That article says a minimum age of 14 and the difference is not legalization, but whether the person must register as a sex offender. Read the article you posted.
The law is intended more for homosexuals IIRC and its enforcement or use in court is entirely up to the prosecuting attorney.
It may have been the 50s, but I still think he was not natty . . .

never said he was natty.. no one could be stupid enough to be really natty.. why should anyone be?

natty doesnt mean for me Better / More valuable than Unnatty… dont give a fuck.. and i hate real natties… and people that believe Coleman was natty on any fuckin stage… Coleman just built his legend over the idiots “I didnt have the money to pay the gym membership” When he was competing and weighing 100kg… so since he didnt have fuckin 20$ per month we assume he was a fuckin grass and his 100kgs have been made out of sunlight and CO2.. no money for food and peds… whatta hero.. and natural before 2000.. I hate the fuckin morons that keep regurgitating that shit… like “Oh Arnold said he used 30mg of dianabol per year, so cool.. I would blow him… good genes”
never said he was natty.. no one could be stupid of being natty.. why should anyone be?

natty doesnt mean for me Better / More valuable than Unnatty… dont give a fuck.. and i hate real natties… and people that believe Coleman was natty on any fuckin stage… Coleman just built his legend over the idiots “I didnt have the money to pay the gym membership” When he was competing and weighing 100kg… so since he didnt have fuckin 20$ per month we assume he was a fuckin grass and his 100kgs have been made out of sunlight and CO2.. no money for food and peds… whatta hero
Ronnie also lived on pizza and when he worked security at the Olympia the crowd thought he should have won already. He also says his arms were over 23 inches at that time.
Ronnie also lived on pizza and when he worked security at the Olympia the crowd thought he should have won already. He also says his arms were over 23 inches at that time.
He even said he was at sometjing like 0.3% body fat shit like that

I said to my ex girl friend “i ll go slow with your ass”

i lent some k’s to an ex friend and he said “I ll give you back in some months man”

Words are words and people that rely on words are idiots… i dont believe any fuckin bodybuilder .. never believed any fuckin one cmon why should they tell you their stuff…
He even said he was at sometjing like 0.3% body fat shit like that

I said to my ex girl friend “i ll go slow with your ass”

i lent some k’s to an ex friend and he said “I ll give you back in some months man”

Words are words and people that rely on words are idiots… i dont believe any fuckin bodybuilder .. never believed any fuckin one cmon why should they tell you their stuff…
I swear Ronnie claimed negative percent bodyfat at some point as well.
The one that killed his credibility in my eyes was claiming to be natural until 97 or some utterly ridiculous bullshit like that. And then mr credibility himself flex wheeler backs the story up like he needs to cement Ronnie s legacy so he can get a cut of DVD sales or something
Yes sir I keep all my UNreconstructed growth in my safe. I only keep reconstructed growth in the fridge. With the same results -20 points on my igf.

I’m currently running the greys at 6iu a day they have been in my safe for the past 6 months I’m running them split 4iu am 2iu pm

I pulled a 707 pinning 6iu 3iu am 3iu pm and we can compare to this somewhat even though it’s a different pin schedule.
WTF? Why is Mighty-mouse banned?
well, of course i stored my reconstituted stuff in the fridge.
but for the powdered ones?
some say it is not necessary, some say it even damages the peptides. Some say use the freezer.
We simply do not know. We just assume.

Pre-mixed pharma is a different story..
We do know. The hospitals and pharmacies store unreconstituted HGH in a refrigerator. This is not to say that it will just immediately deteriorate if not refrigerated. Just like insulin. They keep it refrigerated but many who have to take insulin throughout the day obviously don't refrigerate it and it's fine.

Since you claim we don't know, and let's assume we don't know for sure, ask yourself this: Everything goes bad eventually, but what will be preserved longer: when it is refrigerated or when it's left at room temperature.

I'm and old guy and still old school and when I was handed my first kit of HGH I was told, "This is liquid gold. Treat it as such. Compare to others, it is a delicate peptide. Handle it like you are holding your newborn baby.." And then was given specific instructions that I still follow to the letter, which is dismissed as unnecessary today. Things like let the water seep in and not blast it in. Don't shake it. Any kind of rough handling that caused it to foam should be avoided. And, yes, always keep it refrigerated. I remember when it used to be sent with ice packs.

Maybe it is unnecessary but I'm not taking any chances. It's liquid gold. It's like my newborn baby.
I thought that Naps had a shit reputation around here. How do they get a good member banned?
He got banned basically for spamming. He was on Naps like white on rice ever naps posted each picture, MM posted that naps was a scammer. Apparently that was enough.
He will be back though. He does not take it personal. This board is still by far the best at keeping sources accountable.