Well, I've been on this board many years -- well over ten years, and I never read over and over that this is not a source board.

This made me chuckle being as you don’t know how to navigate this place and said you “stumbled on this thread by chance”. Had some time to kill so looked into your post history to see how long you’ve actually been stuck in this thread. I was pretty shocked at what I found.

When was the last time you ordered from him?

About a month ago. Running the new current batch.
This made me chuckle being as you don’t know how to navigate this place and said you “stumbled on this thread by chance”. Had some time to kill so looked into your post history to see how long you’ve actually been stuck in this thread. I was pretty shocked at what I found.
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About a month ago. Running the new current batch.
Yes, I would agree that I don't know how to navigate this place. I'm not sure what the point was in bringing up my controlled delivery over ten years ago.
This made me chuckle being as you don’t know how to navigate this place and said you “stumbled on this thread by chance”. Had some time to kill so looked into your post history to see how long you’ve actually been stuck in this thread. I was pretty shocked at what I found.
View attachment 154236

About a month ago. Running the new current batch.
Was that on a thread here? I would be interested in reading it, especially to find out what the disposition was of his case.
Was that on a thread here? I would be interested in reading it, especially to find out what the disposition was of his case.

Yeah, that was posted on Meso and it was actually his very first post. Well it appears there may have been post before but for some reason they have been erased. He created a thread to discuss the details of the outcome and left a link to a thread that apparently no longer exist. I would be interested to hear the outcome as well. This was all many years ago but when a member says “ I got raided by swat team” it definitely peaked my interest.
Jeeze, I don't want to get into it as it was over ten years ago. and it is not something you can explain in a few sentences. But I understand the curiosity and will respond later. Others over the years have had the class and consideration to PM me about the situation. I sure didn't appreciate having such a sensitive subject posted on an open forum but I know how some like gossip and drama.
Looking at that post, i.think he's confusing a " Swat Team" with 4 or 5 County Sheriff's deputys........
Not even close. Swat, Local Police, and ATF. I was literally looking down a row of MP5s. It was beyond ridiculous.
I sure didn't appreciate having such a sensitive subject posted on an open forum but I know how some like gossip and drama.

You are kidding right? You’re the one who posted it on “an open forum”. Multiple threads and one apparently over 20 pages. It’s public knowledge now because you made it so.

If you were concerned you should have created a new handle. Quite honestly most would.
Jeeze, I don't want to get into it as it was over ten years ago. and it is not something you can explain in a few sentences. But I understand the curiosity and will respond later. Others over the years have had the class and consideration to PM me about the situation. I sure didn't appreciate having such a sensitive subject posted on an open forum but I know how some like gossip and drama.

Not even close. Swat, Local Police, and ATF. I was literally looking down a row of MP5s. It was beyond ridiculous.
@mtt -

I understand your reluctance, but at ten years out we are well past any statute of limitations issues for prosecution if you were not prosecuted, and you have probably hinted at one of the more interesting things any of us have read here this month. A lot of us would love to know the details, and, let's face it, we are all (mostly) anonymous on here.

I'd like to read it, for sure.

Since you said you will respond later, I will be looking out for it, and thank you in advance for the time you take to write it. For us reading, it is not just "curiosity," but might be a learning experience for everybody reading.
You are kidding right? You’re the one who posted it on “an open forum”. Multiple threads and one apparently over 20 pages. It’s public knowledge now because you made it so.

If you were concerned you should have created a new handle. Quite honestly most would.
Yes, I did post it on an open forum. And it ran its course and I got some very good advice. So for me it's over. Now you want to dredge it up and put me in a position where now I have to go through everything again.

I am sure there are things, many things, in your past that you don't want to have to dig up and relive again.

I am not kidding.
@mtt -

I understand your reluctance, but at ten years out we are well past any statute of limitations issues for prosecution if you were not prosecuted, and you have probably hinted at one of the more interesting things any of us have read here this month. A lot of us would love to know the details, and, let's face it, we are all (mostly) anonymous on here.

I'd like to read it, for sure.

Since you said you will respond later, I will be looking out for it, and thank you in advance for the time you take to write it. For us reading, it is not just "curiosity," but might be a learning experience for everybody reading.
It has nothing to do with any prosecution. The case was closed years ago along with my probation.
= I never put my gun on nobody that wasn't in the game = I may have to rewatch it soon. I'm on american horry story at the moment
Id never heard of boardwalk empire until he died. It's fucking awesome. A lot of great actors. Lots of action sex and still the character depth of an HBO series
I'm not going over the full story. I have neither the time nor desire.
Suffice to say I ordered ten Omnas from Oscarro. It got seized. No big deal, he said he would resend. My huge mistake was having him send to the same addy. In addition, in case that also I got seize I also place a separate order with Uncle Z. I was on TRT by a doctor at that time but had switched jobs and moved and wasn't set up with another doctor.
I was stupid and naive and didn't think these tiny personal orders would matter. I just played the odds very much in my favor that I have done in the past that the package would pass through the millions of packages going through customs. And even if caught, I'm out a few hundred dollars. What I did not know at the time is that when you have a seizure you are flagged. So here I am, with one seizure, and two more packs on the way. Even worse was I gave my home address in both transactions.
Just too easy for LE. If you want more of the gory details, and you just happen to have "some time to spare" do what B-ware did and go through my post history. I'm not hiding anything. I didn't want to change my user name. I don't feel like a criminal. To me it's just a prime example of the politics of LE. What are the costs to do a surveillance, set up a raid, recruit SWAT, local police, ATF? Then you have the court case, the defense lawyer, the parole officer.... literally thousands and thousands of dollars just to keep a citizen with no criminal record getting 10 amps of Omnas containing a hormone naturally produce in your body.

If you were in my position you would understand why I would want to put this complete travesty behind me and never give it another moment thought.
Looking at that post, i.think he's confusing a " Swat Team" with 4 or 5 County Sheriff's deputies........
Thanks, mtt. I will try to look through your post history to get more of the story, but as far as saying your mistake was to send it to the same address, I think folks do that all the time without getting arrested.

Sorry to hear that this happened. It's ridiculous, and these laws should be repealed.
If you want more of the gory details, and you just happen to have "some time to spare" do what B-ware did and go through my post history.

mtt, that part of your post history is missing.

You have only 5 posts from 2010, and then you don't appear here again for most of a decade.

Was it a felony in your state? How did it get resolved? Why does the title say "not happy?" What happened? And could you provide a little analysis for us? Lots of folks reading could learn from any advice you have on how to do things in the future to avoid the same fate.

I think most posters have too cavalier an attitude about the consequences - most seem to think LE is not even interested in personal amounts, which is far from the reality.

And I do understand that this is a painful episode in your life. I do. Others reading, however, might perhaps avoid such a painful episode in their own lives by learning something from what you have to say.
I learned one important lesson that few will heed until it happens to them. As I was sitting in my garage chewing the fat with the SWAT officers as my place was being torn apart, one of them, an obvious juicer, told me, just to never order international and you'll be fine. I noted his wording implied that he fully expected me to continue in my evil ways and didn't care and advising me to do so safely. Other than that we discussed MMA and football.
Yup Int is a no no they love to open up packages take a few pics and seal them right back up and send them on the way from customs. You think you are in the clear and boom one day maybe a month maybe a year down the road after multiple packs have been delivered to your addy you are awoken at 6am with team alphabet at the door. Be careful in this game and its no joke anyone else saying dif has no f**** clue.
Find a true homie that u know won’t snitch and is good under pressure and have him open up a P.O. Box. Have him sign a form at the front desk that gives the post office permission for them to sign for you. Send packs there…. Don’t ever sign for anything if they leave a paper in there that says you need a signature just kiss that pack goodbye.

remember possession WITHOUT intent to distribute growth hormone is very hard for them to win in court.


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Lol damn man so iv also heard the rumors of my boys boys who got knocked from the mail …..but I also seen about 10 letters from the usps telling my boys to come claim there drugs back lmfao I also personally got one bc the fucking Dick fucks stole 38k in cash from me bc my dumb ass never vac sealed it .. I fought that since I used make 44$ a hr for years and they sent me a letter back stating they ran dogs over my package and it alerted for drugs and that the cost of living exceeded what I could’ve saved from the tax receipts I sent …fat LOL since I was like 25 no kids making 70-80k a year busting my cock at the hardest construction jobs my state offers ….my buddy got 6k zannex pressies stolen in customs and they only sent him a letter telling him how he can claim them haha ….it’s unfortunate when people get jammed up over mail bc from my understanding it’s called Plausible Deniability …it’s quite common for the mail people and fuzz to jack your packs believe it or not if your in the game heavy but never have I heard of anyone directly getting knocked over it bc of that buzz word I stated ….I could hate someone and send them meth and call the cops don’t mean they go to jail is kinda the demonstration I give people who try to fear monger on the topic ….my credibility? I was poped with 100k worth of drugs and only got stuck pleading to a E felony and 5 years probation and they knew enough to not even bother debriefing me bc my dad was the biggest international drug smuggler in the north east in the 90s and took his 20 year weed fed sentence with a smile …my co D on the other hand was singing like a finch bc he can’t “afford” to get in trouble haha …….,I ended up saying fuck probation two years in and did my county year (8months) eating like a king …..moral of the story don’t worry about the mail nowadays and enjoy your novelty products ….mfkers shipping metric tons of pot everyday in the mail …..don’t have pot smelling items being shipped …don’t smoke pot and package something up bc your fingers will rub the scent and then the dogs will trigger to it ….wipe everything down with iso unless you like stolen packages ….unless opti is burning fat kush and not sharing we don’t have anything to worry about in this day and age ….wellllll …..unless your being snitched on then they will bust you so normally I tell people if you had mail knocks then you somehow had snitches bc then plausible deniability is straight out the door….the cops watched you order those narcotics ? Or made you sign a package you should’ve never signed for ? ……Nooooo they got confirmation other ways and your name on a package most likely wasnt it lmfao sorry for the rant ….I just absolutely hate misinformation and this has been a sour topic since high school for my buddies and I since we were ordering weed seeds from Amsterdam sent in garden gloves hahahahaha so I made it a mission to get field data for the purpose of others sense of security

As always love opti products …has given me a level of self confidence I never had with the hgh muscles I get with barely any training …..deffo waiting on a new drop as I am susy with current stock so I’ll milk my last 3 kits until I get some updates on fresh gear or just buy more jins after I sell my unvaxd seaman