Willing to die trying? Really?

I pulled the plug on my last bulk at 251 pounds because I was miserable, blood pressure was up, I was huffing and puffing. I decided I probably will not compete in 2021 as a result, and taking a break now for as long as I have, it looks like more of a certainty that I will not compete again this year.

It's not like I was going to make a living at this, and I have kids.

So with no worries about dying, I guess you are free to really push the envelope, right?

One thing I did find was that the more calories and the higher the hormones, the more I grew. I just did not like the effect on my cardiovascular system, and, unlike you, I was not willing to die trying. If I was, there is no telling how big I would be right now, and already cutting for a fall show. :p

So was that a serious statement, or hyperbole?

PS - @Mighty-mouse does not push the envelope on hormones at all.
I speak from the heart Brother. This is my passion. Its something I have to do.

No kids no family.

I believe less is more with the hormones as well.

I carried 256 well no huffing puffing but now that I cut the GH temporarily and have begun to shed water in the near future im going to hit that weight without becoming a land whale in the process.

Eyeing a show nov 3rd
@malfeasance is there a direct correlation to dosages of anabolics and size? Irregardless of diet so lets assume i weigh x eating x cals daily, if i double my steroid intake without changing cals will i get bigger?
@malfeasance is there a direct correlation to dosages of anabolics and size? Irregardless of diet so lets assume i weigh x eating x cals daily, if i double my steroid intake without changing cals will i get bigger?

Waaay too many factors to be able to give a hard answer on X steroids equals X size. Genetics are a gigantic factor in this, it's why you see some gifted people just blow the fuck up on your average test only cycle or naturally look like their cranked.
So right now I pin 250mgs sustanon 200mgs primo 100mgs tren ace if i go to ed injections same doses what will happen?
Yes if you do diet A with exercise routine A, and run 500 mg test, the results will be better if running 2000 mg. But sides could be worse.
I did some last night. 30 min a day for now. Antsy because i havent pinned gh in several days and my body is deflating kinda. Losing water. And scared i will lose muscle doing cardio

Your not going to lose muscle lmao. You might lose a bit of that fullness feeling when dieting but thats it.

You have enough anabolics in your system to hold that tissue.

Alot of guys unfortunately think they are bigger than what they are. For example, in a offseason they carry more water and bodyfat (thinking its actual lean muscle tissue) and when they diet down, they see what true amount of lean muscle they really have.

I will say that on GH you deff do feel fuller when dieting which psychologically feels good when your calories are getting low. Not everyone likes that feeling super carb depleted, no pumps, and feeling the muscles like a flat tire.
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Waaay too many factors to be able to give a hard answer on X steroids equals X size. Genetics are a gigantic factor in this, it's why you see some gifted people just blow the fuck up on your average test only cycle or naturally look like their cranked.

Exactly! Too many variables and genetics is a huge factor.
Your not going to lose muscle lmao. You might lose a bit of that fullness feeling when dieting but thats it.

You have enough anabolics in your system to hold that tissue.

Alot of guys unfortunately think they are bigger than what they are. For example, in a offseason they carry more water and bodyfat (thinking its actual lean muscle tissue) and when they diet down, they see what true amount of lean muscle they really have.

I will say that on GH you deff do feel fuller when dieting which psychologically feels good when your dieting. Not everyone likes that feeling super carb depleted, no pumps, and feeling the muscles like a flat tire.
I liked being big and hard feeling that I got from the gh but it was all illusion. I was turning into a land whale.
I liked being big and hard feeling that I got from the gh but it was all illusion. I was turning into a land whale.

I never got the hard feeling on Gh, more fullness and slightly better pumps when dieting? Yes. I think that hardness is from the trenbolone?

Its still another good tool to use when dieting or prepping but its not the end all be all.

Deff helps thats for sure. Especially the quality Opti is putting out on a budget, else I would save your money on food and gear.

Some guys can use GH until the day of the show take a little diuretic carb up and look awesome, some other guys have to pull it out a week before to pull that last bit of water.

Depends how you respond

No variables and assume my genetic response is quite good. Diet training stay same. Double.gear intake what happens? I just cannot fathom that I would grow past what my food intake can suport.

I can only speak from my experience, when I would double my gear, for example when I cycled back then (600mg test/400mg primo)

I deff needed a much higher intake of carbs/ healthy fats to grow else I would feel flatter. Basically, the higher amount of test I ran I needed more food to support my growth but I would partition it more efficiently.

Off topic, but I love Primo in the offseason or in general. Such an underrated drug but you can recomp really nice on it especially in the offseason. Especially if you are naturally leaner guy genetically like myself.

Now on TRT dosages (180mg) weekly, I can still recomp and grow (much slower) but if I push the food too hard I would get softer easier.

I hope I explain my experience on a blast and now on TRT.
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254 on the scale.right now. What.the fuck? Inwas sure i had dropped 10lbs not 2. I feel.deflated but the scale says otherwise. I.look same in the mirror too. Is this all in mynhead?
254 on the scale.right now. What.the fuck? Inwas sure i had dropped 10lbs not 2. I feel.deflated but the scale says otherwise. I.look same in the mirror too. Is this all in mynhead?

100% do you have a second set of eyes watching you as you prep? When carbs get low, you feel like shit (brain fog and depression) from lack of serotonin, flat, you start underestimating your progress unless your macros are wayyy off.

Ive been depressed last couple days and everything

Could be the amount total calories/ carbs you are getting in, it could also be from the trenbolone too.

I hate Trenbolone. Yes, it does work (extremely well), but it would always trigger bad panic attacks for me. I tried it all too, smaller micro doses ed, and nope nothing..

Not worth it for me already feeling like shit with the amount of cardio, training, and low carbs and having panic attacks on top. The minute I pulled it out I felt soo much better.

Hope all is well Mike.

Stay safe
I speak from the heart Brother. This is my passion. Its something I have to do.

No kids no family.

I believe less is more with the hormones as well.

I carried 256 well no huffing puffing but now that I cut the GH temporarily and have begun to shed water in the near future im going to hit that weight without becoming a land whale in the process.

Eyeing a show nov 3rd
Mike I believe your bad ass M Effer and extremely motivating!! Keep kick n ass brother, the size your looking to achieve will eventually show with your type of mind set! And then you’ll want more!!! Lol!!
What do you think? Lol!!! Does quadruple the test make a difference without changing diet? Lol! That’s 2grams of test E a week buddy! Lol! Do you think I responded? And yes I’m sure many rip me for test levels that high.