Don’t be man, you won’t lol it’ll only do good
Says the 205lber. Im 2 inches taller and 50lbs heavier. I am terrified to lose anything. I ate so.much fucking food. Injected steroids into my body. Swallowed handfuls of various sleeping pills and have suffered immense pain 24/7 in my hands to get it.
My hands went numb off and on and then WHAM numb at all times. Keep an eye on that.
Yea that's where I'm at right now, constantly sleepy feeling all the time in right hand/fingers and now tingly in my left hand too..
I'm 6-7iu a day.
Think I'm gonna try every other day with the shots.
See if that helps with numbness in my hands.
I'm on my second kit of Opti.
Yea that's where I'm at right now, constantly sleepy feeling all the time in right hand/fingers and now tingly in my left hand too..
I'm 6-7iu a day.
Think I'm gonna try every other day with the shots.
See if that helps with numbness in my hands.
I'm on my second kit of Opti.
Did you slowly work up to that dose? I am not sure what experience you have with GH hence my asking.
How is it even possible to get fat running gh and gear? I feel mislead. Im dropping water so fast its making me wonder how much muscle have i really gained recently??? Any at all????
No not really lol
Wat should I do now, obviously cut down but to what you think?
Running 750mg of test e too
Was think on doing the gh every other day see if that helps..
I've heard doing it every other day is better so your body won't get immuned to the growth..
Any input or advice?
Says the 205lber. Im 2 inches taller and 50lbs heavier. I am terrified to lose anything. I ate so.much fucking food. Injected steroids into my body. Swallowed handfuls of various sleeping pills and have suffered immense pain 24/7 in my hands to get it.

Don’t hate on the shorter fellas hell I’m 5’4” on a good day and weighed 231 this morning
Was think on doing the gh every other day see if that helps..
I've heard doing it every other day is better so your body won't get immuned to the growth..
Any input or advice?

My last run was over a year every day pinning mostly 5iu to 6iu a few months at 3iu I believe….. pre blood before that put my igf numbers at 250’s. Highest igf during run was 707. I took off a little over three months and before the run I’m on now my preblood igf was 240’s so my body recovered nicely.


Average igf out of the 15 bloodworks were 560’s. I need to break it down into an excel graph
How is it even possible to get fat running gh and gear? I feel mislead. Im dropping water so fast its making me wonder how much muscle have i really gained recently??? Any at all????
The only part I love about loosing the water is my abs show up and realize I’ve burned more fat than I thought. As far as the muscle growth with the gh, how many muscle cells did you split. One big cell into two small so at the moment you won’t see that gain until you develop them. They say it take a about a year to see the permanent gain. A year from now you and me will both be able to testify if it’s BS or not.
Lots and lots of clean eating
Way ahead of you. I discovered this only a few months ago, and made the best progress of my life.

But im a twig compared to you 230 at 5ft4 is unreal! I need 270 to be on equalish footing. I bet you are strong as fuck.

I know you are very credible now. Most bbers refuse to learn. Its food. Food! Food makes the biggest difference. Drugs cant do anything without food. Food is not junk and sugar and candy and fast food either.
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I want freaky mass and i am willing to die trying
I will do whatever it takes
Whatever it takes is what I will do
Willing to die trying? Really?

I pulled the plug on my last bulk at 251 pounds because I was miserable, blood pressure was up, I was huffing and puffing. I decided I probably will not compete in 2021 as a result, and taking a break now for as long as I have, it looks like more of a certainty that I will not compete again this year.

It's not like I was going to make a living at this, and I have kids.

So with no worries about dying, I guess you are free to really push the envelope, right?

One thing I did find was that the more calories and the higher the hormones, the more I grew. I just did not like the effect on my cardiovascular system, and, unlike you, I was not willing to die trying. If I was, there is no telling how big I would be right now, and already cutting for a fall show. :p

So was that a serious statement, or hyperbole?

PS - @Mighty-mouse does not push the envelope on hormones at all.