Yea the hands can get pretty bad, I would run cold water over them to alleviate the pain. It seems to me the CTS or the pain in the hands go away or get less every time I blast. This last run 20iu EOD my hands didn’t feel a thing no pain no numbness at all, when in the past it took a lot less to experience the pain. Not sure how that works but over time it has been less and less. Can’t deny the 3D look at higher doses. Good luck with that brother.
20ius? Holy fuck [emoji23]
Been on opis for a month now worked my way up to 3ius a day going to keep it at that for the next 6 months. Can’t tell a difference from opis to the sero kits I have ran in the past. BF is dropping only negative side I am experiencing that I never had before is numb hands from time to time, any tricks to help with this? Getting bloodz pulled today to see where everything is at.
Been on opis for a month now worked my way up to 3ius a day going to keep it at that for the next 6 months. Can’t tell a difference from opis to the sero kits I have ran in the past. BF is dropping only negative side I am experiencing that I never had before is numb hands from time to time, any tricks to help with this? Getting bloodz pulled today to see where everything is at.
My hands went numb off and on and then WHAM numb at all times. Keep an eye on that.
Hey whats the verdict on berberine? I jave a bottle and stopped using it when I saw a thread on here saying it lowers igf1?
Why not just use metformin? For the healthy person it really doesn't have bad side affects. The studies were done on geriatrics. Old people and diabetics not healthy bodybuilders on growth hormone. If it gives you gas, take it at night.
Why not just use metformin? For the healthy person it really doesn't have bad side affects. The studies were done on geriatrics. Old people and diabetics not healthy bodybuilders on growth hormone. If it gives you gas, take it at night.
I saw some say its gtg some.say it lowers igf-1 etc. I will wait until I see more of a consensus that its safe to use for.bodybuilding.
Been on opis for a month now worked my way up to 3ius a day going to keep it at that for the next 6 months. Can’t tell a difference from opis to the sero kits I have ran in the past. BF is dropping only negative side I am experiencing that I never had before is numb hands from time to time, any tricks to help with this? Getting bloodz pulled today to see where everything is at.
The numb hands, good chance it will get worse until your body get gets used to it and will eventually go away until you up your dose again. Don’t let it get worse go 4iu every other day. It should go completely away, then stay there a while and eventually you should be able to go back to 3iu everyday with out a problem. My hands got really bad, so bad It took 3 weeks for it go away after being completely off. A lot of guys have had success starting a 1iu and increasing it 1iu every week or two. Your going to have to figure out what works for you, good luck buddy.
I saw some say its gtg some.say it lowers igf-1 etc. I will wait until I see more of a consensus that its safe to use for.bodybuilding.

The studies were done on natty individuals. Sure it may slightly lower igf1 but you’re taking hgh which increases igf1. Every time I’ve pulled labs while on hgh I was also taking metformin or berberine. I always still scored in the 1iu = 100 igf1 category.
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The numb hands, good chance it will get worse until your body get gets used to it and will eventually go away until you up your dose again. Don’t let it get worse go 4iu every other day. It should go completely away, then stay there a while and eventually you should be able to go back to 3iu everyday with out a problem. My hands got really bad, so bad It took 3 weeks for it go away after being completely off. A lot of guys have had success starting a 1iu and increasing it 1iu every week or two. Your going to have to figure out what works for you, good luck buddy.

That’s what I did, I started at 1iu for a week then went to 2iu and stayed at 2iu for 2 weeks bumped it to 3iu and the numbing hands started about 3 days ago. Figured I would just keep it at 3iu for a few weeks and see if it mellows out. Thanks man
The studies were done on natty individuals. Sure it may slightly lower igf1 but you’re taking hgh which increases igf1. Every time I’ve pulled labs while on hgh I was also taking metformin or berberine. I always still scored in the 1iu = 100 igf1 category.
Isn't 100 an extremely low igf number?

I do agree that it doesn't effect it like people think.
On The teamevilgsp members site Broderick talks a lot about it and how the increased insulin sensitivity far outweighs even if it did slightly lower the igf1 levels. Which like I said the studies are done with naturals and geriatrics. Unhealthy people with diabetes.
Isn't 100 an extremely low igf number?

Guess I should have been more clear.

1iu = 100igf1
2iu = 200igf1
3iu= 300igf1

I run hgh at 3iu - 5iu and when I pull labs my results for igf1 are x100 of my dose even while taking berberine or metformin.

Just thought it was silly for someone to avoid metformin or berberine because it may slightly lower igf1 when you’re taking something that increases it.
Guess I should have been more clear.

1iu = 100igf1
2iu = 200igf1
3iu= 300igf1

I run hgh at 3iu - 5iu and when I pull labs my results for igf1 are x100 of my dose even while taking berberine or metformin.

Just thought it was silly for someone to avoid metformin or berberine because it may slightly lower igf1 when you’re taking something that increases it.
Benefits to downsides I think people are overplaying any lowering of IGF if you are running GH imo. Berberine/metformin are a great addition especially if running GH.

Can't compare tests/results on non enhanced people and act like its gonna ruin your GH gainz.
Isn't 100 an extremely low igf number?

I do agree that it doesn't effect it like people think.
On The teamevilgsp members site Broderick talks a lot about it and how the increased insulin sensitivity far outweighs even if it did slightly lower the igf1 levels. Which like I said the studies are done with naturals and geriatrics. Unhealthy people with diabetes.
Met or berb?
Guess I should have been more clear.

1iu = 100igf1
2iu = 200igf1
3iu= 300igf1

I run hgh at 3iu - 5iu and when I pull labs my results for igf1 are x100 of my dose even while taking berberine or metformin.

Just thought it was silly for someone to avoid metformin or berberine because it may slightly lower igf1 when you’re taking something that increases it.
That may apply to you but it certainly isn't a rule of thumb.
Ok so hands are 5% better.

Question- once numbness subsides to.where i am comfortable starting GH back up again, how do.I proceed? The thought of going through this again is mortifying.
I did some last night. 30 min a day for now. Antsy because i havent pinned gh in several days and my body is deflating kinda. Losing water. And scared i will lose muscle doing cardio without gh.
I did some last night. 30 min a day for now. Antsy because i havent pinned gh in several days and my body is deflating kinda. Losing water. And scared i will lose muscle doing cardio without gh.
Deflate! Lol!! The story of my life in the gym lol! Bulking, trying to get big, then oh shit over shot my calories get fat. Now I got get on the get ripped program, then get n lean abs popping, oh shit now I’m losing my gains! Time to bulk again! Lol! We all know if you do loose gains it comes back over night we putting it back on. The key it as long as we don’t put fat back on with it. Insanity! We all crazy!
Deflate! Lol!! The story of my life in the gym lol! Bulking, trying to get big, then oh shit over shot my calories get fat. Now I got get on the get ripped program, then get n lean abs popping, oh shit now I’m losing my gains! Time to bulk again! Lol! We all know if you do loose gains it comes back over night we putting it back on. The key it as long as we don’t put fat back on with it. Insanity! We all crazy!
How is it even possible to get fat running gh and gear? I feel mislead. Im dropping water so fast its making me wonder how much muscle have i really gained recently??? Any at all????