I got the idea from Yates. He said in interview with Palumbo 8ius he used precontest the biggest gains he made was 16ius three times a week or EOD basically. He doesnt say all in one shot however and im wondering if thats best now tbh.


21:40 he goes into GH

You cannot compare his gains to 99.999% of the members of this forum. His diet, training, coaching, and everything is different.
I lied (because im a jerk) here we go with meal 7. 12oz tilapia veggies.

On the day
Half carton egg whites w 2 cups chopped oats and peach
10oz beef with rice with a peach
12oz tilapia w rice
12oz tilapia w rice
Container of Cottage cheese with pineapple
10oz beef with veggies and a peach
12oz tilapia with veggies

I am a slave to the kitchen. It aint the worst place to be.20210703_233902.jpg
The fat loss and muscle building has way to many factors to establish what is better eod or Ed. I have never seen a study where the same person running the same gear running the same diet has ever tested just switching growth injection times.

I have only ran one test and that was 15 weeks long running the same amount but switching to pinning in the morning and pinning 2 times a day.

Out of the 15 bloodworks pulled I averaged 90- 100 igf points higher pinning 2 times a day. I didn’t change anything but pin times.

I did notice a little bit more fat burning running all in the am but I did cardio so that could be a benefit as well.

Way to many variables. But if you know of a link I’m interested to read up on it.
One of the issues brought up is that because HGH raises blood sugar by taking multiple injects throughout the day your blood sugar is always elevated creating an environment more conducive to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes.

This would be the opposite of the theory behind intermittent fasting where your blood sugar is kept low for most of the day leading to being more insulin sensitive.
I lied (because im a jerk) here we go with meal 7. 12oz tilapia veggies.

On the day
Half carton egg whites w 2 cups chopped oats and peach
10oz beef with rice with a peach
12oz tilapia w rice
12oz tilapia w rice
Container of Cottage cheese with pineapple
10oz beef with veggies and a peach
12oz tilapia with veggies

I am a slave to the kitchen. It aint the worst place to be.View attachment 149389
How on earth do you find the time to eat let alone prepare all those meals? What do you do for a living? How do you space out those meals? Like what are the times during the day and night that you eat all these meals?
How on earth do you find the time to eat let alone prepare all those meals? What do you do for a living? How do you space out those meals? Like what are the times during the day and night that you eat all these meals?
The egg whites and oats i.blend together and drink.
The tilapia and rice takes about mmm 10-12 minutes to prepare and another
The steak i have marinating in a ziplock bag in the fridge so throw some.rice.or.potatoes in the microwave throw a steak on the skillet prep time same as tilapia. Same.time to eat it.

Im so hungry at all times if I don't eat I want to puke. Im serious. I get sick to my stomach.

I get my first meal in as soon as I wake up and get a glass.of water in me. The water is because when I wake im starving to the point I cant eat. Drinking water puts something in my stomach and I can function.

Meal spacing depends on appetite.

Im living on savings.

By my estimation my body is responding beyond expectations.
First thank you for your input and kind words. Both mean a great me.

I will be totally honest with you, aside from highly sporadic use here and there I am on my first legit cycle.

First off I have or had needle phobia. Something about Milos Sarcev nearly dying left a permanent "uh oh" in my.mind. Im terrified of needles to begin with so the story of him nearly dying makes the process a hundred times worse. I hallucinate I think the going to in my body requiring surgery etc.

2nd Ive tried to take bodybuilding serious many times and failed again and again. Some kind of mental block like its not exactly easy to accept that hey, I might actually be kinda good at this. All you hear is bbing is a pipe dream and having the genetics like winning the lottery. So i would get a few shots in and see changes in the mirror freaky changes that nobody would believe. Get scared or self destruct whatever you call it and fall apart.

Then came cocaine and meth followed. I tried over the years 30 attempts to get sober. 30 attempts i tried and failed but this year the 31st attempt I succeeded. My eyes are tearing up even writing this. 14 years of my life are gone man. Right now I have 4 months clean and its a dream come.true.

The size I have is mostly my foundation i built over a decade of dedicated training drug free. From the time I was 14 until mid late 20s. I think i was 26 when I started using cocaine.

When I got sober this year I had some test and tren i bought last year during failed attempt #30 and when I started I was close to 230 without drugs. Thats my foundation. Im always preaching put in the work before steroids and no one knows why. Thats why. I was 40 and recovering from meth addiction and my foundation was still there. It will always be there.

So i hopped on tren and test and not much happened at first. I was missing most of my shots and meals not taking it too serious. I got 5 kits from opti and gear from Trips and i dunno what happened but i looked in the mirror one day and say "You can do this"

Also something changed when I realized my sport was sliding downhill. Bodybuilding needs a worthy champion and I looked at the most recent pro shows and thought "hey I think I can beat these guys" so I went all out. I grew up, acted like this mattered because it does to me. It fucking sucks to see my sport in the shape that its in. Everyone thinking.drugs are the answer. The physiques onstage.get weaker and weaker. Modern.bodybuilding seems to revolve around drugs and sitting on one machine or another. What happened to hard work? And when these guys retire they evaporate into thin air (pun intended) why? No foundation.

My meals fell in line my training went back 20 years and I trained like I was a skinny nerd who used to get bullied and beat up at school..I think age is a factor im the type of person who performs nest under pressure. That cuts both ways tho, without it I have no desire.

I gained like 30+ lbs in 2 or 3 months recently. I guess all things considered its what you wod expect. Im my mind it was supposed to happen. I put in the work and the diet, the gains were supposed to be insane. Because I did it the right way.
Mike me too. Gym maniac from 14 to 22. Then meth, alcohol, Cocain, and opiates on and off since. Full blast doing drugs jail cells and hospitals or gym and Jesus. Haven’t used meth in 14 year, haven’t drank alcohol in 6 years, haven’t smoked weed in 4 years and got out of rehab for cocain 2 years now and praise God. I’ve never done anything half way wheather it be good or bad. So when I’m good many look up to me and even respect me. And when I’m bad it’s really bad and always ends in the worst. Used to be in great shape and good genetics as they would call it. 2013 got in a bad car accident. They said I would never walk again! But here I fuck n kill n it n the gym full blast on the Grace of God and making another run at it. Yea I shed tears reading your post cause I know. And I know many out there in chains to living the same struggle who are going to want what you got. Freedom from the curse. Keep it up many lives are at to your freedom. Your freedom will bring many out of the dark. Awesome thankful to know you. Your a rare breed! Lol!
Car accident 1 month before I got into another where I broke my feemer, pelvis in 3 places, broke both hips, broke 3 ribs, broke my back in 2 places and tore my sciatic nerve. March of 2013. Dr. Said I would never walk again.


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Mike me too. Gym maniac from 14 to 22. Then meth, alcohol, Cocain, and opiates on and off since. Full blast doing drugs jail cells and hospitals or gym and Jesus. Haven’t used meth in 14 year, haven’t drank alcohol in 6 years, haven’t smoked weed in 4 years and got out of rehab for cocain 2 years now and praise God. I’ve never done anything half way wheather it be good or bad. So when I’m good many look up to me and even respect me. And when I’m bad it’s really bad and always ends in the worst. Used to be in great shape and good genetics as they would call it. 2013 got in a bad car accident. They said I would never walk again! But here I fuck n kill n it n the gym full blast on the Grace of God and making another run at it. Yea I shed tears reading your post cause I know. And I know many out there in chains to living the same struggle who are going to want what you got. Freedom from the curse. Keep it up many lives are at to your freedom. Your freedom will bring many out of the dark. Awesome thankful to know you. Your a rare breed! Lol!
Glad to hear you recovered from the car accident. I find stories like that inspirational. The human spirit can do amazing things.

Thank you for the kind words they mean a lot to me. Best of luck with your training. Stay strong always and in all ways brother!
One of the issues brought up is that because HGH raises blood sugar by taking multiple injects throughout the day your blood sugar is always elevated creating an environment more conducive to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes.

This would be the opposite of the theory behind intermittent fasting where your blood sugar is kept low for most of the day leading to being more insulin sensitive.

But that’s just theory correct. I haven’t seen anyone performing a controlled test only changing the time of inject and leaving everything the same.
But that’s just theory correct. I haven’t seen anyone performing a controlled test only changing the time of inject and leaving everything the same.
Somehow I doubt it makes a huge difference due to the fact after pinning GHs effects are felt days after but I could be wrong.
New to the form. Currently running Supertropin 6iu first thing in the morning . Just order 2 kits from opti. From what I’m reading opti gh is way stronger