Janoshik has a thread where he tested reconstituted room temperature hgh. Memory says 6 days and 63% purity, but feel free to correct me if you find the thread.

I do not know of any testing of unreconstituted hgh other than Mighty-mouse testing his own IGF-1 on stuff he keeps in his safe instead of his refrigerator. But apparently his liver will generate like 10,000 IGF-1 on half an iu of Chinese UGL growth hormone mixed with toilet water and tequila, so . . . :)

But there is no HPLC testing of hgh that has been sitting at room temperature for months.

Maybe somebody who has some should send a vial to janoshik, especially if that same batch was tested when new. I am not sure how much that would tell us, though, without a comparable vial that had been stored unreconstituted in the fridge for the same length of time.
Anyone here ever get pip from hgh? I woke up and the area I injected hurts and feels tender to the touch
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Anyone ever get pip from hgh? I woke up and the area I injected feels hurts and feels tender to the touch
No but I have heard of people getting little red welts. Welts and what you have are no good. Might need to toss that shit.
I have had bruising where I pinned hgh before. Probably happens to me about 3 percent of time but it doesn't really hurt. It just looks bad.
PS, I am assuming you are going subq- I would imagine if IM perhaps chances are greater for PIP.
No but I have heard of people getting little red welts. Welts and what you have are no good. Might need to toss that shit.
I have had bruising where I pinned hgh before. Probably happens to me about 3 percent of time but it doesn't really hurt. It just looks bad.
PS, I am assuming you are going subq- I would imagine if IM perhaps chances are greater for PIP.
I think I went too deep with the half inch slin pin, and there's no redness around the area.
The one that killed his credibility in my eyes was claiming to be natural until 97 or some utterly ridiculous bullshit like that. And then mr credibility himself flex wheeler backs the story up like he needs to cement Ronnie s legacy so he can get a cut of DVD sales or something
He had to tho he was a cop lol
When using growth for anabolic benefits(high doses), does anyone know if the muscle you injected will be affected more than the rest of the body. I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve also heard guys say injecting it sub Q in the area you inject will burn more fat in that area. I can’t testify for myself because I don’t notice any difference, but then again I might have too much fat to notice. Was hoping the meso had some input of feed back on personal experience or research base info.
When using growth for anabolic benefits(high doses), does anyone know if the muscle you injected will be affected more than the rest of the body. I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve also heard guys say injecting it sub Q in the area you inject will burn more fat in that area. I can’t testify for myself because I don’t notice any difference, but then again I might have too much fat to notice. Was hoping the meso had some input of feed back on personal experience or research base info.
Personal believe is no
When using growth for anabolic benefits(high doses), does anyone know if the muscle you injected will be affected more than the rest of the body. I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve also heard guys say injecting it sub Q in the area you inject will burn more fat in that area. I can’t testify for myself because I don’t notice any difference, but then again I might have too much fat to notice. Was hoping the meso had some input of feed back on personal experience or research base info.
I wouldnt know either cuz I am too fucking fat but I am going to say no it does not matter where you inject as far as burning more fat in one area vs another.
I wouldnt know either cuz I am too fucking fat but I am going to say no it does not matter where you inject as far as burning more fat in one area vs another.
I see it the same way for fat burning. I could be wrong there are some who would argue that tho. Now let’s say hypothetically speaking 15iu of gh directly into the bicep IM every time. Would you get a greater gain?
I see it the same way for fat burning. I could be wrong there are some who would argue that tho. Now let’s say hypothetically speaking 15iu of gh directly into the bicep IM every time. Would you get a greater gain?
I dont know but why would anyone inject 15IU into the bicep?