I thought Opti HGH is 120 IU per kit but is 138 IU since the recent grey tops are 13.8 IU per vial. Is this correct?
I thought Opti HGH is 120 IU per kit but is 138 IU since the recent grey tops are 13.8 IU per vial. Is this correct?
Personally iam running optitropin for a longer period of time already and i dont feel or see any differences between batches. Always same good quality for me. I handle them all like 12iu vials
I'm thinking of buy it. How much iu are you gonna use?

Trigger warning: this is a feelz report.

I'm running 12 IU total so might swap out 3 IU of that for 3 IU Ansomone to see how it goes. I've done similar experiments with Geno's, cinnatropin, QSC, Opti grays, and a few others.

You'll find a bigger difference going from 2 IU to 4 IU of any brand than switching between brands @ 2 IU. If that makes sense.
I know it's looks strange but way to know if hgh is real is the change of bone like finger, so if you notice any change let me know bro
Trigger warning: this is a feelz report.

I'm running 12 IU total so might swap out 3 IU of that for 3 IU Ansomone to see how it goes. I've done similar experiments with Geno's, cinnatropin, QSC, Opti grays, and a few others.

You'll find a bigger difference going from 2 IU to 4 IU of any brand than switching between brands @ 2 IU. If that makes sense.
New test results Unique:

NPP Unique 100mg > 95mg

Test E Unique 250mg > 249mg

Sustanon Unique 250mg > 247mg
Mast E Unique 200mg > 201mg

Anavar Unique 10mg > 9.44mg

Dianabol Unique 10mg > 10.51mg

Primo Unique 100mg > 86mg (this batch will be replaced as soon as possible, untill then price is lowered with €5)

Unfortunately the Primo tested more than 10% under label claim. Expect to have a new batch of Primo in 3-4 weeks. Untill we receive new primo batch and have the labresults of that one we will offer this batch with a €5 discount to make up for the missing mg’s. So price will be 18-35€.
Note that no one has received this batch yet but old batch will finish somewhere during next week. My apologizes for this situation.
I know it's looks strange but way to know if hgh is real is the change of bone like finger, so if you notice any change let me know bro

Hard to say if it's edema or what, but one day I woke up and couldn't fit on my wedding band. Then shoe size increased.

I thought that might've reversed if it was just water, but it's been like a year. Not planning to discontinue GH anytime soon so who knows.

It's not a big deal to me.