First of all, we are also not 100% satisfied with this Test U result. But saying UGL can’t get it right is not true, from where you have this information?
Other batches have tested 250mg+.
However, this one is exactly 6.5% under label claim, still within 10% margin pharma companies also can have. If you test original nebido results can be same or even lower. For example last batch of ORIGINAL Norma Hellas Test E that was tested also a bit below 240mg/ml. It’s a normal deviation.
First of all, we are also not 100% satisfied with this Test U result. But saying UGL can’t get it right is not true, from where you have this information?
Other batches have tested 250mg+.
However, this one is exactly 6.5% under label claim, still within 10% margin pharma companies also can have. If you test original nebido results can be same or even lower. For example last batch of ORIGINAL Norma Hellas Test E that was tested also a bit below 240mg/ml. It’s a normal deviation.
Well this time looks like the UGL couldn't get it right and it shouldn't hard if you test your raws and know basic math.

Now I guess a professional UGL that has hundred of thousand if not millions of income could spare some money to test raws and get it right :)

I'm just stating that I'm surprised about it, as usually the majority of your labtest are all very on point.

And for steroids used for cycling even a 15% deviation is not a big deal, but for an oil as test U in castor oil that is used exactly for TRT only, it's a bit annoying the deviation especially the underdosing
Well this time looks like the UGL couldn't get it right and it shouldn't hard if you test your raws and know basic math.

Now I guess a professional UGL that has hundred of thousand if not millions of income could spare some money to test raws and get it right :)

I'm just stating that I'm surprised about it, as usually the majority of your labtest are all very on point.

And for steroids used for cycling even a 15% deviation is not a big deal, but for an oil as test U in castor oil that is used exactly for TRT only, it's a bit annoying the deviation especially the underdosing
Well I agree with you that it should better be closer to or a bit above 250mg/ml. Next batch will be “better” :).

Best regards,