Im going to go get a new monitor today after work. I think the monitor is messed up. My gf read 108 fasted. And she not on any drugs. And definitely not diabetic.
I was JUST going to tell you to try that first. Good idea?!

For reference yes your sugars can and likely will be elevated from GH. my pre GH fasted is low 70s upper 60s but on GH fasted is in the low 80s.

Hope that helps.
Ok sounds like you have the process correct.

For the time being lets hop off GH completely and keep an eye on sugars every morning for a few days. If the GH is the culprit your sugars should improve. If not, schedule an appt with your pcp.

I did forget to ask something pivotal, does diabetes run in your family? Mom dad etc do either of them have it?
No. No one has diabetes in my family. Do you think the purples are different than the greys?
I was JUST going to tell you to try that first. Good idea?!

For reference yes your sugars can and likely will be elevated from GH. my pre GH fasted is low 70s upper 60s but on GH fasted is in the low 80s.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for your help and advice/suggestions. Much appreciated.
I came completely off, the side effects of that last blast was was a full time job. That was the most I have ever done and will never do it like that ever again. 6 weeks of 20iu gh every day with insulin. Yea it was a mess fighting water retention with carb cycling, taking cialis to keep blood pressure down, swollen ankles, developed sleep apnea, my breath got heavy, CTS to the point the pain would wake me up every couple hours in the night and that’s how the last 2 weeks of the 6 finished. Complete mess, counter productive, not worth it. So I’d say this 2 week blast of 20iu every other day went good besides the blood sugar creeping up. This time going to cut it back to 2iu a day see if we can get it down.

I just did 2 weeks lf 12ius EOD and the sides crept up until unbearable. Mostly just pain in my hands to the point i couldnt make a fist at all. Last 12iu shot was 4 days ago cut dose to 6ius 2 days ago tonight did only 3 and will stay with 3 until pain clears up. Today ive seen improvement! Oh sweet Lord yes! I can make a fist again with some effort and discomfort. Ive been in so much pain its insane.

Can y’all share your igf numbers? Kinda curious
@mands what're your thoughts man?
@Boosy087 where is your blood glucose levels normally without gear or gh?

Did you take it a second time in the morning after you got 126? Is your meter calibrated correctly? After your meal it was 116 and gym I'm reading?

Something seems a little off. I would suggest getting blood work and checking your A1C levels checked as well.

Disregard I'm late to the party. Just read through the rest of the posts. :)

@Boosy087 where is your blood glucose levels normally without gear or gh?

Did you take it a second time in the morning after you got 126? Is your meter calibrated correctly? After your meal it was 116 and gym I'm reading?

Something seems a little off. I would suggest getting blood work and checking your A1C levels checked as well.

Disregard I'm late to the party. Just read through the rest of the posts. :)

Nice to see you anyway champ.
Im going to go get a new monitor today after work. I think the monitor is messed up. My gf read 108 fasted. And she not on any drugs. And definitely not diabetic.
I've always found the home monitor as reading high. I have two and they both are very consistent but when I get an actual blood test it can measure literally 25 points lower. For instance, right now I consistently over a 100. Maybe 110, 115 at home. My blood test just a few weeks ago came back as 91,

I do the home test for the monitor's accuracy mentioned earlier and it comes back within range but it's a wide range. I still watch it though. Insulin insensitivity increase with age no matter what you do. Just eating for decades and decades your body just becomes less efficient at everything. Maybe if you go Keto permanently that might mitigate the insensitivity but I thing it might cause other issues.
Can y’all share your igf numbers? Kinda curious
Yea the hands can get pretty bad, I would run cold water over them to alleviate the pain. It seems to me the CTS or the pain in the hands go away or get less every time I blast. This last run 20iu EOD my hands didn’t feel a thing no pain no numbness at all, when in the past it took a lot less to experience the pain. Not sure how that works but over time it has been less and less. Can’t deny the 3D look at higher doses. Good luck with that brother.
Yea the hands can get pretty bad, I would run cold water over them to alleviate the pain. It seems to me the CTS or the pain in the hands go away or get less every time I blast. This last run 20iu EOD my hands didn’t feel a thing no pain no numbness at all, when in the past it took a lot less to experience the pain. Not sure how that works but over time it has been less and less. Can’t deny the 3D look at higher doses. Good luck with that brother.
Small amounts of slin helped my hands. That and cutting my gh down to nothing. I see steady improvement. 3ius EOD.
Yea the hands can get pretty bad, I would run cold water over them to alleviate the pain. It seems to me the CTS or the pain in the hands go away or get less every time I blast. This last run 20iu EOD my hands didn’t feel a thing no pain no numbness at all, when in the past it took a lot less to experience the pain. Not sure how that works but over time it has been less and less. Can’t deny the 3D look at higher doses. Good luck with that brother.
Today and yesterday Ive tried wet sauna. Works good so far. I can clench and unclench my hands again. It still hurts a bit, but before I couldnt even curl my fingers. Pain or not wasnt happening.
Today and yesterday Ive tried wet sauna. Works good so far. I can clench and unclench my hands again. It still hurts a bit, but before I couldnt even curl my fingers. Pain or not wasnt happening.

Man there has to be a diminishing returns to GH when I see this 20iu a day stuff and then complaining of the brutal side effects. At some point there has to be a fall off point to the amount of GH you are blasting and that goes for side effects, long term health, and gains, no?
Man there has to be a diminishing returns to GH when I see this 20iu a day stuff and then complaining of the brutal side effects. At some point there has to be a fall off point to the amount of GH you are blasting and that goes for side effects, long term health, and gains, no?
Yeah, I didnt know. I just had this nice stockpile of GH and experimented.
Man there has to be a diminishing returns to GH when I see this 20iu a day stuff and then complaining of the brutal side effects. At some point there has to be a fall off point to the amount of GH you are blasting and that goes for side effects, long term health, and gains, no?
100% true in my experience. I feel I get the same result or positive effects of gh at 20iu EOD as 20 everyday with out the sides except. Controlling blood sugar is still a problem. In two weeks I put 15 pounds of weight on, obviously not muscle mass. But surely carbs and water considering I went from a low carb diet to high carb and insulin, plus water retention but not puffy at all. Not sure how true but have read and Been told that high dose gh alows you to achieve hyperplasia which is dividing one big muscle cell into two small cells and won’t see the gain until the following year until you develop the smaller cells. Like I said I can’t say it’s true obviously a guy like rich piana would likely be an example. This is my first year doing 20 unit blast, in a year if I’m 20 or 30 pounds heavier of actual lean muscle tissue that I own and not water retention or blown up from D-ball or anadrol or anything that puts on artificial weight I will testify. Like I said I don’t know. If anyone has experience or researched based info that would be great.
100% true in my experience. I feel I get the same result or positive effects of gh at 20iu EOD as 20 everyday with out the sides except. Controlling blood sugar is still a problem. In two weeks I put 15 pounds of weight on, obviously not muscle mass. But surely carbs and water considering I went from a low carb diet to high carb and insulin, plus water retention but not puffy at all. Not sure how true but have read and Been told that high dose gh alows you to achieve hyperplasia which is dividing one big muscle cell into two small cells and won’t see the gain until the following year until you develop the smaller cells. Like I said I can’t say it’s true obviously a guy like rich piana would likely be an example. This is my first year doing 20 unit blast, in a year if I’m 20 or 30 pounds heavier of actual lean muscle tissue that I own and not water retention or blown up from D-ball or anadrol or anything that puts on artificial weight I will testify. Like I said I don’t know. If anyone has experience or researched based info that would be great.
I do agree that you need the higher doses for actual growth instead of just the fatloss/life enhancements of GH at the lower doses but rich piana is a horrible example he was half oil at the end.

For sure the higher doses are required and do enable that growth just look at people like Phil heath's damn head/face structure now compared to when he turned Pro.

Then again I can't speak from first hand accounts I've never gone over a nice little boy dose of 2-3 iu.
I do agree that you need the higher doses for actual growth instead of just the fatloss/life enhancements of GH at the lower doses but rich piana is a horrible example he was half oil at the end.

For sure the higher doses are required and do enable that growth just look at people like Phil heath's damn head/face structure now compared to when he turned Pro.

Then again I can't speak from first hand accounts I've never gone over a nice little boy dose of 2-3 iu.