After my last gh blast my fasted blood sugar almost up to 120. I went keto for a couple weeks, then after that added carb in around my work out and took a long acting basal insulin at night before bed. It took about a month to get back to normal.
I just did a two week blast as of yesterday, this time I did 20iu of gh every other day with insulin novelin R fast acting and this morning fasted blood sugar hit 101. Blood pressure is still normal and no CTS at all. Got geat sleep and mid second week everyone commenting on my shoulders looking big. Going to kick it down to 2iu everyday hoping to maintain and lower fasted blood sugar back to 85.
I just did a two week blast as of yesterday, this time I did 20iu of gh every other day with insulin novelin R fast acting and this morning fasted blood sugar hit 101. Blood pressure is still normal and no CTS at all. Got geat sleep and mid second week everyone commenting on my shoulders looking big. Going to kick it down to 2iu everyday hoping to maintain and lower fasted blood sugar back to 85.

20iu?! What in the Jesus fuck?! Since you’re all about wasting money, can I have some? Please?
I just got ahold of some carderine which I hear also lowers fasted blood sugar. I can’t testify of that but I will find out. If anyone has had any experience on that would appreciate their opinion.
I just got ahold of some carderine which I hear also lowers fasted blood sugar. I can’t testify of that but I will find out. If anyone has had any experience on that would appreciate their opinion.
If you’re worried about blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, pick up some Berberine. Been proven via studies to be just as effective as metformin without the negative side effects.
2-3 iu for 3 weeks should not have this result. What was your fasted blood glucose 3 weeks ago?

UPDATE, never mind, I see that you have no idea what your fasted blood glucose was.

So you don't know if this was an issue for you before the growth hormone. We don't know your labs or your body fat level or your diet. But everybody is dishing out advice like this guy has been on long term 15 iu daily.

start training fasted and having no intra

supplement extra magnesium

remove carbs from your last meal, replace the cals with fat

do 20-30min cardio before bed 1hr after last meal

use slow digesting carbs like oats, whole wheat breads or bran cereals

don’t eat anything super sugary that will cause a rapid spike in insulin, not even postworkout. So hold off on the RKTs till you get this under control

cardio will be the main thing.

also I didn’t see when your dosing your gh, but here’s the jist with that from personal experience

single dose am - 7/10 will hurt bs
Single dose pm - 9/10 will hurt bs
Split dose - 10/10 will hurt bs
IIIFFF not doing proper cardio and food choices at the correct time

and if you want to continue the gh during the correction 2iu single dose am pre fasted training is amazing for staying in healthy bs regulating
Nice write up. Thanks. I do split dosage. Around 7 am and 7-8 pm
2-3 iu for 3 weeks should not have this result. What was your fasted blood glucose 3 weeks ago?

UPDATE, never mind, I see that you have no idea what your fasted blood glucose was.

So you don't know if this was an issue for you before the growth hormone. We don't know your labs or your body fat level or your diet. But everybody is dishing out advice like this guy has been on long term 15 iu daily.
I always get my blood work done every 3 months or so. I just got it done about a month 1/2 ago. My labs came back damn near perfect even bp. I’ve never been even considered diabetic, ever. I’m 5’9 201 pounds 8% bf. My diet consists of lean meats, carbs (potatoes or rice) and a veggie on training days. And off days, the same except one meal is a cheat.
I know these people are giving me advice, maybe they just care for other people and their well being? Just a thought though.
After my last gh blast my fasted blood sugar almost up to 120. I went keto for a couple weeks, then after that added carb in around my work out and took a long acting basal insulin at night before bed. It took about a month to get back to normal.
Did you come off gh while you switched to keto? Or stayed on and did all of this?
Also, i just checked my glucose again just now, and two different readings one in my finger and one in my arm. Finger said 130 and arm said 158. Not really sure if that’s good or bad. I’ve never checked my glucose before though besides today.
2-3 iu for 3 weeks should not have this result. What was your fasted blood glucose 3 weeks ago?

UPDATE, never mind, I see that you have no idea what your fasted blood glucose was.

So you don't know if this was an issue for you before the growth hormone. We don't know your labs or your body fat level or your diet. But everybody is dishing out advice like this guy has been on long term 15 iu daily.

Uhhh… pretty much every single person can benefit from taking Berberine. I don’t know if I’m included in “every single person,” but your point is moot regarding my comment suggesting Berberine supplementation.
Also, i just checked my glucose again just now, and two different readings one in my finger and one in my arm. Finger said 130 and arm said 158. Not really sure if that’s good or bad. I’ve never checked my glucose before though besides today.
Please go over the process you use to check blood sugar. Leave nothing out (within reason)
Did you come off gh while you switched to keto? Or stayed on and did all of this?
I came completely off, the side effects of that last blast was was a full time job. That was the most I have ever done and will never do it like that ever again. 6 weeks of 20iu gh every day with insulin. Yea it was a mess fighting water retention with carb cycling, taking cialis to keep blood pressure down, swollen ankles, developed sleep apnea, my breath got heavy, CTS to the point the pain would wake me up every couple hours in the night and that’s how the last 2 weeks of the 6 finished. Complete mess, counter productive, not worth it. So I’d say this 2 week blast of 20iu every other day went good besides the blood sugar creeping up. This time going to cut it back to 2iu a day see if we can get it down.
I came completely off, the side effects of that last blast was was a full time job. That was the most I have ever done and will never do it like that ever again. 6 weeks of 20iu gh every day with insulin. Yea it was a mess fighting water retention with carb cycling, taking cialis to keep blood pressure down, swollen ankles, developed sleep apnea, my breath got heavy, CTS to the point the pain would wake me up every couple hours in the night and that’s how the last 2 weeks of the 6 finished. Complete mess, counter productive, not worth it. So I’d say this 2 week blast of 20iu every other day went good besides the blood sugar creeping up. This time going to cut it back to 2iu a day see if we can get it down.
I just did 2 weeks lf 12ius EOD and the sides crept up until unbearable. Mostly just pain in my hands to the point i couldnt make a fist at all. Last 12iu shot was 4 days ago cut dose to 6ius 2 days ago tonight did only 3 and will stay with 3 until pain clears up. Today ive seen improvement! Oh sweet Lord yes! I can make a fist again with some effort and discomfort. Ive been in so much pain its insane.
Try some R Lipoic Acid. Take 1200mg. This is a good brand and the one I use.
You're taking 1200mg of Na-R-Ala? That seems quite high, and quite expensive. Is there a study or something that used this amount? Presumably you're taking this as a bolus dose? Most advice/literature I've read suggests ~300mg prior to carb intake. One to two doses max per day.
For reference, I use 300mg Na-R-Ala, 1g ALCAR, and 1g Agmatine 15-30 minutes prior to my largest carb meal. Curious as to your reasoning for the 1200mg dose and if you're taking anything else for BG control and/or nutrient partioning.
You're taking 1200mg of Na-R-Ala? That seems quite high, and quite expensive. Is there a study or something that used this amount? Presumably you're taking this as a bolus dose? Most advice/literature I've read suggests ~300mg prior to carb intake. One to two doses max per day.
For reference, I use 300mg Na-R-Ala, 1g ALCAR, and 1g Agmatine 15-30 minutes prior to my largest carb meal. Curious as to your reasoning for the 1200mg dose and if you're taking anything else for BG control and/or nutrient partioning.
You're right. I read a bunch of studies (pubmed) etc, back when I was looking for something other than berberine or metformin. I just went back to look for what I read, and I'm not sure why I landed on 1200, other than I've always been a "If one is good, two is better" guy. The pubmed says 600, 1200, and 1800 were tested. All those dosages are safe, but 600 seems to be as effective as 1200 and 1800. My fasting bg was 84 on a blood draw about two weeks ago, and I'm taking 3.3IU of jins daily. I'm going to drop down to 600 (one pill), and I'm getting a full panel done in about two weeks. I'll report back. I'm not taking anything else for bg. Thanks for pointing that out. It will save me some money.
Please go over the process you use to check blood sugar. Leave nothing out (within reason)
This morning fasted, 9 hours since last meal, it read 109. I woke up washed my hands took the strip out of its container and placed it into the monitor. The monitor read the strip. I took out a lance put it into the device broke off the tip covering the needle. Put the device to my finger tip and pricked my finger. I then squeezed the area around the blood to draw out more of my blood from my fingertip. I then took the monitor with the strip in the abs placed the end of the strip next to to blood as the strips sucked the blood from my fingertip. It then started to countdown from 5 seconds and then read 109 on the monitor. Hope this helps.
This morning fasted, 9 hours since last meal, it read 109. I woke up washed my hands took the strip out of its container and placed it into the monitor. The monitor read the strip. I took out a lance put it into the device broke off the tip covering the needle. Put the device to my finger tip and pricked my finger. I then squeezed the area around the blood to draw out more of my blood from my fingertip. I then took the monitor with the strip in the abs placed the end of the strip next to to blood as the strips sucked the blood from my fingertip. It then started to countdown from 5 seconds and then read 109 on the monitor. Hope this helps.
Ok sounds like you have the process correct.

For the time being lets hop off GH completely and keep an eye on sugars every morning for a few days. If the GH is the culprit your sugars should improve. If not, schedule an appt with your pcp.

I did forget to ask something pivotal, does diabetes run in your family? Mom dad etc do either of them have it?