Happy Father's Day Meso! Hope everyone and their loved ones are doing well.

I am taking this opportunity to run a sale till the end of the month. The Gray 120iu kits will be offered at the usual sale price of $111/kit + $15 shipping, no limit.

I have been asked in numerous occasions how my Somatropin compares to others in the market testing 98-99%. I believe their is no (Generic) Somatropin on the market testing in the 98-99% range with @janoshik 2022 testing method. Pre 2022 my Somatropin never tested below 99%. I would prefer to be compared to sources whose main criterion is of similar testing. As far as my Grays causing more sides, gentlemen I’ll let the HPLC reports speak for themselves, too many variables come into play, dimer content being one of the most obvious.

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at, also found on my signature.

For those who have made a notable purchase this previous week, you can email for credit on a future order.

What Opti is saying if you read between the lines is "my Greys ARE pharma!" and I concur. The veins are ridiculous and zero cts from 6ius ED so far.

It works exactly as it's supposed to.

Cheers to Opti.
Lab Work Results:

Base IGF1:
After 5 weeks of 4 IUs per day, IGF1: 224

I’m also running 1K Test and 500 NPP.
I’m somewhat new to GH, I was hoping for higher numbers but do these numbers seem reasonable? How does NPP affect IGF1, I’ve heard it brings it down?
Liver health is a huge one, but also things like absorption and or other medicine and or other anabolics ur using, alot of things come into play. I don't always base it off if numbers I also look at things like how well am I sleeping , how fast are ur nails and hair growing, how's ur recovery, how is ur bf and how are u looking in the mirror. Are u getting sleepy during the day. One thing u can do it doesn't always work but sometimes pinning hgh i.m instead of sub q will give u alil higher of a score ......and honestly some people think 4iu is alot when in reality it's not most use 4ius cause it's right on the border line and also because of cost. Most pros are running much more and also adding in alil slin.... If u can afford it u might wanna bump up to 6-8iu I'd try 6iu first really that is usually the sweet spot... And u might wanna try a different protocol alot of people do the 5 on 2 off ... Lately iv been seeing alot doing eod to stay fresher and there receptors more sensitive.... It's just something to try out
Liver health is a huge one, but also things like absorption and or other medicine and or other anabolics ur using, alot of things come into play. I don't always base it off if numbers I also look at things like how well am I sleeping , how fast are ur nails and hair growing, how's ur recovery, how is ur bf and how are u looking in the mirror. Are u getting sleepy during the day. One thing u can do it doesn't always work but sometimes pinning hgh i.m instead of sub q will give u alil higher of a score ......and honestly some people think 4iu is alot when in reality it's not most use 4ius cause it's right on the border line and also because of cost. Most pros are running much more and also adding in alil slin.... If u can afford it u might wanna bump up to 6-8iu I'd try 6iu first really that is usually the sweet spot... And u might wanna try a different protocol alot of people do the 5 on 2 off ... Lately iv been seeing alot doing eod to stay fresher and there receptors more sensitive.... It's just something to try out
Thanks for the response! I can tell the GH is working cause I’m only 6.9% body fat and have the most lean mass to date so that was awesome to see.

I do think I’ll move to a 5 on 2 off protocol.

I attempted to increase to 5 iu/day but my fingers started swelling and joints in hand began to hurt. Is there ways to mitigate these symptoms as you increase dose?
Thanks for the response! I can tell the GH is working cause I’m only 6.9% body fat and have the most lean mass to date so that was awesome to see.

I do think I’ll move to a 5 on 2 off protocol.

I attempted to increase to 5 iu/day but my fingers started swelling and joints in hand began to hurt. Is there ways to mitigate these symptoms as you increase dose?
Yeah you just gotta really go slow stay at a dose for awhile and slowly increase it, I wouldn't force urself to go to a dose of ur body is kinda saying it's happy at this dose but there's no real way other then very slowly tapering up the dose u might have to go to half an iu till ur ready for the full iu.... Clearly with sides like that it sounds to be working those are typical gh sides
Thanks for the response! I can tell the GH is working cause I’m only 6.9% body fat and have the most lean mass to date so that was awesome to see.

I do think I’ll move to a 5 on 2 off protocol.

I attempted to increase to 5 iu/day but my fingers started swelling and joints in hand began to hurt. Is there ways to mitigate these symptoms as you increase dose?
Eat cleaner, that works for me, I can run 6 every day, once I do my weekly cheat meal I swell up at wrists and ankles for a couple days
Yeah you just gotta really go slow stay at a dose for awhile and slowly increase it, I wouldn't force urself to go to a dose of ur body is kinda saying it's happy at this dose but there's no real way other then very slowly tapering up the dose u might have to go to half an iu till ur ready for the full iu.... Clearly with sides like that it sounds to be working those are typical gh sides
Sounds good. I’ll try to taper up and see what happens. Thanks.

Eat cleaner, that works for me, I can run 6 every day, once I do my weekly cheat meal I swell up at wrists and ankles for a couple days

Good tip! Just cleaned up my diet last week. I’ll see if I can increase it a bit next week. Thanks
Did something happen with opti? I got a list, his listed optitropins are misspelled and say optiropins and his link to his site says it doesnt exist?

Attention to detail is a good thing….
Appreciate the response @opti , thanks.

I was also keen to ask you about shelf life. As I am currently using batch 09/20 grey tops.

Will these still be good to use? Or might they have lost potency?

What is the general shelf life of your products?

Thanks in advance

Keen to hear your response to the above @opti @Opti-Canada

A minimum of 2 years from the manufacturing date. We will be going through our batches a lot quicker now since our expansion into the EU market as well as our Canadian distributor.

If you have any further concerns you can contact me at

Did something happen with opti? I got a list, his listed optitropins are misspelled and say optiropins and his link to his site says it doesnt exist?

Attention to detail is a good thing….

We are changing to an offshore server as well as making some modifications to the site. Once online I will post here on Meso. Thank you for pointing out the misspelling, please email me at your convenience.
Grabbed a few kits with the fathers day special. Been using opti for over 3 years now, most consistent and professional source I've used.
Grabbed a few kits with the fathers day special. Been using opti for over 3 years now, most consistent and professional source I've used.
I was always a big pharma gh guy I used mostly humas and geno pens but I'm gunna give Opti a try when I get a chance to grab a kit or two and get some bloods on them. I haven't had a chance to try proper good generic growth so it should be Intresting.... It really sucks that they did away with europharm jin's and 100iu anasone gh kits..... The other legit jin's are crazy expensive yeah u get 200iu but it's still pricey. If I was going for a pro card or something then I'd probably would invest in jin's and good generics and split my shots up..... But right now it makes more sense to use or atleast give generics a real try. Out of all the generics I only trust two srcs Opti be one the other I won't say cause this is optis thread and it would be disrespectful..... And like you said tiredandhot Opti been doing this for years , you don't stay around that long and in the industry putting out bunk junk.... So that there should count for something.... And those sides of fingers hurting and swelling and ur wrist hurting and holding water retention are extremely typical gh sides... Now sides aren't a great thing but when u get that with gh you atleast know u got real growth and quailty.... Can't wait to get a kit or two and try them myself
I was always a big pharma gh guy I used mostly humas and geno pens but I'm gunna give Opti a try when I get a chance to grab a kit or two and get some bloods on them. I haven't had a chance to try proper good generic growth so it should be Intresting.... It really sucks that they did away with europharm jin's and 100iu anasone gh kits..... The other legit jin's are crazy expensive yeah u get 200iu but it's still pricey. If I was going for a pro card or something then I'd probably would invest in jin's and good generics and split my shots up..... But right now it makes more sense to use or atleast give generics a real try. Out of all the generics I only trust two srcs Opti be one the other I won't say cause this is optis thread and it would be disrespectful..... And like you said tiredandhot Opti been doing this for years , you don't stay around that long and in the industry putting out bunk junk.... So that there should count for something.... And those sides of fingers hurting and swelling and ur wrist hurting and holding water retention are extremely typical gh sides... Now sides aren't a great thing but when u get that with gh you atleast know u got real growth and quailty.... Can't wait to get a kit or two and try them out.

HPLC testing does not lie and @janoshik is a very good chemist. @opti has posted HPLC tests I couldnt guess the number of times over the years but it's a lot and the numbers are right where they should be, zero dimer and purity hovering between %94-96 using Janoshik newer testing method and about %98-99 using Janoshik old method.

Same as Pharma, my friend.
Did something happen with opti? I got a list, his listed optitropins are misspelled and say optiropins and his link to his site says it doesnt exist?

Attention to detail is a good thing….
Good eye Avies48 and I agree 100% attention to detail is always a good thing.

Keep up the good work.
Good eye Avies48 and I agree 100% attention to detail is always a good thing.

Keep up the good work.
Yeah that's what I was thinking and starting to get at, like there has always been this big debate over pharma gh vs. generic gh. And is generics as good or the same in most situations. I would have to say yes for the most part unless ur getting stuff straight from the pharmacy and it's been on ice the whole time in transit and what not.... The only time we really seen anything pharma test higher was skanks jin's. I haven't used enough generics yet to see if I feel or see a difference... But you would think considering Janos testing of good generics vs. pharma it's been pretty much the same purity wise.. I'm definitely gunna run good generics for a few months get bloods done a CPL times within those months and take a break then switch over to pharma and kinda repeat it and see if I notice or feel any difference. And IV also heard plenty of pros good pros admit like yeah I'm on generics or I run generics 99 percent of time but when I'm going into a prep I'll run pharma or I'll use a bit of both... So I think as long as u got a soild good generic plug it's pretty close if not just as good in fact sometimes might be better depending where and who ur pharma comes from....