ok I was following your line of thought then. I have no idea honestly. It is really much harder to get to the bottom of blood results with HGH vs AAS. I see so many varying opinions and reasons for different numbers it is almost like the test doesn't really show us anything. @Mighty-mouse tests a shit ton and always responds high.

Edit, which ones were you using and how much were you taking per day? Did you happen to notice anything physically whether good or sides?
Opti 280s. With this same batch I scored 36 at 10iu on a gh serum test. I was doing 15 iu of gh mon, wed, fri, I took 20iu on a Monday for this test tho.
150 a week test E, which I usually score around 750 at that. Test levels came back high for the amount I was take. My test E is probably over dosed
I wish I had that problem. Since asking around I’m becoming more sus that my test is under dosed. Im taking remarkably more then you and my test is at a 1400. Are you on any estrogen blockers?
wow, that is a lot of gh
Yea I’ve done 20 a day also. What nightmare. Too many side effects. Out of control hard on my health. 15 3 days a week no sides beside fasted blood sugar creeping up again. Some water retention no bad tho. No high blood pressures, no numb hands, no swollen ankles. No joint pain. Alittle trouble sleeping. After 3 full weeks of this protocol. On my 4th. After looking my numbers not sure if it’s necessary, yet they said you get an anabolic effect at high doses. I guess we will find out.
I wish I had that problem. Since asking around I’m becoming more sus that my test is under dosed. Im taking remarkably more then you and my test is at a 1400. Are you on any estrogen blockers?
150mg from the Dr puts me at 516. Scott Stevenson was explaining recently on a podcast how people have different numbers of the enzymes that cleave esters. Shbg also plays a large role on both free and total test. I have very low shbg so my total is always low but with a higher percentage of free test
150mg from the Dr puts me at 516. Scott Stevenson was explaining recently on a podcast how people have different numbers of the enzymes that cleave esters. Shbg also plays a large role on both free and total test. I have very low shbg so my total is always low but with a higher percentage of free test
Derick with more plates more dates covered this topic. It’s true some people are hyper responsive due the enzymes and the way we metabolize homes. At 150 i usually test around 750 on total testosterone, I assumed my testosterone bottle was over dosed but could be that also
Thank you for the response, but on his website there are like 10 different kinds/brands so i didnt know if there is a specific one to purchase
I thought you wanted to know if it came with pins and Bac water, not about the different brands of GH.
Yes, I don't want to forum to be used for this purpose.

Clearly, it is important to warn people about hackers and scammers but posting personally-identifying information about suspected hackers/scammers can be problematic in so many ways e.g. mistaken identities, false accusations, malicious intent, lack of verification, etc.
Bummer, but when you put it that way you do make a good point.
Opti 280s. With this same batch I scored 36 at 10iu on a gh serum test. I was doing 15 iu of gh mon, wed, fri, I took 20iu on a Monday for this test tho.
Why did you take 20 ius for the test? To make a meaningful comparison the conditions have to be consistent. It was purely arbitrary that we take 10ius three hous before testing. It could have been two hours or 5 ius, the important thing is that it is consistent. I got a score of 34 with the 280s using the standard and accepted protocol.
150mg from the Dr puts me at 516. Scott Stevenson was explaining recently on a podcast how people have different numbers of the enzymes that cleave esters. Shbg also plays a large role on both free and total test. I have very low shbg so my total is always low but with a higher percentage of free test
Would taking EQ and Primo suppress this number during a cycle?
Why did you take 20 ius for the test? To make a meaningful comparison the conditions have to be consistent. It was purely arbitrary that we take 10ius three hous before testing. It could have been two hours or 5 ius, the important thing is that it is consistent. I got a score of 34 with the 280s using the standard and accepted protocol.
Completely right. I only did 20iu out of curiosity of if it really makes that much of a difference taking that much more. Although it would be righteous to do the same protocol as the 10iu again to see if these higher doses are desensitizing me to the gh. Maybe I would score as good. Then I wonder if I would get a better igf1 response doing the same amount just spread out into smaller doses through out the day like maybe 3iu or something every two hours. I’m not sure how this works but it appears 20iu isn’t doing any justice looking at my score for igf1.
Would taking EQ and Primo suppress this number during a cycle?
No but EQ will suppress estrogen. If you take the right amount you don’t need an AI. I learn this the hard way, I do blood work every 2 to 4 weeks depending on side effect or figuring how how much AI i need to stay in balance. The first time I did EQ. Everytime I did blood work my estrogen kept dropping, no AI. Eventually I crashed it. Horrible experience. Now if I run EQ I take the amount I need to balance my test and estrogen. Masteron will do the same.
No but EQ will suppress estrogen. If you take the right amount you don’t need an AI. I learn this the hard way, I do blood work every 2 to 4 weeks depending on side effect or figuring how how much AI i need to stay in balance. The first time I did EQ. Everytime I did blood work my estrogen kept dropping, no AI. Eventually I crashed it. Horrible experience. Now if I run EQ I take the amount I need to balance my test and estrogen. Masteron will do the same.
For further info for others reading, that is because EQ converts to E1 at a high rate, basically hogging up all the aromatase for this purpose.
No but EQ will suppress estrogen. If you take the right amount you don’t need an AI. I learn this the hard way, I do blood work every 2 to 4 weeks depending on side effect or figuring how how much AI i need to stay in balance. The first time I did EQ. Everytime I did blood work my estrogen kept dropping, no AI. Eventually I crashed it. Horrible experience. Now if I run EQ I take the amount I need to balance my test and estrogen. Masteron will do the same.

Primo can suppress it as well. I had to drop my primo dose as it was making me feel like shit and drying me out. Doesn't seem to happen to everyone, but it's not rare from what I've read.