Palifter’s competition log


Well-known Member
Hello everyone!

I’ve been on the fence about committing to such a log but in the end, decided it was good for my own accountability and may even help others on the board. So here goes!

I’m 29 y/o, I’ve done 4 shows and I’m currently 6 weeks out from my latest show. This is a regional/state show. The plan is to place well at this show and qualify for a national level show which I plan to enter sometime in 2023. I do work with a coach and this is our first prep together. The end goal is a pro card.

This log will serve to outline the last 6 weeks of this prep along with the rebound/off-season to follow leading into nationals prep.

I will outline my current diet and training later on today. As for current PED’s, I’m currently on the following:

525mg tren a/wk
525mg test p/wk
525mg mast p/wk
10iu HGH - split am and post workout
6iu humalog pre training
.5mg adex mon/Thursday
25mcg T3
80mcg Clen

Oral AAS will be thrown in within the week if I were to guess. I’m assuming this will be a mix of proviron, winny and anavar. Halo will come in at the very end for 2 weeks or so. I will update when my coach confirms things.

I’m using @GoodLyfe for all AAS as well as GH. I can’t say enough good things about this source. I am also using @BG pharmaceuticals for my insulin and T3. Again, can’t go wrong here.

Below I will attach a few pics from yesterday mornings check in. I’m currently 255lbs fasted. I’m 6’1 for what it’s worth.

Thanks for following along!
Current diet for training days is 3500cals total. I train 5x/week.

Protein: 325g
Carbs: 415g
Fat: 60g

M1: 2 free range eggs, 300g egg whites, 45g cream of rice, 100g blueberries

M2: 7oz chicken breast, 200g cooked jasmine rice, 10g fat from avocado oil

M3: same as meal 2 but no avocado oil

M4: (pre meal) 2 scoops whey isolate, 90g COR, 16g PB

Intra: 70g Karbolyn, 15g EAA, 5g creatine - I also pin 6iu log right before entering gym

M5: 7oz chicken, 150g rice, 40g carbs from cereal of choice, 1 cup almond milk

M6: 200g lean ground beef (wash and strain after cooking) or top sirloin, 150g rice, mixed veggie of choice.

On my off days, carbs get reduced in meal 4/5 and obviously there’s no intra shake or slin usage. Off day calories are at 3250cals.

This amount of food has me starving 24/7 and sleep is starting to get hindered because of this. 6 more weeks!
Man, you're the motivation! If anyone has to say something bad about you, it's only because they are jealous fucking nobodys that don't have 1/4th of what you have!

I wish I had half of your will power, perhaps I'm lazy compared to you, but hey at least I can admit it and I'm fine with it.

I truly wish that one day you achieve your dreams in bodybuilding!

I just admire you and respect your hard work!
Man, you're the motivation! If anyone has to say something bad about you, it's only because they are jealous fucking nobodys that don't have 1/4th of what you have!

I wish I had half of your will power, perhaps I'm lazy compared to you, but hey at least I can admit it and I'm fine with it.

I truly wish that one day you achieve your dreams in bodybuilding!

I just admire you and respect your hard work!
Much appreciated brother!

And I don’t think it’s laziness, it’s just prioritizing things. I prioritize bodybuilding at this point in my life. That can always change and hasn’t always been the case. I see what consistency can yield so I’m going full steam ahead.

You definitely know what you’re doing. Question is will you remain consistent even when things get tough…this is what separates people imo.
This amount of food has me starving 24/7 and sleep is starting to get hindered because of this. 6 more weeks!
this is why I do strongman lol, but seriously, good job, I know it takes a ton of work, and it takes even more consistency and dedication.

That’s pretty yoked to be 255 at 6’1” and clearly single digit body fat.
this is why I do strongman lol, but seriously, good job, I know it takes a ton of work, and it takes even more consistency and dedication.

That’s pretty yoked to be 255 at 6’1” and clearly single digit body fat.
Haha I tell people all the time that bodybuilding is trying to be comfortable with being uncomfortable…if that makes sense.

Appreciate the kind words man, I’m trying!
Much appreciated brother!

And I don’t think it’s laziness, it’s just prioritizing things. I prioritize bodybuilding at this point in my life. That can always change and hasn’t always been the case. I see what consistency can yield so I’m going full steam ahead.

You definitely know what you’re doing. Question is will you remain consistent even when things get tough…this is what separates people imo.
True words bro. You have found your true passion and you're a strong person. You believe in yourself and you make others believe, that's inspirational man.

Thank you for kind words too, means much to me. If I'm being honest you're someone I look up to, even if my goals are different.

With the way you put it, I now want to get more serious with my diet and be more strict. If you at that weight eat only 3500 calories on training days, then I need to get lower and adapt to 3000 calories. If someone that much bigger and leaner than me only eats this much, then I can't allow myself to be this careless and consume so much.

It's time to take action.
M4: (pre meal) 2 scoops whey isolate, 90g COR, 16g PB

Intra: 70g Karbolyn, 15g EAA, 5g creatine - I also pin 6iu log right before entering gym

M5: 7oz chicken, 150g rice, 40g carbs from cereal of choice, 1 cup almond milk

How much time is meal 5 after your workout? You see so many people just go for a shake after their workout.
Also what is 90g COR?
Also appreciate the log. I wish there was more of this around. Wildcats was really good to if you haven’t seen it.
M4: (pre meal) 2 scoops whey isolate, 90g COR, 16g PB

Intra: 70g Karbolyn, 15g EAA, 5g creatine - I also pin 6iu log right before entering gym

M5: 7oz chicken, 150g rice, 40g carbs from cereal of choice, 1 cup almond milk

How much time is meal 5 after your workout? You see so many people just go for a shake after their workout.
Also what is 90g COR?

COR = cream of rice.

It’s 90g dry weight which equates to a little over 70g carbs.

I eat my post meal within 1hr after training. I’m ravenous at this point so it’s not hard to do. I don’t see an issue with a shake either. You’ll see people make the argument whole food > all, but in my mind you should do what works best for you. It’s splitting hairs and there’s no one meal that’s far superior to all others.
Also appreciate the log. I wish there was more of this around. Wildcats was really good to if you haven’t seen it.
Absolutely man. I’m familiar with Wildcats log and thought he did a fantastic job!
Lol. How I miss that as cream of rice. Some reason I was thinking some dextrose type drink. Keep it up bud. You're killing it!
Let’s talk current training. For the past year or so, I’ve followed a typical bro split with good results. I put an emphasis on progressive overload and record most of my training. The progression could be in weight, in reps or the inclusion of certain intensifiers (drop sets, rest pause etc.). The split is as follows:

Sunday: legs
Monday: arms
Tuesday: shoulders
Wednesday: back
Thursday: chest
Friday: off
Saturday: off

I’d guess I do 5-7 exercises on each given day. 3-4 working sets per movement.

I should note I really enjoy training this way. I love the volume and pumps to follow. Is it the most optimal way to train? Maybe not (@Live_Evil sigh of relief lol). But it’s important to enjoy what you’re doing (this goes for training and meals too) and to be consistent in your approach. After this show, I’d like to explore other training splits with my coach - I’m thinking PPLA or similar. The only reason we didn’t change it up yet is because 6 weeks out I’m not exactly setting PR’s in the gym so best to leave it as is and limit variables.

Cardio is currently set at 30min a day 7x/week. I’ll alternate between walking on a high incline treadmill or using the stationary bike.

I check in with my coach tomorrow morning. I sense a hard push coming to keep chipping away at remaining body fat but I’m definitely tighter than I was even from my check in pics above. Will keep you all posted!
This is meal 1 fyi. Looks so boring but it has to be my favorite meal of the day. The cream of rice + blueberries might as well be a moist (yea I said it) blueberry muffin to my taste buds :)

As I said yesyerday, looking forward to see your rHGH + slin protocol for bulking/off-season, must be interesting checking the high calories you are cutting with 6 weeks out and your conditioning.

Do you take it fasted in a single take in the moening or do you split it AM/PM? Or it depends once the dosage goes up?

Good luck for the prep and comps .
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As I said yesyerday, looking forward to see your rHGH + slin protocol for bulking/off-season, must be interested checking the high calories you are cutting with 6 weeks out and your conditioning.

Do you take it fasted in a single take in the moening or do you split it AM/PM? Or it depends once the dosage goes up?

Good luck for the prep and comps .

Welcome Alphalfa!

Currently I take my T3 fasted in one single dose. If the dose goes up that may change as you implied but T3 has a long half life so it could also remain a single dose.

Also for Clen I take 40mcg am and 40mcg 6hrs later.