Quick update today I've been doing double takes every time I see my body in the mirror. CTS has crept up on me. Ive lost control of estrogen and am retaining a lot of water. Aromasin going up and added some cabergoline. Love the gh tho.
Meso, hope you and your loved ones are well.

A quick note, in the last 1+ week I have received a few transactions/payments without a confirmation email from the customer. If you sent payment and did not receive a confirmation email on my end, your order is at a pause. Please email me the appropriate information which I will verify.
Do you have any bloodwork showing this? Or are you going by feel and equating the extra water retention to higher e?
Well, feels for now but I am supposed to get uncapped bloods done in a few weeks so will know more then.

Side note .5mg caber has made significant improvement so as usual it's probably less estrogen and more prolactin at fault here. Cts has gone down considerably as has water retention. Diet is um I will just say it could be cleaner but it's always the same so abrupt Changes with retention are pretty easy to identify as some kjnd of imbalance hormonally.

I could be wrong too.
Well, feels for now but I am supposed to get uncapped bloods done in a few weeks so will know more then.

Side note .5mg caber has made significant improvement so as usual it's probably less estrogen and more prolactin at fault here. Cts has gone down considerably as has water retention. Diet is um I will just say it could be cleaner but it's always the same so abrupt Changes with retention are pretty easy to identify as some kjnd of imbalance hormonally.

I could be wrong too.

What are you running?

If anyone with experience with Opti Bluetops would be so kind whats your experience with them been and how are the sides? Also what dosages have you run and for how long? For people who have used both greys and bluetops what differences have you seen?

@opti will you be stocking Sinotropin again? I was sooo looking forward to trying but by the time i had money saved you already were out of stock.
The demand was quite low, I was not considering it though if their is even the slightest interest I would. Same goes for the 280IU Purples.

Please email me at your convenience.
Has anyone tried/had any luck using Optis Jintropin?
I ordered a couple kits of Opti's Jintropin last year. I had been using his 120iu kits but wanted to get some pharma grade hgh. I really missed Ansomone (the best hgh I've ever tried, been using hgh since 2018) and thought Opti's Jintropin could be similar. It felt similar to his 120iu kits. Something that really put me off was that one of the packages seemed tampered with. I do not know if it had been opened or not but someone definitely had attempted to. The USPS box and the bubble wrap containing it didn't seem to be tampered with. Pictures attached.

But as you all know by now about how professional he is, he was extremely generous and offered to refund and replace but I needed it for my cycle immediately and just rolled the dice.


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I ordered a couple kits of Opti's Jintropin last year. I had been using his 120iu kits but wanted to get some pharma grade hgh. I really missed Ansomone (the best hgh I've ever tried, been using hgh since 2018) and thought Opti's Jintropin could be similar. It felt similar to his 120iu kits. Something that really put me off was that one of the packages seemed tampered with. I do not know if it had been opened or not but someone definitely had attempted to. The USPS box and the bubble wrap containing it didn't seem to be tampered with. Pictures attached.

But as you all know by now about how professional he is, he was extremely generous and offered to refund and replace but I needed it for my cycle immediately and just rolled the dice.

Why would pharma grade be better than quality generic?
Just anecdotal evidence on my part. Part of it would be placebo. But definitely noticeable for me.

Unless you have a statistically well-powered case-control study (385 sample size according to the 1-B equation) you can't really say either way. Everything on these threads is either anecdotal or a sample size of n=1. It is crude data but still helpful.
Does anyone know if Opti's ok? Ordered some kits on Monday and got confirmation immediately, but haven't been abe to reach him regarding the tracking number. Getting a little worried. It's Thursday now.

Wondering if it has anything to do with the mail servers. I think we both use protonmail.
Does anyone know if Opti's ok? Ordered some kits on Monday and got confirmation immediately, but haven't been abe to reach him regarding the tracking number. Getting a little worried. It's Thursday now.

Wondering if it has anything to do with the mail servers. I think we both use protonmail.
Don't think opti sends tracking unless its over a week. Usual TA for me is 4 days so good chance it shows tomorrow or Sat.
Quick update. Just finished the 120s with the 5/21 date on them. 1.5IU in the morning and 1.5IU before bed and my IGF test came back at 421. I had been off it for a week prior to the test. Any worry about quality should be alleviated.