Hello Meso, hope everyone is having a great weekend.

We are currently making some changes to the site as well as servers. Still going strong! You can contact me at - same email @Villain posted above.
Second time ordering from Opti, funds sent (btc) late Saturday and Tuesday afternoon touchdown. Professionally packaged and overall 10/10 for communication 10/10 for t/a 10/10 for stealth. I am running 10ius EOD starting today.

There was an old credit of $90 in my favor stemming from last transaction, I had used a Bitcoin ATM and could not account for the fee (the machine wouldnt say until after the transaction) Opti received funds for 6 kits $90 short. He sent 5 and on this order I mentioned this to him and without any kind of hassle he credited me the $90 for this order (6 kits)

He quoted me the price for the order with credit and I shipped (I am using cashapp these days it's super fast and charges very little to send/purchase btc) and afterwards Opti pointed out he had miscalculated the total and I offered to pay the difference and he refused, said it was his error and would honor the price he gave me.

I of course should never assume a source won't make a.mistake and ironically I had another source the same day get the total wrong and I only caught it the next day. It goes without saying, double check the math. I feel slightly stupid but that's life. I'm never perfect.

Will report back on how things are going. I've been running the last stock I had from another source whom I won't name in this thread.

*Edited to remove actual dollar amounts from transaction
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Second time ordering from Opti, funds sent (btc) late Saturday and Tuesday afternoon touchdown. Professionally packaged and overall 10/10 for communication 10/10 for t/a 10/10 for stealth. I am running 10ius EOD starting today.

There was an old credit of $90 in my favor stemming from last transaction, I had used a Bitcoin ATM and could not account for the fee (the machine wouldnt say until after the transaction) Opti received funds for 6 kits $90 short. He sent 5 and on this order I mentioned this to him and without any kind of hassle he credited me the $90 for this order (6 kits)

He quoted me the price for the order with credit and I shipped (I am using cashapp these days it's super fast and charges very little to send/purchase btc) and afterwards Opti pointed out he had miscalculated the total and I offered to pay the difference and he refused, said it was his error and would honor the price he gave me.

I of course should never assume a source won't make a.mistake and ironically I had another source the same day get the total wrong and I only caught it the next day. It goes without saying, double check the math. I feel slightly stupid but that's life. I'm never perfect.

Will report back on how things are going. I've been running the last stock I had from another source whom I won't name in this thread.

*Edited to remove actual dollar amounts from transaction

Sources are definitely human and make errors. I once ordered 8 primos and received 16. I reached out to the source to tell him that he had accidentally shipped me two packs and I received double my order and he told me the same as you were told. It was his error and told me to enjoy :)
Any proems with shipping the gh in tos heat.degrading?
No and this raises an important point worth considering, part of the reason it's good to work with a source like Opti is that at least until the stock leaves his hands (at which point it's not his concern, same as it is for every source really) the stock is his concern and Opti, I am only making an educated guess here, actually cares. He cares quite a lot I would imagine.

So what I mean to say is the powder GH from Opti to me is most likely.never baking in the sun anyplace but in between where its manufactured to Opti that would be the area of greatest concern. We dont want stock baking out on a shipping dock someplace right?

I do not mean to imply Opti has 100% control the whole trip however I feel confident he has taken as much care as he possibly can to work with a supplier and their shipper to get product to his hands as best it can be done.

The whole concept of buying drugs on the black market is imperfect but if one is to choose the best possible option Opti is as good as it gets in my opinion.

Also worth mentioning when I was shopping around for this order I asked Opti and his two biggest competitors (whose names I won't mention in this thread) and the other two gave me one jano report each (better than I expected actually) and Opti gave me THREE. Three janoshik test results on his greys from this current.batch and the tests were done over a period of time.

What does this mean? It means I (we) are getting a better clearer (though imperfect) perspective on the consistency of his stock. All three tests were very very close to one another (purity almost identical and very high with no dimer detected in any of the three)

Jano testing is this community has to get insight into the product we are buying and consuming but Jano does have a limitation-he can only text a sample and tell us (fairly accurately) what that sample contains.

One sample does not give accurate insight into an entire batch of anything. It's something, it's a lot more than nothing, but three samples is a lot better than one and the results have much more value in my opinion. I'm probably doing a poor job of explaining what Im trying to say. Hopefully I said something of value, anyway.
Lab Work Results:

Base IGF1:
After 5 weeks of 4 IUs per day, IGF1: 224

I’m also running 1K Test and 500 NPP.
I’m somewhat new to GH, I was hoping for higher numbers but do these numbers seem reasonable? How does NPP affect IGF1, I’ve heard it brings it down?
Lab Work Results:

Base IGF1:
After 5 weeks of 4 IUs per day, IGF1: 224

I’m also running 1K Test and 500 NPP.
I’m somewhat new to GH, I was hoping for higher numbers but do these numbers seem reasonable? How does NPP affect IGF1, I’ve heard it brings it down?
IGF depends on so many factors. (caloric intake, other medications, liver health, etc. etc.)
Primo can suppress it as well. I had to drop my primo dose as it was making me feel like shit and drying me out. Doesn't seem to happen to everyone, but it's not rare from what I've read.
This is exactly what Mast is currently doing to me, how much did you end up dropping your Primo if you don't mind me asking?

I'm currently 5 weeks into Test E/Mast E/NPP at 350 each/week. Everything is dialled aside from these mild low e2 symptoms that are keeping me from 100% (weight feels heavier than it should when training, everything feels dry mechanically). I'm planning on tapering the Mast down to 200mg going forward.
@opti have you got any testing reports for the batch 03/2022 ?

My apologies for the delayed response. @B Ware has already pointed you in the right direction but I'll go ahead and post the two HPLC reports done on my latest batch in case someone else has overlooked them.

Batch : 03/22

μ 12.46iu / 94.06 Purity / 0 dimer detected
μ 12.09iu / 95.63 Purity / 0 dimer detected


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Happy Father's Day Meso! Hope everyone and their loved ones are doing well.

I am taking this opportunity to run a sale till the end of the month. The Gray 120iu kits will be offered at the usual sale price of $111/kit + $15 shipping, no limit.

I have been asked in numerous occasions how my Somatropin compares to others in the market testing 98-99%. I believe their is no (Generic) Somatropin on the market testing in the 98-99% range with @janoshik 2022 testing method. Pre 2022 my Somatropin never tested below 99%. I would prefer to be compared to sources whose main criterion is of similar testing. As far as my Grays causing more sides, gentlemen I’ll let the HPLC reports speak for themselves, too many variables come into play, dimer content being one of the most obvious.

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at, also found on my signature.

For those who have made a notable purchase this previous week, you can email for credit on a future order.
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My apologies for the delayed response. @B Ware has already pointed you in the right direction but I'll go ahead and post the two HPLC reports done on my latest batch in case someone else has overlooked them.

Batch : 03/22

μ 12.46iu / 94.06 Purity / 0 dimer detected
μ 12.09iu / 95.63 Purity / 0 dimer detected

View attachment 167857

View attachment 167858
Appreciate the response @opti , thanks.

I was also keen to ask you about shelf life. As I am currently using batch 09/20 grey tops.

Will these still be good to use? Or might they have lost potency?

What is the general shelf life of your products?

Thanks in advance
just wanted to throw opti a bone for his service. he legit must be on adderall 24/7 because I swear to god he replies so quickly to my emails that I sometimes MISS his answer because I assume I need to check back in a few hours. I've been using him for at least a year. The change in my physique speaks for itself, the hgh gives you a look that AAS alone does not. Idk how to describe it since I'm just a meathead. But trust me. The only problem is if I consistently run 6-12 iu doses daily I end up with water logged ankles if I even slightly overeat or let estrogen go high. So I basically dose the gh by feel. I push it as far as I can, if I start to feel too watery or sleepy I just stop for a day or two and woosh the water comes right off. Right now I'm riding nicely at 4iu a day. I don't do blood tests I just go by the mirror but I can tell you that it would be a rare gym for me to walk in to where I'm not the biggest and leanest by a country mile.
Thank you Opti. I like to run mine with test and a lot of primo.
What do people use to avoid possible insulin resistance with GH?
cardio and eating well.

i also take an occasional shot of slin depending on how my body looks that day. I do it all by the mirror. I want to be a certain look year round while I grow, so I push slin and cals and gh, if I notice my face bloats or i hold water near ankles or add fat I clean up diet and drop slin and gh for a few days. every so often I just stop everything including aas for a few weeks. Maybe once a year. Or just do a shot of test e 100mg for the week. otherwise i'm pushing it since i want to go pro and see what the max my body can do is