Whose opinion do you desire? You obviously want feedback or you wouldn't be posting here. People generally like to be supportive and you'll always get compliments no matter what. I'm 61 years old and as you get older you get a more realistic perspective on life. I see it is not what you want to hear. OK, fair enough.
I get feedback from a few people via pm.
I appreciate that you are trying to help.
When I get my log going I would like to know what you think.
I'm never going to know for myself until I get onstage and at this point I will compete no matter what
If my cat dies I don't know what I will do, but barring that I should be onstage in november.
I get feedback from a few people via pm.
I appreciate that you are trying to help.
When I get my log going I would like to know what you think.
I'm never going to know for myself until I get onstage and at this point I will compete no matter what
If my cat dies I don't know what I will do, but barring that I should be onstage in november.
LOL @ "cat dies":D
Sam is getting sick again. Staying in the catbox not peeing or anything.
Hes been fine since getting out of the cat hospital. This.morning my housemate left for a week to fish in Alaska. If he were here I could borrow money to take Sam to the hospital if he needs to go.
But right screwed.
So convenient.

Tuesday i was to go give blood and the night before the screen went out on my phone. No problem, I have a desktop and housemate has a cell. In the morning my desktop would not boot up no idea why and housemate left his phone at his daughters.

Don't know what to think at this point.
Ok so finally gonna update. Not quit sure how long I been on lol but at least 6 months. I started at 2 iu and worked my way up to 10iu a day for the past month or so. Ive also been running 1500mg of test cyp a week ran 4 weeks of anadrol at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 100mg for the last 2. Now im on my final stretch of 1500mg a week test cyp and 700mg a week of tren a. I was at 195 kinda chubby abs barely ripped and lean at 225 hoping to add another 5 pounds before its over. Then Im gonna cruise on 5 iu a day 600mg test cyp. Before and after pics attached. Thanks opti! View attachment 149801View attachment 149802
Nice work getting lean. This is after a 1500mg a week cycle? Seems like a lot of gear
@janoshik hey Jano curious what's with the big difference in purity. Is this fluctuation with your new testing procedure? If it's the same batch, which opti claims , why the difference in purity
I'd really know as well.
Also is it possible to know from recent testing which generic tested the best?
I vaguely recall jano saying he wouldn't do that but maybe I'm wrong.
I gave Sammy the best life I possibly could every day for over 3 years. If I lose him it is what it is. I will be devastated but life goes on.
I'd really know as well.
Also is it possible to know from recent testing which generic tested the best?
I vaguely recall jano saying he wouldn't do that but maybe I'm wrong.
When my sample tested somebody said it was the best purity with the New testing method so far. Not sure if someone else beat it yet. I'm still unclear why he.chamged the testing procedure, if literally nobody else is doing it that way.
When my sample tested somebody said it was the best purity with the New testing method so far. Not sure if someone else beat it yet. I'm still unclear why he.chamged the testing procedure, if literally nobody else is doing it that way.
Jano is a chemist right? They are tough to figure out. Just nod in agreement and pretend you follow what he is saying.

Your sample was opti yes? Any idea what batch?
Nobody was or is testing purity + dimer at all, no?
Not currently, there is an industry standard though correct? I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel. If there ever is a new testing option it would be nice to be able to compare results right?
Not currently, there is an industry standard though correct? I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel. If there ever is a new testing option it would be nice to be able to compare results right?
If Janoshik was the only one (accessible to our community at least) that used the old method to determine purity, and is the only one using the new method to determine purity, can we really speak of an overall industry standard?

If the new method can detect impurities the old could not, you cannot compare results meaningfully, as two samples that tested 99% via the old method could have different amounts of impurities undetectable by that method, resulting in significantly different purity results by the new method.

Ultimately the products have not changed, we just have to adjust our interpretation of numbers and idea that 100% is always reachable.
The young man is willing to die nobly for his cause. The mature man would prefer instead to live humbly for his. Choose carefully which path you’d like to be on.
@Methyl Mike let me tell you that this wise man says the truth. You can believe me, bodybuilding also was my live before my heart issues. Ive trained daily, 3 days a week twice daily doing compound session in the morning (Deadlift day, Squat day and Bench Day) and a more hypertrophy session in the evening. I lived and breathed bodybuilding.
But once you get serious issues and you get over the initial "depression phase" where you think you rather be dead instead of dialing back on your lifestyle because it simply isnt possible anymore, you realize that there are other beautiful things in life. I still love to train, i still (or even more now) do my cardio, i still eat healthy. But i also enjoy taking my 3-4 rest days now. I love to take long walks in nature, enjoy walking through deep forests, enjoy being a lil bit more social again etc.
Bodybuilding is not worth dying for, trust me. And think about your beloved ones. They dont want you to be gone.
If Janoshik was the only one (accessible to our community at least) that used the old method to determine purity, and is the only one using the new method to determine purity, can we really speak of an overall industry standard?

If the new method can detect impurities the old could not, you cannot compare results meaningfully, as two samples that tested 99% via the old method could have different amounts of impurities undetectable by that method, resulting in significantly different purity results by the new method.

Ultimately the products have not changed, we just have to adjust our interpretation of numbers and idea that 100% is always reachable.
Has he explained the new process to anyone? Pharmacopeia had a set way of doing it. Why the need to reinvent the wheel? Also why are you answering for him? Let him explain his new process himself. Why the variation in two samples from the same batch?