I dont know but why would anyone inject 15IU into the bicep?
I’ve been told the muscle you inject gets a greater gain when using hgh in anabolic doses. The bicep? Obviously if you wanted bigger biceps I guess that’s where you would injected it. I don’t know if this is true and haven’t seen any research based info. Was hoping someone might know something through personal experience of maybe have real information on it.
I’ve been told the muscle you inject gets a greater gain when using hgh in anabolic doses. The bicep? Obviously if you wanted bigger biceps I guess that’s where you would injected it. I don’t know if this is true and haven’t seen any research based info. Was hoping someone might know something through personal experience of maybe have real information on it.
Guess we will see. Sorry I am no help here.
I see it the same way for fat burning. I could be wrong there are some who would argue that tho. Now let’s say hypothetically speaking 15iu of gh directly into the bicep IM every time. Would you get a greater gain?
Growth hormone is systemic, not local. If you inject lidocaine into your bicep it’ll be numb. If you inject heroin into your bicep you will be high.
Hey guys question here. Been on hgh for 4 months now, the 120s. worked my way up from 2ius and now 6ius per day for the past month or so. I do good cardio and my diet is good. So I’m not really sure what to look out for in terms of hgh and what I’m getting out of it? Do I need to wait a little longer to see some growth results or do I need to up my dose. What are some of your guys results or effects from taking this and at what periods ? And advise here would be great as this is my first time. I take some test as well 250mg a week.
Hey guys question here. Been on hgh for 4 months now, the 120s. worked my way up from 2ius and now 6ius per day for the past month or so. I do good cardio and my diet is good. So I’m not really sure what to look out for in terms of hgh and what I’m getting out of it? Do I need to wait a little longer to see some growth results or do I need to up my dose. What are some of your guys results or effects from taking this and at what periods ? And advise here would be great as this is my first time. I take some test as well 250mg a week.
Hgh isn't a builder for me personally. I do get a nice full look while on, better pumps, and better fat loss. It is pretty subtle, it definitely isn't a mass builder
Hey guys question here. Been on hgh for 4 months now, the 120s. worked my way up from 2ius and now 6ius per day for the past month or so. I do good cardio and my diet is good. So I’m not really sure what to look out for in terms of hgh and what I’m getting out of it? Do I need to wait a little longer to see some growth results or do I need to up my dose. What are some of your guys results or effects from taking this and at what periods ? And advise here would be great as this is my first time. I take some test as well 250mg a week.
Watch your fasted blood sugar, most guys don’t have any problems at 6iu a day, any more than that is hard on your pancreas and insulin would be a good idea at that point. Just watch it cause it will eventually creep up on you as you get into higher doses.
Watch your fasted blood sugar, most guys don’t have any problems at 6iu a day, any more than that is hard on your pancreas and insulin would be a good idea at that point. Just watch it cause it will eventually creep up on you as you get into higher doses.
I am looking to add more mass , would I need I need to up the dose? Looks wise hgh is not doing anything
Hey guys question here. Been on hgh for 4 months now, the 120s. worked my way up from 2ius and now 6ius per day for the past month or so. I do good cardio and my diet is good. So I’m not really sure what to look out for in terms of hgh and what I’m getting out of it? Do I need to wait a little longer to see some growth results or do I need to up my dose. What are some of your guys results or effects from taking this and at what periods ? And advise here would be great as this is my first time. I take some test as well 250mg a week.
Interesting. At four months, with those kind of dosages, you do not notice any changes.

I will say that hgh effects are very mild compared to, say, injecting testosterone, or tren, or popping an anadrol capsule.

What I did notice the first time I tried it was that I was able to gain weight and get leaner at the same time on only 3 iu daily. I had long ago ceased to be able to do that on just some test/tren or test + anything else. This may, however, be a function of my age. I was late 40s the first time I tried hgh.

Younger guys may not notice as much due to higher levels naturally.

So, for me, it definitely does something, and the effects are noticeable long before 4 months, but it is much more subtle than might be expected from steroids.
Interesting. At four months, with those kind of dosages, you do not notice any changes.

I will say that hgh effects are very mild compared to, say, injecting testosterone, or tren, or popping an anadrol capsule.

What I did notice the first time I tried it was that I was able to gain weight and get leaner at the same time on only 3 iu daily. I had long ago ceased to be able to do that on just some test/tren or test + anything else. This may, however, be a function of my age. I was late 40s the first time I tried hgh.

Younger guys may not notice as much due to higher levels naturally.

So, for me, it definitely does something, and the effects are noticeable long before 4 months, but it is much more subtle than might be expected from steroids.
Yeah seems like a waist of money at this point , I was expecting much more. I have lost body fat but I have also increased cardio so and diet is good. I’m dropping weight pretty quick which was not the goal. I wanted to stay away from gear , I take prescription test and deca every 7 months for my shoulder. So am I wasting my money here since I was expecting to pack on size with hgh ?
Yeah seems like a waist of money at this point , I was expecting much more. I have lost body fat but I have also increased cardio so and diet is good. I’m dropping weight pretty quick which was not the goal. I wanted to stay away from gear , I take prescription test and deca every 7 months for my shoulder. So am I wasting my money here since I was expecting to pack on size with hgh ?
Also all this talk the gains you make on hgh is the gains you keep . So that’s not the case ?
Yeah seems like a waist of money at this point , I was expecting much more. I have lost body fat but I have also increased cardio so and diet is good. I’m dropping weight pretty quick which was not the goal. I wanted to stay away from gear , I take prescription test and deca every 7 months for my shoulder. So am I wasting my money here since I was expecting to pack on size with hgh ?
Not sure we're you got that HGH was a mass builder. It is definitely an enhancement to gear. I think maybe your expectations were a little high, perhaps unreasonable. As far as if it's a waste of money? I don't think so personally. I've made huge progress with 140mg test c, and 4-6 IU's of HGH over the last year. Better recovery, fuller look, fat loss.
Not sure we're you got that HGH was a mass builder. It is definitely an enhancement to gear. I think maybe your expectations were a little high, perhaps unreasonable. As far as if it's a waste of money? I don't think so personally. I've made huge progress with 140mg test c, and 4-6 IU's of HGH over the last year. Better recovery, fuller look, fat loss.
Yeah this is definitely not something for me then. 250mg test and 6uis a day with pretty much no difference. Thanks for the input
Yeah this is definitely not something for me then. 250mg test and 6uis a day with pretty much no difference. Thanks for the input
What's your diet and training like? I mean it is somewhat subtle, but at those doses I would think you would notice a difference
Not sure we're you got that HGH was a mass builder. It is definitely an enhancement to gear. I think maybe your expectations were a little high, perhaps unreasonable. As far as if it's a waste of money? I don't think so personally. I've made huge progress with 140mg test c, and 4-6 IU's of HGH over the last year. Better recovery, fuller look, fat loss
What's your diet and training like? I mean it is somewhat subtle, but at those doses I would think you would notice a difference
Diet is good , I have one cheat meal a week and I do cardio 6 days a week at 20min. And I train hard AF 6 days a week. I take 250mg test and 200mg deca a week. Since being on GH I have lost a lot of body fat and dropped weight but that is probably due to my diet and cardio increase. I was hoping to pick up some weigh and size and stay lean. Now I am dropping my Cardio and trying to push for 4500 cal a day and see if I can actually gain some size. I’m not even feeling sides from the GH maybe just little numbness in hands at night time. That’s why I was asking do I need to up my dose so I can see some noticeable changes? Or what am I doing wrong. I feel like without the GH I would be the same as I am now with my diet and training. So why just not save the cash
I w
Diet is good , I have one cheat meal a week and I do cardio 6 days a week at 20min. And I train hard AF 6 days a week. I take 250mg test and 200mg deca a week. Since being on GH I have lost a lot of body fat and dropped weight but that is probably due to my diet and cardio increase. I was hoping to pick up some weigh and size and stay lean. Now I am dropping my Cardio and trying to push for 4500 cal a day and see if I can actually gain some size. I’m not even feeling sides from the GH maybe just little numbness in hands at night time. That’s why I was asking do I need to up my dose so I can see some noticeable changes? Or what am I doing wrong. I feel like without the GH I would be the same as I am now with my diet and training. So why just not save the cash.
Diet is good , I have one cheat meal a week and I do cardio 6 days a week at 20min. And I train hard AF 6 days a week. I take 250mg test and 200mg deca a week. Since being on GH I have lost a lot of body fat and dropped weight but that is probably due to my diet and cardio increase. I was hoping to pick up some weigh and size and stay lean. Now I am dropping my Cardio and trying to push for 4500 cal a day and see if I can actually gain some size. I’m not even feeling sides from the GH maybe just little numbness in hands at night time. That’s why I was asking do I need to up my dose so I can see some noticeable changes? Or what am I doing wrong. I feel like without the GH I would be the same as I am now with my diet and training. So why just not save the cash
I am 5.10 and i use to weigh 205-210lbs and solid but not lean. Now I am on all time low at 180lbs which sucks coz my goal was 190 - 195lbs lean but I still wear XL currently just not as tight as I would like it ;)
Watch your fasted blood sugar, most guys don’t have any problems at 6iu a day, any more than that is hard on your pancreas and insulin would be a good idea at that point. Just watch it cause it will eventually creep up on you as you get into higher doses.
Why would it be hard on your pancreas? I never heard that before.