Some years back, there was a source on here (pharmasource if I'm not mistaken) that had some oils with PIP/Knots being common.

I had gotten some Test Cyp I believe (20ml vial - he sold 20ml vials as well as 10ml) in MIG oil (I would get some knots/lumps - not golf ball size but you get where I'm going). That was bad....... A little soreness/tenderness after I feel is normal, lumps/redness/swelling/hot - no good..
Did it take you time to build up to it or just from the first injection no problems?im wondering if it just takes time for certain peoples immune system to adjust to itI’ve tried MCT and that was horrid with pain and lumps, not doing that again! I then have been trying Opti GSO Primo and still 3-4 days later I have a lump and soreness from just 150mg. It’s annoying but not as bad as MCT, I’m going to try a slightly longer needle and different site and see if that helps at all, if not ill just stick to Test for a while.. Im sick of experimenting at the moment.
I’ve tried theragun, brad and bob and anrboleaf all from Amazon. It’d say that Brad and Bob T series with this smooth metal attachment that has a head curved like a contact lens and that has been the best of the massagers, Arboleaf is a good budget option with decently strong power it’s in the under $50 range.
You could always try micro injections every day to lower the volume you’re pinning at one time
You could always try micro injections every day to lower the volume you’re pinning at one time

Thanks! That’s actually something I’m considering, most recently I tried 75mg day and 75mg night but I think the sites were too close together (the other available sites were healing up from the MCT allergic reaction). Maybe split it up into 25MG doses, that’s not bad when warming the oil a bit and using 30G slin pins. If not then no mo primo
Excited to see this arrived while I was at work like a present from Santa .
Everything was present, even included some sweet treats I love airheads and sweet tarts, I have enjoyed a bit o’ honey from time to time.
T/a was fast ordered on the 16th completed same day received today 23rd.
No need for extra communication regarding the package. I skipped my pin this morning for the sole purpose of waiting for this to come so I could immediately switch over to test this stuff out.

I’d also like to make a note I’m impressed with the attention to detail the oral bottles even have a foil freshness seal that I have not seen with any other manufacturers/labs
Thanks! That’s actually something I’m considering, most recently I tried 75mg day and 75mg night but I think the sites were too close together (the other available sites were healing up from the MCT allergic reaction). Maybe split it up into 25MG doses, that’s not bad when warming the oil a bit and using 30G slin pins. If not then no mo primo
I don’t think I’ve ever had to warm up oil outside of getting crashed gear to fall back into solution.
Even then I’ve never notice much difference in injection site inflammation
The more bloodwork I see I don't think the igf increase is linear the more you use. Last year I was using 5iu and was around 390. Then on 6 I tested at 400 IGF and just got tested on 8iu and was 430. It's like you get a big jump to supra physiological IGF numbers and then it levels off. I don't see guys doing 10 ius or even a whole bottle getting back igfs in the 600-800s.

Also I remember Chase Irons saying he never gets a great IGF number response on bloodwork. His IGF is in the 200s on a full bottle of serostim nightly. But he can tell the HGH is clearly working for him and doing its magic
here are my tests for 2023 blacktops 2 vials a day, 24iu a day, no slin


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Thanks! That’s actually something I’m considering, most recently I tried 75mg day and 75mg night but I think the sites were too close together (the other available sites were healing up from the MCT allergic reaction). Maybe split it up into 25MG doses, that’s not bad when warming the oil a bit and using 30G slin pins. If not then no mo primo
Probably not, cycle been on it for 5weeks so far and I’ve tried 75mg, then later that day another 75mg in a site close to the original but I did do test where I circled the locations I injected and measured them, according to my notes they were far enough away where it should have absorbed just fine in the left vastus lateralis muscle , that happened for a day then the inflammation came between days 2-3 (not too bad), but by day 4 and beyond hard lump mass with constant throbbing pain and you can really tell when I walk it’s very noticeable pain wise and it like a lump island is sitting ontop the muscle in the subcutaneous layer. It’s Opti Line 150mg Primo so it’s not a high dose, I tried 25mg in Delt same thing a mast and lump, lil pain but not nearly as painful as the thigh is rn. About as much pain as one would expect from PIP, so no complaints on the delt PIP but the inflammation, lump and the injection site space it’s taking up is concerning so I don’t think it’s worth it, also to do an adequate dose I’ll run out of injection sits due to lumps and inflammation, so bye-bye Primo!

I was planning on my next cycle trying Masteron so we will see how that goes next go around but Primo benefits/sides don’t seem worth it for me.
I don’t think I’ve ever had to warm up oil outside of getting crashed gear to fall back into solution.
Even then I’ve never notice much difference in injection site inflammation
So you just not get much ISR or inflammation at this point? I don’t know if I’ve seen much of a difference for Testosterone esters heated up but I guess depending on the amount, for a large amount I think it could help, micro dosing not so much. I’ve read a lot of people do it warm water, coffee mug warmers, etc and I figured I’d give it a try since it’s not an out there idea.
Why tirz?
well I can’t speak for him but Tirz is actually great if you can get the dosing right for cutting. It’s a dual GLP 1 and GIP which means it helps with appetite suppression but also helps hold food in your stomach for longer periods of time, you can achieve intermittent fasting, paleo or keto diets much easier with tirz. If you balance it right you can get the calories and nutrients you need and it’ll sustain throughout the day. A downside though is you really can “forget” to eat if you don’t have a plan in place, which if you’re working out and trying to build muscle and on AAS can lead to… a lot o’ problems