Has he explained the new process to anyone? Pharmacopeia had a set way of doing it. Why the need to reinvent the wheel? Also why are you answering for him? Let him explain his new process himself. Why the variation in two samples from the same batch?
Yes, he posted a separate thread in labtesting initially so I thought your issue was that you didn't want to look /read up on it, hence I tried to explain in my own words as you didn't tag Jano specifically regarding an answer, I apologize.
Can I dilute sterile water with benzyl alcohol to make it bac water?

What heights are considered flaws? Im relatively sure I'm genetically gifted and intend on competing in mens physique/classic eventually.
Bac water is .9% benzyl alcohol. So if if have 500ml of streak water multiply that by .009. That would be 4.5ml of benzyl alcohol that need to be added. But first you need to subtract 4.5 steral water before adding the alcohol back in . Now you have .9% of 500ml is benzoyl alcohol which now technically makes it BAC water.
Yes, he posted a separate thread in labtesting initially so I thought your issue was that you didn't want to look /read up on it, hence I tried to explain in my own words as you didn't tag Jano specifically regarding an answer, I apologize.
I did tag @janoshik and he didn't post any graphs in that thread that I'm aware of. If he did tag me
I'm still unclear why he.chamged the testing procedure, if literally nobody else is doing it that way.
Literally nobody else was doing it the same way even when I used my old method. This is a niche market and nobody but me invests so much resources to this.

I believe I went through what and why's in the thread dedicated to the new method in Lab Testing section. I just want to do my job the best way reasonably possible.
Quick question fellas. Who here has been using Optitropin for a while and how do you like it. I've never used GH before so wondering how these kits come? Going to start with 1iu a day and titrate up. How many iu's come in a vial, and how long does the vial last after you mix your water in?
Has he explained the new process to anyone?
There's literally a thread dedicated to it.

Pharmacopeia had a set way of doing it. Why the need to reinvent the wheel?
Pharmacopoeia method sucks. It's so conservative that not only there's about a decade delay between when new tech gets implemented into it, it also quite doesn't count with people using highly supraphysiological dosages, so the requirements are quite different.
There's literally a thread dedicated to it.

Pharmacopoeia method sucks. It's so conservative that not only there's about a decade delay between when new tech gets implemented into it, it also quite doesn't count with people using highly supraphysiological dosages, so the requirements are quite different.
There's that winning personality. I read the thread as well. I don't remember seeing you post any graphs or explaining the process in detail at all. I'll have to go back and read it again. So what is your thoughts on the variance in purity between the same batch? Any insight?
Quick question fellas. Who here has been using Optitropin for a while and how do you like it. I've never used GH before so wondering how these kits come? Going to start with 1iu a day and titrate up. How many iu's come in a vial, and how long does the vial last after you mix your water in?
Not to be a dick, but you should research more before you start doing these things if you don't know the most basic components, then u prolly Don't know other important things that may arise.
sorry i lied to you
post #7,357 and 7358
No problem. Thank you.

If those are indeed the same batch, guess that means degradation over time (~3 months).

Another vendor I will not name invested significant amount of money and sends the same batch over multiple months and we've seen some degradation there.
No problem. Thank you.

If those are indeed the same batch, guess that means degradation over time (~3 months).

Another vendor I will not name invested significant amount of money and sends the same batch over multiple months and we've seen some degradation there.
so it is fact that unconstituted hgh does indeed degrade over such a short period of time?
because 3% and 1iu is not really "nothing"..
There's that winning personality. I read the thread as well. I don't remember seeing you post any graphs or explaining the process in detail at all. I'll have to go back and read it again. So what is your thoughts on the variance in purity between the same batch? Any insight?
Mate, don't think anybody can claim my personality is an issue here.

Two graphs within first three sentences in the thread:1625754108380.png

And a third graph just below as an embedded image.

So much for no graphs there.
So what else, specifically, is unclear that is not in that thread?
so it is fact that unconstituted hgh does indeed degrade over such a short period of time?
because 3% and 1iu is not really "nothing"..
Yes... measured with the old method this didn't show, with the new one it appears to. It's unsettling and I'm doing more research on that.

But well, at least we know that with pharmacopoeia method we can't see a difference for years.

Also, you have to take into account intervial variability and intertest variability.
Not to be a dick, but you should research more before you start doing these things if you don't know the most basic components, then u prolly Don't know other important things that may arise.
No offense taken! This is precisely why I'm asking before just diving in. Asking for advice from experienced guys who have used before I feel like is the route to go, as I can google and it will come up with 10,000 different articles with varying information. I have no issues researching and reading an entire thread to get info. I was just trying to get pointed in the right direction when it comes to GH.
Yes... measured with the old method this didn't show, with the new one it appears to. It's unsettling and I'm doing more research on that.

But well, at least we know that with pharmacopoeia method we can't see a difference for years.

Also, you have to take into account intervial variability and intertest variability.
Also, you have to take into account intervial variability and intertest variability.

yes, this is what i have meant when i have written that there are testing tolerances but they shouldnt be as big as shown in the example i would assume? Because GH tested @ 12iu with 94% purity and one tested at 13,5iu 97% purity are two different least in my eyes
Ok so finally gonna update. Not quit sure how long I been on lol but at least 6 months. I started at 2 iu and worked my way up to 10iu a day for the past month or so. Ive also been running 1500mg of test cyp a week ran 4 weeks of anadrol at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 100mg for the last 2. Now im on my final stretch of 1500mg a week test cyp and 700mg a week of tren a. I was at 195 kinda chubby abs barely ripped and lean at 225 hoping to add another 5 pounds before its over. Then Im gonna cruise on 5 iu a day 600mg test cyp. Before and after pics attached. Thanks opti! View attachment 149801View attachment 149802

Too much gear not enough food!!!! Look flat in the final pic need more carbs and meat. 1500mg test wtf did you pull bloodwork. Maybe your not a great responder. Keep working at it and add about Tripple the food you are currently eating.

Other than that if you was my celly I’d fuck ya