
Well-known Member
Fun little Halloween theme for this one. Anyways goals are simple. Got pretty lean, I’m holding 200 lbs right now super flat and deflated. Going to attempt a rebound into a long growth phase. Shared my labs on my cutting log, everything looks good and I’m healthy. As for the goals, get up to 240-250 over the next 9 months or push until bloodwork no longer allows me to continue.

Specifically want to bring up my quads and arms. Shoulders make the bicep look pretty small in my case. Current arm size is 17.6 inches cold, let’s shoot for an inch of growth. Hamstrings are a strong point for me, quads are a weak point so I’ll be doing some quad focused movements as well. I’ll be eating an astronomical amount of food, starting macros:

230 Protein
750 Carbs
50 Fat

Starting Doses:

700 test ace
300 tren ace
300 mast e
100 Anadrol

Will change compounds to much more reasonable choices after 6 weeks after a hopefully successful rebound. Tren is only in to prevent fat gain and will be a short duration. I’ll get some starting pics up tonight.
That would be a sick UGL label!

Curious to see how the 6 week head start turns out for you. Seems to be a few different approaches to a rebound. Although I have no experience with it, I do like the look of yours. Strictly because I love drugs lol
That would be a sick UGL label!

Curious to see how the 6 week head start turns out for you. Seems to be a few different approaches to a rebound. Although I have no experience with it, I do like the look of yours. Strictly because I love drugs lol
I would have picked totally different compounds if I came up with this plan myself. So far listening has been working out well so I’m rolling with it. I thought the billboard was pretty sick ngl
I would have picked totally different compounds if I came up with this plan myself. So far listening has been working out well so I’m rolling with it. I thought the billboard was pretty sick ngl

So you were on 200+200 test / mast and some hgh, if iirc.
Or maybe that was just in August?
And you are moving onto this.
I ended the cut on 300/300. I was blessed with big shoulders not big brain cells lol

No, don't say that, I was just referencing the very beginning of your log, so I am sure you wrote all this somewhere and I did not see it.
But thanks for clarifying.
How do you feel about the change?
Have you done anything similar to this, in the past?
No, don't say that, I was just referencing the very beginning of your log, so I am sure you wrote all this somewhere and I did not see it.
But thanks for clarifying.
How do you feel about the change?
Have you done anything similar to this, in the past?
I'm in good spirits about this run. For context that cutting log was pretty much my cruise for the year lol I feel the best and make pretty consistent progress on a gram of test, so going a little higher this time around. Definitely want to clarify if I start feeling off or see some issues on the labs I have no issue cutting doses in half or even just coming off. Things have gone pretty well for me for the most part and I think utilizing a coach is going to make a big difference. Realistically will probably be up to 220 in the next couple weeks, I'm completely flat and deflated right now.