Palifter’s competition log

Looking great. Any chance of you continuing your log into the off season?

It has been a little while since we had a competitor running a detailed log, and there is always lots to learn. You certainly have a different approach to things.
Looking great. Any chance of you continuing your log into the off season?

It has been a little while since we had a competitor running a detailed log, and there is always lots to learn. You certainly have a different approach to things.
Thanks man! Yes, I plan to keep this log going for the long haul. It’s mutually beneficial, bodybuilding is a very lonely sport (if you can call it that) and this log makes it feel as if I’ve got a team in my corner.
I used to hate the lack of sleep from feeling like starving pre contest.
Yep, might be my least favorite part of the whole thing. I have been getting in the routine of having a large cup of hot tea followed by about 15g of sugar free Metamucil prior to getting in bed. The combo takes my hunger from an 8/10 to a 6/10 and leads to a great morning bowel movement. Any other ideas, please let me know lol
When I dug them out for myself, it was a gift of fate and the food became desirable again and I was looking forward to every meal.

LOL! Yeah, several G. Hughes stuff in my fridge right now.

Flavor Gang sauces might also be worth exploring, although I’ve tried their flavored cream of rice and was not impressed. I prefer my regular unflavored store bought stuff and it’s wayyyyy cheaper.
Diet and cardio changes as of today:

Carbs have been removed from meal 1. It’s now just 2 whole eggs + 300g whites :/

Cardio is now 40min a day, everyday. Was 30min.

This will be my first little push so far. I check in with my coach again on Wednesday. Curious to see what this will yield.
Need to put you guys on to my latest whey isolate that came today. I give it a 9.2/10. Very tasty and mixes perfectly. Wasn’t cheap but neither is any true isolate with the current market issues :(

Flavor Gang sauces might also be worth exploring, although I’ve tried their flavored cream of rice and was not impressed. I prefer my regular unflavored store bought stuff and it’s wayyyyy cheaper.
I agree, you have to taste it. Everyone has their own taste preferences.
Hello everyone!

I’ve been on the fence about committing to such a log but in the end, decided it was good for my own accountability and may even help others on the board. So here goes!

I’m 29 y/o, I’ve done 4 shows and I’m currently 6 weeks out from my latest show. This is a regional/state show. The plan is to place well at this show and qualify for a national level show which I plan to enter sometime in 2023. I do work with a coach and this is our first prep together. The end goal is a pro card.

This log will serve to outline the last 6 weeks of this prep along with the rebound/off-season to follow leading into nationals prep.

I will outline my current diet and training later on today. As for current PED’s, I’m currently on the following:

525mg tren a/wk
525mg test p/wk
525mg mast p/wk
10iu HGH - split am and post workout
6iu humalog pre training
.5mg adex mon/Thursday
25mcg T3
80mcg Clen

Oral AAS will be thrown in within the week if I were to guess. I’m assuming this will be a mix of proviron, winny and anavar. Halo will come in at the very end for 2 weeks or so. I will update when my coach confirms things.

I’m using @GoodLyfe for all AAS as well as GH. I can’t say enough good things about this source. I am also using @BG pharmaceuticals for my insulin and T3. Again, can’t go wrong here.

Below I will attach a few pics from yesterday mornings check in. I’m currently 255lbs fasted. I’m 6’1 for what it’s worth.

Thanks for following along!

Can insulin be run without HGH?

From what I’ve read HGH helps with the fat gain from humalog.

Although HGH is just crazy expensive.
I agree, you have to taste it. Everyone has their own taste preferences.
the only sauce I really like is their Yum Yum sauce, but I stopped buy it as it is crazy expensive.

G Hughes has marinades that are 10 calories, like his Teriyaki marinade that can be used on chicken.
Can insulin be run without HGH?

From what I’ve read HGH helps with the fat gain from humalog.

Although HGH is just crazy expensive.
It absolutely can but it’s not ideal. Like you said, HGH will limit the propensity to put on unwanted body fat with insulin usage. There’s also a synergy with IGF-1 figures when HGH and slin are combined. Really depends on one’s goals and why they’re looking to run slin to begin with.

It’s now much easier to get quality generic HGH for an inexpensive price compared to years ago. I would check out the sources section because it’s like $1 per iu of HGH which I think is a very small price to pay. Run 3-4iu/day and skip the expensive coffee from
Starbucks…win-win in my book :)
It absolutely can but it’s not ideal. Like you said, HGH will limit the propensity to put on unwanted body fat with insulin usage. There’s also a synergy with IGF-1 figures when HGH and slin are combined. Really depends on one’s goals and why they’re looking to run slin to begin with.

It’s now much easier to get quality generic HGH for an inexpensive price compared to years ago. I would check out the sources section because it’s like $1 per iu of HGH which I think is a very small price to pay. Run 3-4iu/day and skip the expensive coffee from
Starbucks…win-win in my book :)
Speaking of GH, I know you said you take 10ius out of habit, but did you actually notice anything from increasing your dosages. I know Jay Culter once said "take as much GH as you can afford," because apparently more is better, but then others are always worried about becoming a diabetic or whatever, taking higher dosages, and that GH should be titrated up
Speaking of GH, I know you said you take 10ius out of habit, but did you actually notice anything from increasing your dosages. I know Jay Culter once said "take as much GH as you can afford," because apparently more is better, but then others are always worried about becoming a diabetic or whatever, taking higher dosages, and that GH should be titrated up
Jay didn’t say that he’s a pussy that claims he barely took anything, that’s something Milo’s said