Which product would you reccomend for a HGH newb?. Also, does opti's stuff come with everything needed to use it? Or do you need to buy the bac water and needles? I have researched this, but dont know the exact items you need for each different type of hgh kind of product
Opti sells GH. The other stuff you have to get on your own. There's no hand-holding in Black market transactions.
I would probably say yes. Especially if it's close proximity to you. I'm sure town/state would be fine. But idk. Also if it's close to you I wouldn't.
What? Why would you want to out a thief? And if it's close to you all the better. If a physical confrontation followed by a good ass beating is not your style then maybe vandalize his car or property.

IDK, I'm 61 years old and old school. We make bad guys pay. People's behavior is in most part rule by reward and punishment. When you reward a behavior you get more of it. When you punish it you get less. Look at LA. They have announced that they will not prosecute thiefs under $900. Now punks are literally just walking into stores in full view of everyone with various items knowing nobody will do shit.
What? Why would you want to out a thief? And if it's close to you all the better. If a physical confrontation followed by a good ass beating is not your style then maybe vandalize his car or property.

IDK, I'm 61 years old and old school. We make bad guys pay. People's behavior is in most part rule by reward and punishment. When you reward a behavior you get more of it. When you punish it you get less. Look at LA. They have announced that they will not prosecute thiefs under $900. Now punks are literally just walking into stores in full view of everyone with various items knowing nobody will do shit.
Forgot to post a vid.
Is it breaking a doxing rule to post the physical address in which a hacker/scammer had my gh redirected to?
Yes, I don't want to forum to be used for this purpose.

Clearly, it is important to warn people about hackers and scammers but posting personally-identifying information about suspected hackers/scammers can be problematic in so many ways e.g. mistaken identities, false accusations, malicious intent, lack of verification, etc.
The email address's in the chain were mine and optis. The physical address of where the gh was sent is what I have. Id love to post it. I'm not sure if that would break a doxing rule or something
In your specific case, what if the physical name and address that you have does not belong to the hacker/scammer? Can you be sure it doesn't belong to an unsuspecting victim who is being exploited by the hacker/scammer? This is one reason you can't do this on the forum.
if it is near you, drive by, ring the door, check him out.
If he outmasses you by 30+ pounds, tell him youve got the wrong housenumber
if he looks like he never lifted a weight in his life/ is 80+ years old/ younger than 15 years old/ etc. he/she probably got exploited

so your only chance is if he looks somewhat mascular but not too mascular (rule #1) but then there is still the risk he does martial arts or whatever.

so.. better not visit him at all
Which product would you reccomend for a HGH newb?. Also, does opti's stuff come with everything needed to use it? Or do you need to buy the bac water and needles? I have researched this, but dont know the exact items you need for each different type of hgh kind of product
Tell me you haven't done any research without telling me you haven’t done any research.

you contradicted yourself in this post sir
What? Why would you want to out a thief? And if it's close to you all the better. If a physical confrontation followed by a good ass beating is not your style then maybe vandalize his car or property.
Yeah you handle that shit behind closed doors. Not advertise the address you're going to to fuck someone up. Lol. That's as dumb as people posting the drugs they're selling on a FB post and scratching their head when local PD kicks their door in.

And for the sake of wanting to stay a member on meso it's probably advised against. Especially for the sake of anonymity when we're all associated with illegal activity on here.
Yeah you handle that shit behind closed doors. Not advertise the address you're going to to fuck someone up. Lol. That's as dumb as people posting the drugs they're selling on a FB post and scratching their head when local PD kicks their door in.

And for the sake of wanting to stay a member on meso it's probably advised against. Especially for the sake of anonymity when we're all associated with illegal activity on here.
For sure. I would wager whoever the address is tied to probably has 0 to do with the scam, or even knows what happened. People who can pull off these types of schemes, are fairly crafty, and not going to send things to an address they care about.

I still find it hard to believe they wanted GH at all tbh, and would not be surprised if they did it to just troll opti/customer and had it sent to a random house, UPS store, PD, etc... If the scam of getting btc doesn't work, next best thing is just fucking with people.
20iu IM blood drawn 3 hours after injection. Igf I’ve scored higher with much less. Gh level I in the past I score high 30s at 10iu. I guess you desensitize?


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It appears I’m like Boston loyd. He said his girl score higher than him at 2iu gh when takes 20iu. As you can see my blood sugar is creeping up again also. I’d Imagine my blood sugar would be lower if I produced more igf1. I wonder if there’s a collolation between blood sugar and igf1 production. The only way to find out would be to get my blood sugar in check again and do another test, same protocol. Not sure how this works or what causes good igf1 production or what causes bad.
Not at all I’ve scored better with less same gh. I might be getting desensitized from high doses?
ok I was following your line of thought then. I have no idea honestly. It is really much harder to get to the bottom of blood results with HGH vs AAS. I see so many varying opinions and reasons for different numbers it is almost like the test doesn't really show us anything. @Mighty-mouse tests a shit ton and always responds high.

Edit, which ones were you using and how much were you taking per day? Did you happen to notice anything physically whether good or sides?
In your specific case, what if the physical name and address that you have does not belong to the hacker/scammer? Can you be sure it doesn't belong to an unsuspecting victim who is being exploited by the hacker/scammer? This is one reason you can't do this on the forum.
No I can't be sure. I was kinda thinking the guy was probably "reselling" in such a roundabout way. Thats what I would do in such a situation. Hes probably smart enough not to have his own address connected to this event. Could be wrong.
Thank you for your time @Millard