Says the 205lber. Im 2 inches taller and 50lbs heavier. I am terrified to lose anything. I ate so.much fucking food. Injected steroids into my body. Swallowed handfuls of various sleeping pills and have suffered immense pain 24/7 in my hands to get it.
What are your stats?
Car accident 1 month before I got into another where I broke my feemer, pelvis in 3 places, broke both hips, broke 3 ribs, broke my back in 2 places and tore my sciatic nerve. March of 2013. Dr. Said I would never walk again.
Holy shit that photo. A lot of ex addicts jump to BB and steroids aa a release but just try not to overdo this as well richard, 20iu a day is kind of insanity and although AAS is definitely healthier than your old life it can be unhealthy when you push the envelope that hard.
Thats a nutty reading. Must have been.insane gains.
I’ve always been a believer in a TRT dose of test with no AI and letting what ever compound I’m stacking with it make the gains being side effect free. I have friends that swear by high test. First time ever doing that much 2G’s a week. I did it when I was deflating from cutting out the GH. I went from 250 to 230 and my health markers improved and my strength went up. AST ALT went back to normal and my creatinine significantly decreased along with my bun. And I donated blood 2 days ago. I’m going TRT now 150 test a week with GH. Plan on going back on in a couple months. My next blast or cycle I will post progress pics.
I’ve always been a believer in a TRT dose of test with no AI and letting what ever compound I’m stacking with it make the gains being side effect free. I have friends that swear by high test. First time ever doing that much 2G’s a week. I did it when I was deflating from cutting out the GH. I went from 250 to 230 and my health markers improved and my strength went up. AST ALT went back to normal and my creatinine significantly decreased along with my bun. And I donated blood 2 days ago. I’m going TRT now 150 test a week with GH. Plan on going back on in a couple months. My next blast or cycle I will post progress pics.
Im scheduled to give blood tuesday actually.
Why exactly did you jump to 2gs?
The egg whites and oats i.blend together and drink.
The tilapia and rice takes about mmm 10-12 minutes to prepare and another
The steak i have marinating in a ziplock bag in the fridge so throw some.rice.or.potatoes in the microwave throw a steak on the skillet prep time same as tilapia. Same.time to eat it.

Im so hungry at all times if I don't eat I want to puke. Im serious. I get sick to my stomach.

I get my first meal in as soon as I wake up and get a glass.of water in me. The water is because when I wake im starving to the point I cant eat. Drinking water puts something in my stomach and I can function.

Meal spacing depends on appetite.

Im living on savings.

By my estimation my body is responding beyond expectations.
Well, no one can say you are not committed. A bodybuilder's life really changes when they get sponsorships. When I watched videos of Ramy and even Jay back in the day, they can devote all their time to bodybuilding. Just train, eat and sleep. And, of course, do appearances and such. Who knows, when a few shows and get some attention and maybe get on that gravy train.
Im thinking the extreme numbness happened when I was going overboard with eq. Thinking my RBC is thru the roof. Will find out. Pinned 4ius GH a hour ago fingers crossed on that. Also pinned 40ius lantus this AM and a bit.of humulin r I think 6ius with breakfast and 6ius with the GH pwo.
Well, no one can say you are not committed. A bodybuilder's life really changes when they get sponsorships. When I watched videos of Ramy and even Jay back in the day, they can devote all their time to bodybuilding. Just train, eat and sleep. And, of course, do appearances and such. Who knows, when a few shows and get some attention and maybe get on that gravy train.
I want to compete against the best and.beat them outright in their best shape. That is what I train for, its with me 24/7.
I have friends that swear by it, running high test only, thought I would give a 4 week run while I coming off the 20iu Gh protocol to see for myself.
I have an uneducated broscience theory that GH induces hyperplasia #1 in response to incredibly intense training with emphasis on negatives #2 from spillover what I mean is that your liver can handle (in theory) 4ius GH at any one time so anything over 4ius at once must leave HGH free to roam about and do things we dont fully understand.
I have an uneducated broscience theory that GH induces hyperplasia #1 in response to incredibly intense training with emphasis on negatives #2 from spillover what I mean is that your liver can handle (in theory) 4ius GH at any one time so anything over 4ius at once must leave HGH free to roam about and do things we dont fully understand.
I’m all about the negative on every rep and intensity! I lift like I used to do drugs! Tony huge said high amounts of igf1 is not nearly as good as high GH. He believes the GH preps the muscle for igf. it’s a mystery. I don’t think there any studies on high GH doses except the bro science of body builders. We really don’t know exactly how it works at a molecular level but know it works from experiences of guys who have done it. If there is info out there on exactly how it works I’d like to see it.
I’m all about the negative on every rep and intensity! I lift like I used to do drugs! Tony huge said high amounts of igf1 is not nearly as good as high GH. He believes the GH preps the muscle for igf. it’s a mystery. I don’t think there any studies on high GH doses except the bro science of body builders. We really don’t know exactly how it works at a molecular level but know it works from experiences of guys who have done it. If there is info out there on exactly how it works I’d like to see it.
Nameless faceless scientists will still argue with you whether or not GH and steroids build muscle. We are off in the distance sacrificing our health for answers while we wait for monkeys in lab coats to slowly drag their knuckles into the 21st century.
Im living on savings.
Why? Lots of pros worked while an amateur and some even after becoming a pro.

Unless your savings is well into seven figures it will have a very short life. Then you will run out of options.

You are in that time of life when you should be building up your savings, not depleting it.

50s and 60s will be here before you know it.
Why? Lots of pros worked while an amateur and some even after becoming a pro.

Unless your savings is well into seven figures it will have a very short life. Then you will run out of options.

You are in that time of life when you should be building up your savings, not depleting it.

50s and 60s will be here before you know it.

Sound advice!!! I believe Ronnie was still a cop until after his second mr o