Does the spamming rule apply to Naps? Not sure how it works or if sources are exempt.
The way I understand it naps is not breaking meso rules at the moment. I argued that having him around is bad and I understand why he is allowed to post. I don't like it really, but the rules are applied fairly and thats certainly pretty good. There's no perfect anything in this world. Greater minds than mine have come up with as near a perfect forum of this subset as they could. So I say just roll with it.
Does the spamming rule apply to Naps? Not sure how it works or if sources are exempt.
I don't think it is considered spamming if he is posting reviews and pictures in his own thread. If he made a bunch of different threads I suppose that would be spamming. I am not certain though.
I mean, Naps knows what he is doing and we know he is trolling but I guess technically he is abiding by the rules.
So slightly off topic but GH builds in your system is that accurate? How long does it take a particular dose to reach max peak? Like if I pin 4ius a day every day how long does it take for that dose to reach its max effectiveness? A week? Two?
Anybody else having problems with Meso and the tapatalk app? Keeps logging me out and then telling me I don't have permission to access this discussion.
Has any body actually stored unreconstituded hgh at room temp out of sun light for longer periods of time? Say a year?
No but I'm pretty sure for most gh max time out of fridge is 28 days, don't hold me to it 100 percent but pretty sure what I read seen and researched was 28 days now there is some differences between brands and premixed stuff and powder gh.... Pretty sure premixed stuff is a bit more durable to temp sunlight idk about.... Soon as I get my gh generic or pharma it goes right into the fridge
No but I'm pretty sure for most gh max time out of fridge is 28 days, don't hold me to it 100 percent but pretty sure what I read seen and researched was 28 days now there is some differences between brands and premixed stuff and powder gh.... Pretty sure premixed stuff is a bit more durable to temp sunlight idk about.... Soon as I get my gh generic or pharma it goes right into the fridge
Wondering if this holds true for un-reconstituted powder though?
i believe that was during his interview with Joe Rogan.
No, he didn't say that. Even Ronnie isn't that dumb. Watch the interview. The above poster is right. He claims less than 1% on stage. .3% to be exact. He also said off-season he walked around at 3%. LOL!
I store unreconstituted in the freezer because that was the advise given on meso. Is it better to refrigerate rather then freeze.
I have read that you can store it the freezer but that was just on one of the boards. It does say you can or can't in the pamphlet. In processing the powder it is freeze dried so maybe it can be. I remember being told growing up that if you freeze, say, ground beef, that you should never refreeze the left overs. I don't no why or if even if it's true. There was a time when McDoubles were like a dollar each and I would buy a bunch and store them in the freezer and never had a problem. Freezing in some or maybe all organic matter does change the molecular structure. That's why cold water sinks to the bottom but ice floats.

The more important question is why would you want to freeze it? It will last at least two years in the fridge and even after that it will still be good but a little less potent. It's not like it rots and becomes toxic at food.

I think the safest way is just to do what pharmacies and hospitals do. Doesn't seem that hard to me.
he did but but context matters. I think he meant that some testing methods showed him to be negative % BF, not that he really was


I must not have watched the whole interview because that would have popped out at me. I cannot read a person's mind and I'm reluctant to claim what I think a person must have meant. He gave no indication that there was something wrong with the testing methods and didn't even question the negative body fat claim.

Chad once commented when he use to work with Ronnie that he always did exactly what he was told. Never questioned, never deviated. When on an especially strict diet he asked Ronnie how many times he cheated because all his clients cheated on occasion. Ronnie said he didn't and Chad believed him and so do I. You are paying these "trainers" a ton of money and it's for something that is your life's dream. Chad commented how one wouldn't believe some of the things these guys would confide in him. He felt like he knew them better than their wife and family.

Ronnie never struck me as especially intelligent. But he was a machine and the ideal subject that a trainer would want.
I must not have watched the whole interview because that would have popped out at me. I cannot read a person's mind and I'm reluctant to claim what I think a person must have meant. He gave no indication that there was something wrong with the testing methods and didn't even question the negative body fat claim.

Chad once commented when he use to work with Ronnie that he always did exactly what he was told. Never questioned, never deviated. When on an especially strict diet he asked Ronnie how many times he cheated because all his clients cheated on occasion. Ronnie said he didn't and Chad believed him and so do I. You are paying these "trainers" a ton of money and it's for something that is your life's dream. Chad commented how one wouldn't believe some of the things these guys would confide in him. He felt like he knew them better than their wife and family.

Ronnie never struck me as especially intelligent. But he was a machine and the ideal subject that a trainer would want.
yeah i know the stories about ronnie, loved to watch everything regarding him. Podcasts etc. etc.
I love how he wanted chad to calculate his barbecue sauce into his diet prep macros because he insisted on it and didnt want to prep without it, he rather cut the carbs from other food sources, hah :p
FYI your physique will never be where you want it to be. Even ZYZZ at the time he died was trying to dry out In a sauna and had a heart attack IIRC. Most any man would kill for his physique. He died trying to make it even better
The autopsy revealed a previously undiagnosed congenital heart defect and he was experiencing high blood pressure and shortness of breath leading up to his death.
I don't get the syringe thing but if you have the space it's not going to hurt anything and you have everything in one spot.
Temperature variance
Basically ok they hammer into my brain how fragile gh is to warm temperatures.
I guess I figure eliminate anything that could possibly damage this expensive shiat. And there you go