My posts arent being posted for some reason so if there is more then one sorry.
Is this dude known for not replying after you send funds? Paid for an overnight order and haven't heard anything since.

Also anyone else having issues with tapatalk?
Not sure what you mean by " overnight order", but in my experience he has always confirmed that funds have been received.
Sorry I meant Express Priority. He's messaged me now but I needed to know if he made it out by the time we had discussed so I could make other arrangements for it to be picked up cause I'd be out of state. Just a lack of communication on his half imo but just gonna chalk it up as that and move on.
Can you rate my genetics in pms?
One can look at someone and determine their structural and physical flaws: height, clavicle width, bow legs, waist width, muscle inserts and lengths. Then there's one's response to training, nutrition, and PEDS. Olympians like Yates, Cutler, and Coleman notice from the beginning that they were naturally much stronger than everyone else in their gym. Some like Levrone and Health notice that their response to training was above average. They noticed that they just blew up faster than everyone else and even more so when they started using PEDS.

One has to be brutally honest and make an objective evaluation as to where one stands.
Ok so finally gonna update. Not quit sure how long I been on lol but at least 6 months. I started at 2 iu and worked my way up to 10iu a day for the past month or so. Ive also been running 1500mg of test cyp a week ran 4 weeks of anadrol at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 100mg for the last 2. Now im on my final stretch of 1500mg a week test cyp and 700mg a week of tren a. I was at 195 kinda chubby abs barely ripped and lean at 225 hoping to add another 5 pounds before its over. Then Im gonna cruise on 5 iu a day 600mg test cyp. Before and after pics attached. Thanks opti! Snapchat-372769729.jpg20210526_134504.jpg
Can I dilute sterile water with benzyl alcohol to make it bac water?
One can look at someone and determine their structural and physical flaws: height, clavicle width, bow legs, waist width, muscle inserts and lengths. Then there's one's response to training, nutrition, and PEDS. Olympians like Yates, Cutler, and Coleman notice from the beginning that they were naturally much stronger than everyone else in their gym. Some like Levrone and Health notice that their response to training was above average. They noticed that they just blew up faster than everyone else and even more so when they started using PEDS.

One has to be brutally honest and make an objective evaluation as to where one stands.
What heights are considered flaws? Im relatively sure I'm genetically gifted and intend on competing in mens physique/classic eventually.
One can look at someone and determine their structural and physical flaws: height, clavicle width, bow legs, waist width, muscle inserts and lengths. Then there's one's response to training, nutrition, and PEDS. Olympians like Yates, Cutler, and Coleman notice from the beginning that they were naturally much stronger than everyone else in their gym. Some like Levrone and Health notice that their response to training was above average. They noticed that they just blew up faster than everyone else and even more so when they started using PEDS.

One has to be brutally honest and make an objective evaluation as to where one stands.
My genetics are pretty good and for now that is all going to say.
Ok so finally gonna update. Not quit sure how long I been on lol but at least 6 months. I started at 2 iu and worked my way up to 10iu a day for the past month or so. Ive also been running 1500mg of test cyp a week ran 4 weeks of anadrol at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 100mg for the last 2. Now im on my final stretch of 1500mg a week test cyp and 700mg a week of tren a. I was at 195 kinda chubby abs barely ripped and lean at 225 hoping to add another 5 pounds before its over. Then Im gonna cruise on 5 iu a day 600mg test cyp. Before and after pics attached. Thanks opti! View attachment 149801View attachment 149802
Is this you ripped and lean at 225?
Can I dilute sterile water with benzyl alcohol to make it bac water?

What heights are considered flaws? Im relatively sure I'm genetically gifted and intend on competing in mens physique/classic eventually.
5'10" to 6'2" would be considered ideal for a bodybuilder. Remember. Very few don't have some structural and muscular flaws but are able to make up with it in other ways. Even Arnold had sloping shoulders but more than made up for it in other ways. Just off the top of my head, seeing him in person, I thought Bob Paris was pretty close to being flawless structurally and had ideal muscle lengths and tie-ins. He was also 5'11". For him, it was just a matter of maintaining the same proportions but bigger to beat Haney.


  • BobParis.jpg
    102.5 KB · Views: 24
Can I dilute sterile water with benzyl alcohol to make it bac water?

What heights are considered flaws? Im relatively sure I'm genetically gifted and intend on competing in mens physique/classic eventually.
Can you post a pic?

I realized that a lot of people get offended when making claims about themselves to post a pic. Like you are challenging them or calling B.S. I find this odd considering displaying your physique, all the work you put into this, is kind of the whole point. How many of you, even Methly Mike, would continue to bodybuild to the extent that you do even, hypothetically, you had everything anything available to you if you lived alone on a desert island?

Many of us are taught to not pay too much attention to what others say about you. How they judge and evaluate you -- even someone very close to you, though taken more seriously -- should not be taken to heart. As long as you are not hurting anybody, you just do what makes you happy. It's not what others think of you but what you think of yourself.

In bodybuilding, it is the exact opposite. You are completely at the mercy and whims of what others think about you. Your physique. You can admire yourself all you want and consider yourself a walking god but that's meaningless in competitive bodybuilding. To be successful you have to please others. And it's their opinion that matters more than yours. I really don't think that a majority of the bodybuilders today like the direction the sport has gone. Where you have to be at a size the human body was never meant to be. And you have to risk your health and your life getting to 300 lbs.
I've posted recent pics dig thru my posts if you want. I will post progress pics when I get around to it. But at the moment I'm watching one of my fave movies Shawshank Redemption.

God Bless
You have nearly 1,400 posts. Nobody is going to dig through all that just to find a pic of you when you can easily -- very easily -- just post a new or repost the one you have on your hard drive.

But I understand. When you say that you look at the current champs on the Olympic stage today and say to yourself, "I can beat those guys." And that you are willing to die for it. You better have something to die for. You set very high expectations for us.

You never answered my question about how old you are. That makes a huge difference. If you are 22 years old is a lot different than if you are 32 years old.

Also, how long have you been bodybuilding?
No idea, could be Jano's new testing protocol for all we know. It's the same batch, I think any idea would just be speculation
so you guys simply brush this off as "it is what it is"?
3% purity difference for sure shouldnt be janos tolerance regarding this. Also, over 1iu difference in content is also not what i would expect from a GMP factory made hgh?
Experimenting with Lantus and humulin r learning my body. Worked up to 60ius Lantus and small doses of humulin during the day 6iu at a time. When my body is in balance my hands aren't numb. I'm close to the magic numbers I think.
Running 4ius gh Ed right now.
You have nearly 1,400 posts. Nobody is going to dig through all that just to find a pic of you when you can easily -- very easily -- just post a new or repost the one you have on your hard drive.

But I understand. When you say that you look at the current champs on the Olympic stage today and say to yourself, "I can beat those guys." And that you are willing to die for it. You better have something to die for. You set very high expectations for us.

You never answered my question about how old you are. That makes a huge difference. If you are 22 years old is a lot different than if you are 32 years old.

Also, how long have you been bodybuilding?
I will post progress pics here when I start my log. As requested in another thread.

No disrespect but I do not desire your opinion. You are free to comment and I will always take what you say into consideration but at the end of the day I am going to do what I think is right. With or without your approval.
I will post progress pics here when I start my log. As requested in another thread.

No disrespect but I do not desire your opinion. You are free to comment and I will always take what you say into consideration but at the end of the day I am going to do what I think is right. With or without your approval.
Whose opinion do you desire? You obviously want feedback or you wouldn't be posting here. People generally like to be supportive and you'll always get compliments no matter what. I'm 61 years old and as you get older you get a more realistic perspective on life. I see it is not what you want to hear. OK, fair enough.