Excuse my ignorant question, but how are you going to do bodybuilding and drive a truck? It seems like that career is incompatible with success at bodybuilding.
Excuse my ignorant question, but how are you going to do bodybuilding and drive a truck? It seems like that career is incompatible with success at bodybuilding.
You would definitely need a lot of gym memberships across the country. Or get memberships at gyms that are like food chains. Planet fitness? Maybe n shape? That’s if your going to do long haul. If he keeps it local it would be easy. Haul milk for dairy men or commodities? Those are good paying jobs and most are union.
I don't have a better alternative?


If that is what makes you happy, if its just because of Bodybuilding, I disagree unfortunately. You can still go to school and live a life around bodybuilding.

Again, the 90s are over, major sponsors are not paying what they have in the past.

How many guys (Top pros) are switching sponsors because they are short changing the athlete.

Even amateurs today, working for free for protein powder.
Why? Lots of pros worked while an amateur and some even after becoming a pro.

Unless your savings is well into seven figures it will have a very short life. Then you will run out of options.

You are in that time of life when you should be building up your savings, not depleting it.

50s and 60s will be here before you know it.
Even after winning the Olympia two times, Ronnie was still working a full-time job. He said he did it because he loved it but maybe there was more to it as he said in a later video after he retired that he was so glad not to have to work that job again and will never go back. I think Ronnie, unlike a lot of bodybuilders, looked to the future. By riding out his time as a cop he would then guarantee himself a nice pension and, more importantly, as we look back, full medical coverage for life.

Methyl how old are you and can you post a recent pic?
I don't have a better alternative?

If you post a picture and your age you will get some seriously honest advice here about if this is a pipe dream mike. Unless you are a specialized well known coach or you have genetics of the gods, no amount of drugs usually does anything but shorten your life span and leave you heartbroken that you weren't the next Yates.

Some old timers here giving sound advice, it's just a plastic trophy in the end, don't mortgage the future on dreams like so many have done in the past.

That is not to say you can't pursue it but, depending on age and to be frank even overall look 99% of people on here can probably tell if you have the 1 in a million genetics and drug repaonse and I think deep down you know either way if you do too.

Influencers make the money these days not the monsters.
If you post a picture and your age you will get some seriously honest advice here about if this is a pipe dream mike. Unless you are a specialized well known coach or you have genetics of the gods, no amount of drugs usually does anything but shorten your life span and leave you heartbroken that you weren't the next Yates.

Some old timers here giving sound advice, it's just a plastic trophy in the end, don't mortgage the future on dreams like so many have done in the past.

That is not to say you can't pursue it but, depending on age and to be frank even overall look 99% of people on here can probably tell if you have the 1 in a million genetics and drug repaonse and I think deep down you know either way if you do too.

Influencers make the money these days not the monsters.
I'm 61 years old and have seen a few lives ruined by those who put all their eggs in the one bodybuilding basket. We are taught that champions are made and not born. That is a lie. Just like the lie that you can be anything you want to be. I remember Nasser saying that it was purely an American ideal and an unrealistic one at that. The fact is that what made a Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Ramy was not that trained any harder than their competition and took more drugs. They were genetically gifted. Sure there were more genetically gifted bodybuilders than Dorian but he was still in the elite, the top of the top in the genetic pool, and his discipline made the difference. But the genetics has to be there. Also, they were in the right circumstances. Just think of all the bodybuilders that didn't become Mr. Olympia and compare yourself with them: Shawn Ray, Nasser, Levrone, Kai Green, Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier... so much has to come together to be handed that trophy.

But people read about how someone won the lottery every month and think that could be me. Yes, it could, but chances are it won't. So you better have something to fall back on. A plan "B" which even John Meadows had no matter what it says on his shirt.

I remember a couple talented bodybuilders: Rod Koontz and John "Benny" Podda. Both had a passion for bodybuilding and devoted their lives to it. I knew Benny much better and watched with amazement what he was willing to put himself through. I once saw him doing squats with such intensity that it looked like his face was going to explode. Then while squeezing out yet another rep blood just shot out from his nose.

Rod became homeless living under the steps of the local library muttering to himself about Weider owing him money. In his day he was quite the pussy magnet. He was tall and had classic good looks. And there he was sitting on a blanket in the dirt just unrecognizable. Wild long hair, beard, skinny, disheveled, dirty tore clothes, just reeked of that sour body odor that one gets when they haven't bathed in months.

Benny struck me as very intelligent and had a great sense of humor. He was a Sicilian and just had this tough, rugged, badass aura about him though he never did that mean-mugging tough guy act that so many do in gyms. That guy was a psycho in the gym. Never have I seen anyone train with such intensity. When I compare him to guys like Dillet, Flex, Cormier, Baker... when I trained at Golds during the early to mid-nineties, he made those guys look like they were sleepwalking. Especially Dillet. Watch Dillet, a true freak of nature, and Benny train, and then try to convince yourself that genetics don't matter. That if you just work hard enough and want it enough you will be a champ.

Last heard Benny was living alone in a cave, yes a cave, on an Indian Reservation. A reporter went out to meet him for an interview.

But I guess this is nothing compared to you that are willing to die for bodybuilding.
To devote all of your energies to the way your body looks. To have your life on the line each time you stand before seven -- counting only five of the votes -- deciding that they like the way you look with your big muscles.

What a perspective you have on life. Maybe there are other issues in the subconscious that need to be addressed.


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I'm 61 years old and have seen a few lives ruined by those who put all their eggs in the one bodybuilding basket. We are taught that champions are made and not born. That is a lie. Just like the lie that you can be anything you want to be. I remember Nasser saying that it was purely an American ideal and an unrealistic one at that. The fact is that what made a Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Ramy was not that trained any harder than their competition and took more drugs. They were genetically gifted. Sure there were more genetically gifted bodybuilders than Dorian but he was still in the elite, the top of the top in the genetic pool, and his discipline made the difference. But the genetics has to be there. Also, they were in the right circumstances. Just think of all the bodybuilders that didn't become Mr. Olympia and compare yourself with them: Shawn Ray, Nasser, Levrone, Kai Green, Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier... so much has to come together to be handed that trophy.

But people read about how someone won the lottery every month and think that could be me. Yes, it could, but chances are it won't. So you better have something to fall back on. A plan "B" which even John Meadows had no matter what it says on his shirt.

I remember a couple talented bodybuilders: Rod Koontz and John "Benny" Podda. Both had a passion for bodybuilding and devoted their lives to it. I knew Benny much better and watched with amazement what he was willing to put himself through. I once saw him doing squats with such intensity that it looked like his face was going to explode. Then while squeezing out yet another rep blood just shot out from his nose.

Rod became homeless living under the steps of the local library muttering to himself about Weider owing him money. In his day he was quite the pussy magnet. He was tall and had classic good looks. And there he was sitting on a blanket in the dirt just unrecognizable. Wild long hair, beard, skinny, disheveled, dirty tore clothes, just reeked of that sour body odor that one gets when they haven't bathed in months.

Benny struck me as very intelligent and had a great sense of humor. He was a Sicilian and just had this tough, rugged, badass aura about him though he never did that mean-mugging tough guy act that so many do in gyms. That guy was a psycho in the gym. Never have I seen anyone train with such intensity. When I compare him to guys like Dillet, Flex, Cormier, Baker... when I trained at Golds during the early to mid-nineties, he made those guys look like they were sleepwalking. Especially Dillet. Watch Dillet, a true freak of nature, and Benny train, and then try to convince yourself that genetics don't matter. That if you just work hard enough and want it enough you will be a champ.

Last heard Benny was living alone in a cave, yes a cave, on an Indian Reservation. A reporter went out to meet him for an interview.

But I guess this is nothing compared to you that are willing to die for bodybuilding.
To devote all of your energies to the way your body looks. To have your life on the line each time you stand before seven -- counting only five of the votes -- deciding that they like the way you look with your big muscles.

What a perspective you have on life. Maybe there are other issues in the subconscious that need to be addressed.

I wish you would post more often. This stuff is gold.
I'm 61 years old and have seen a few lives ruined by those who put all their eggs in the one bodybuilding basket. We are taught that champions are made and not born. That is a lie. Just like the lie that you can be anything you want to be. I remember Nasser saying that it was purely an American ideal and an unrealistic one at that. The fact is that what made a Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Ramy was not that trained any harder than their competition and took more drugs. They were genetically gifted. Sure there were more genetically gifted bodybuilders than Dorian but he was still in the elite, the top of the top in the genetic pool, and his discipline made the difference. But the genetics has to be there. Also, they were in the right circumstances. Just think of all the bodybuilders that didn't become Mr. Olympia and compare yourself with them: Shawn Ray, Nasser, Levrone, Kai Green, Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier... so much has to come together to be handed that trophy.

But people read about how someone won the lottery every month and think that could be me. Yes, it could, but chances are it won't. So you better have something to fall back on. A plan "B" which even John Meadows had no matter what it says on his shirt.

I remember a couple talented bodybuilders: Rod Koontz and John "Benny" Podda. Both had a passion for bodybuilding and devoted their lives to it. I knew Benny much better and watched with amazement what he was willing to put himself through. I once saw him doing squats with such intensity that it looked like his face was going to explode. Then while squeezing out yet another rep blood just shot out from his nose.

Rod became homeless living under the steps of the local library muttering to himself about Weider owing him money. In his day he was quite the pussy magnet. He was tall and had classic good looks. And there he was sitting on a blanket in the dirt just unrecognizable. Wild long hair, beard, skinny, disheveled, dirty tore clothes, just reeked of that sour body odor that one gets when they haven't bathed in months.

Benny struck me as very intelligent and had a great sense of humor. He was a Sicilian and just had this tough, rugged, badass aura about him though he never did that mean-mugging tough guy act that so many do in gyms. That guy was a psycho in the gym. Never have I seen anyone train with such intensity. When I compare him to guys like Dillet, Flex, Cormier, Baker... when I trained at Golds during the early to mid-nineties, he made those guys look like they were sleepwalking. Especially Dillet. Watch Dillet, a true freak of nature, and Benny train, and then try to convince yourself that genetics don't matter. That if you just work hard enough and want it enough you will be a champ.

Last heard Benny was living alone in a cave, yes a cave, on an Indian Reservation. A reporter went out to meet him for an interview.

But I guess this is nothing compared to you that are willing to die for bodybuilding.
To devote all of your energies to the way your body looks. To have your life on the line each time you stand before seven -- counting only five of the votes -- deciding that they like the way you look with your big muscles.

What a perspective you have on life. Maybe there are other issues in the subconscious that need to be addressed.
Very informative and a lot of truth and a lot of good advice but in today’s era There are many that commit their lives to the sport and don’t win the Olympia and don’t have the genetics to do so and don’t end up on the street or have ruined their lives but get WEALTHY do to their social media following or platform. They sell diet and work out programs even supplements, let alone all the money they make with YouTube Instagram tiktok or what ever. Things are very different now and I know the ultimate goal for anyone would be to win the Olympia but you can still be very successful in this industry the way things are now.
Very informative and a lot of truth and a lot of good advice but in today’s era There are many that commit their lives to the sport and don’t win the Olympia and don’t have the genetics to do so and don’t end up on the street or have ruined their lives but get WEALTHY do to their social media following or platform. They sell diet and work out programs even supplements, let alone all the money they make with YouTube Instagram tiktok or what ever. Things are very different now and I know the ultimate goal for anyone would be to win the Olympia but you can still be very successful in this industry the way things are now.
True. There are so many more opportunities to make a handsome living in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. If you know how to market yourself and have a strong social media presence. That's not easy and requires a lot of time and energy and, more importantly, talent to keep people interested in you.

And you're right, you don't have to win the Olympia to also make a good living. Shawn Ray, Flex Wheeler, Levrone... all seem to do well financially while competing because they were still in the elite and got those contracts and sponsorships. But after their relatively short careers, they have no pension, no medical, no retirement. Some like Shawn Ray and Bob Chic have been about to remain in the industry and do well but they are rare. One of the best examples is Jay Cutler, probably one of the smarter and certainly down-to-earth champions. From the very beginning, he was already planning and preparing for his future after he was done competing.

Go ahead and give your all to pursue your dreams but don't limit yourself to just one endeavor where success is such a long shot.
I'm 61 years old and have seen a few lives ruined by those who put all their eggs in the one bodybuilding basket. We are taught that champions are made and not born. That is a lie. Just like the lie that you can be anything you want to be. I remember Nasser saying that it was purely an American ideal and an unrealistic one at that. The fact is that what made a Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Ramy was not that trained any harder than their competition and took more drugs. They were genetically gifted. Sure there were more genetically gifted bodybuilders than Dorian but he was still in the elite, the top of the top in the genetic pool, and his discipline made the difference. But the genetics has to be there. Also, they were in the right circumstances. Just think of all the bodybuilders that didn't become Mr. Olympia and compare yourself with them: Shawn Ray, Nasser, Levrone, Kai Green, Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier... so much has to come together to be handed that trophy.

But people read about how someone won the lottery every month and think that could be me. Yes, it could, but chances are it won't. So you better have something to fall back on. A plan "B" which even John Meadows had no matter what it says on his shirt.

I remember a couple talented bodybuilders: Rod Koontz and John "Benny" Podda. Both had a passion for bodybuilding and devoted their lives to it. I knew Benny much better and watched with amazement what he was willing to put himself through. I once saw him doing squats with such intensity that it looked like his face was going to explode. Then while squeezing out yet another rep blood just shot out from his nose.

Rod became homeless living under the steps of the local library muttering to himself about Weider owing him money. In his day he was quite the pussy magnet. He was tall and had classic good looks. And there he was sitting on a blanket in the dirt just unrecognizable. Wild long hair, beard, skinny, disheveled, dirty tore clothes, just reeked of that sour body odor that one gets when they haven't bathed in months.

Benny struck me as very intelligent and had a great sense of humor. He was a Sicilian and just had this tough, rugged, badass aura about him though he never did that mean-mugging tough guy act that so many do in gyms. That guy was a psycho in the gym. Never have I seen anyone train with such intensity. When I compare him to guys like Dillet, Flex, Cormier, Baker... when I trained at Golds during the early to mid-nineties, he made those guys look like they were sleepwalking. Especially Dillet. Watch Dillet, a true freak of nature, and Benny train, and then try to convince yourself that genetics don't matter. That if you just work hard enough and want it enough you will be a champ.

Last heard Benny was living alone in a cave, yes a cave, on an Indian Reservation. A reporter went out to meet him for an interview.

But I guess this is nothing compared to you that are willing to die for bodybuilding.
To devote all of your energies to the way your body looks. To have your life on the line each time you stand before seven -- counting only five of the votes -- deciding that they like the way you look with your big muscles.

What a perspective you have on life. Maybe there are other issues in the subconscious that need to be addressed.
Can you rate my genetics in pms?
Is this dude known for not replying after you send funds? Paid for an overnight order and haven't heard anything since.

Also anyone else having issues with tapatalk?
Warning: On-Topic Post incoming...

Is anyone here aware of any (recent) 3rd party testing of the 120 greys? The most recent testing from opti-canada's thread showed 94% purity. Now, I know that's with Jano's new method, but it still seems low. Curious to compare it to any other tests on the 120 greys done with Jano's latest testing methodology.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Warning: On-Topic Post incoming...

Is anyone here aware of any (recent) 3rd party testing of the 120 greys? The most recent testing from opti-canada's thread showed 94% purity. Now, I know that's with Jano's new method, but it still seems low. Curious to compare it to any other tests on the 120 greys done with Jano's latest testing methodology.

Thanks in advance for any help.

I posted the most recent here it is Screenshot_20210311-033511.png
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My posts arent being posted for some reason so if there is more then one sorry.
Is this dude known for not replying after you send funds? Paid for an overnight order and haven't heard anything since.

Also anyone else having issues with tapatalk?
My posts arent being posted for some reason so if there is more then one sorry.
Is this dude known for not replying after you send funds? Paid for an overnight order and haven't heard anything since.

Also anyone else having issues with tapatalk?
my last order back in feb i told him i sent the payment and he confirmed he got it then said it would ship asap