I learned one important lesson that few will heed until it happens to them. As I was sitting in my garage chewing the fat with the SWAT officers as my place was being torn apart, one of them, an obvious juicer, told me, just to never order international and you'll be fine. I noted his wording implied that he fully expected me to continue in my evil ways and didn't care and advising me to do so safely. Other than that we discussed MMA and football.

Apologies for putting your business out like that. Yes you are the one who made it public but it was buried deep and I brought it back to life. As mentioned tho, it’s just not something that any of us have run across or heard of for the amount it was so I like others wanted to know more. Again, apologies. I won’t post about it again. You really might want to think about creating another handle though.
Thanks, mtt. I will try to look through your post history to get more of the story, but as far as saying your mistake was to send it to the same address, I think folks do that all the time without getting arrested.

Sorry to hear that this happened. It's ridiculous, and these laws should be repealed.
You just shouldn't do it if you have a seizure. You get flagged. I ordered some bicycle parts from the UK and it was obvious that the package was opened and inspected.
Apologies for putting your business out like that. Yes you are the one who made it public but it was buried deep and I brought it back to life. As mentioned tho, it’s just not something that any of us have run across or heard of for the amount it was so I like others wanted to know more. Again, apologies. I won’t post about it again. You really might want to think about creating another handle though.
No problem. Here is what I've come to understand about why they bothered with such a trivial amount. An example told to me was, LE doesn't care if you smoke weed but if you smoke weed right in front of their face they are going to act. The cavalier attitude I had, just ignoring the seizure notice and using the same mailing address is just like spitting in their face. Too easy for them. It was all right there. So just deliver the package with a little tracker inside. As far as cost, it's not coming out of their pocket. Might as well register an easy win. My record says nothing about 10 amps, really one 10cc vial in the states of a natural hormone (BTW, in the eyes of LE 10 amps and 10 10cc vials are the same thing). It just says that I am a felon and good luck trying to find a decent job with a felony arrest record.

Even "the system" knew it was bull shit. As a "drug addict" I was required to go to weekly meetings. You're sitting there with the low lives of the society. I mentioned it to my P.O. and told him I don't belong there.
He agreed and waived that requirement. Also, as it was a drug offense when you go in for your once a month meeting with your P.O. you get drug tested. After the second time he didn't even bother and those once a month meetings became once every 3 months then just whenever and finally stopped altogether. These guys are just overwhelmed with cases and he knew it was a waste of time with me so just gave me a "tongue in cheek" warning that I will be "less supervised" and I better behave myself "or else". My P.O. was super cool and we really hit it off. He told me it was a "welcomed break" having my sessions saying he's currently dealing with a bunch of hard-core criminals that aren't very pleasant.
mtt, that part of your post history is missing.

You have only 5 posts from 2010, and then you don't appear here again for most of a decade.

Was it a felony in your state? How did it get resolved? Why does the title say "not happy?" What happened? And could you provide a little analysis for us? Lots of folks reading could learn from any advice you have on how to do things in the future to avoid the same fate.

I think most posters have too cavalier an attitude about the consequences - most seem to think LE is not even interested in personal amounts, which is far from the reality.

And I do understand that this is a painful episode in your life. I do. Others reading, however, might perhaps avoid such a painful episode in their own lives by learning something from what you have to say.
The unhappy part was that I thought for sure it would be dismissed because I was on legit TRT and my doctor wrote a certified letter indicating so. It didn't matter. When LE sets up a raid they want their pound of flesh.
It just says that I am a felon and good luck trying to find a decent job with a felony arrest record.

I don't know what state you are in, but if this is your only offense, there is probably a process to make that invisible to employers and everybody else but law enforcement. Search for "expungement" in your state. If that does not work, then use "record restriction."

If you need to discuss it in more depth, just PM me.

No reason not to take advantage of every legal avenue to improve your situation.

I don't know what state you are in, but if this is your only offense, there is probably a process to make that invisible to employers and everybody else but law enforcement. Search for "expungement" in your state. If that does not work, then use "record restriction."

If you need to discuss it in more depth, just PM me.

No reason not to take advantage of every legal avenue to improve your situation.
Nope, not in my case. I checked personally and also check with my P.D.
He did say that it would be an easy case to get it expunged because I have no previous record, I was in my late forties, and really, as he put it, since the "drug" is Testosterone it's really not look on the same way as other drugs but more a quirk in the system. Espeically now when you have commercials on TV and radio trying to convince to go on TRT. But right now it's cost-prohibitive for me. But it's been well over ten years and I'm no longer on probation so it's not much of an obstacle anymore.
As far as cost prohibitive, you may not even need an attorney. In most states this is something you can do yourself. In some states it is almost automatic.
Is there a brand you like that you believe is effective?
Jarrow makes a bi-layer tablet that’s part fast acting, part long acting. I like that one quite a bit because of how it extends the life of the drug. If you plan on taking it multiple times a day then you can skip that particular preparation.
Just shared my igf1 results in the testing section. Score of 443 :)
