last meal

use slow digesting carbs like oats, whole wheat breads or bran cereals

don’t eat anything super sugary that will cause a rapid spike in insulin, not even postworkout. So hold off on the RKTs till you get this under control

cardio will be the main thing.

also I didn’t see when your dosing your gh, but here’s the jist with that from personal experience

single dose am - 7/10 will hurt bs
Single dose pm - 9/10 will hurt bs
Split dose - 10/10 will hurt bs
IIIFFF not doing proper cardio and food choices at the correct time

and if you want to continue the gh during the correction 2iu single dose am pre fasted training is amazing for staying in healthy bs regulating

start training fasted and having no intra

supplement extra magnesium

remove carbs from your last meal, replace the cals with fat

do 20-30min cardio before bed 1hr after last meal

use slow digesting carbs like oats, whole wheat breads or bran cereals

don’t eat anything super sugary that will cause a rapid spike in insulin, not even postworkout. So hold off on the RKTs till you get this under control

cardio will be the main thing.

also I didn’t see when your dosing your gh, but here’s the jist with that from personal experience

single dose am - 7/10 will hurt bs
Single dose pm - 9/10 will hurt bs
Split dose - 10/10 will hurt bs
IIIFFF not doing proper cardio and food choices at the correct time

and if you want to continue the gh during the correction 2iu single dose am pre fasted training is amazing for staying in healthy bs regulating
Who is this "kardio" of whom you speak and what is his cost?