Palifter’s competition log

Speaking of GH, I know you said you take 10ius out of habit, but did you actually notice anything from increasing your dosages. I know Jay Culter once said "take as much GH as you can afford," because apparently more is better, but then others are always worried about becoming a diabetic or whatever, taking higher dosages, and that GH should be titrated up

Sure, stayed leaner in general, look more full and 3D all things being equal. My sleep and skin have improved. Recovery workout to workout seems better. It’s going to differ person to person here. I believe just like AAS, some users are hyper responders to GH. I believe I respond very well to GH. I also have all my ducks in a row so GH isn’t having to fight and uphill battle if that makes sense lol. All positives here.

I agree with running as much as possible - both from a financial standpoint and a side effects standpoint. Tapering up slowly is key, there’s no rush here.
Sure, stayed leaner in general, look more full and 3D all things being equal. My sleep and skin have improved. Recovery workout to workout seems better. It’s going to differ person to person here. I believe just like AAS, some users are hyper responders to GH. I believe I respond very well to GH. I also have all my ducks in a row so GH isn’t having to fight and uphill battle if that makes sense lol. All positives here.

I agree with running as much as possible - both from a financial standpoint and a side effects standpoint. Tapering up slowly is key, there’s no rush here.
I may just jump to 10ius lol. I did it a bit during my last bulk. I didn't notice any sides at all doing that.
Jay didn’t say that he’s a pussy that claims he barely took anything, that’s something Milo’s said
I'm quite sure I recalled him saying that in either Doucette's interview or on his own podcast lol. Or what is Milo's saying it on Jays' podcast?
I'm quite sure I recalled him saying that in either Doucette's interview or on his own podcast lol. Or what is Milo's saying it on Jays' podcast?
I’m not 100% positive on either I just know jay is very commercial and liked to down play his drug use in interviews.
the only sauce I really like is their Yum Yum sauce, but I stopped buy it as it is crazy expensive.

G Hughes has marinades that are 10 calories, like his Teriyaki marinade that can be used on chicken.
Yes, the price bites, but the taste, what a taste, immediately the food of the gods :).
Proviron has been added in at 50mg - split 25mg am and pm. Will be using @GoodLyfe liquid orals. My prior sources never had testing done on their orals so the peace of mind this time around is great.

Also, I’ve been asked to lay out my general health supplements. Currently on the road this morning and don’t recall specific dosages but if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Orange Triad multi by Controlled Labs
Omega 3
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Liv. 52
Citrus bergamot
Olive leaf extract
Aged garlic
Digestive enzymes with meals 2-3 meals

Happy Monday boys and girls!
Solid shoulder day was solid. My workouts have kind of taken a hit the last week or so. I get burnt out so much quicker due to lack of carbs and daily cardio. I’ve had to reduce volume ever so slightly while trying to maintain the same intensity. My workouts right now last 45min, 1hr tops.

Solid shoulder day was solid. My workouts have kind of taken a hit the last week or so. I get burnt out so much quicker due to lack of carbs and daily cardio. I’ve had to reduce volume ever so slightly while trying to maintain the same intensity. My workouts right now last 45min, 1hr tops.

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Is that full fire hose wrapped around? Also is that iphone mini with 3 cameras or is it you making it look like it?

But in all seriousness, you look absolutely out of this world!
Is that full fire hose wrapped around? Also is that iphone mini with 3 cameras or is it you making it look like it?

But in all seriousness, you look absolutely out of this world!
Haha being my height + big HGH hands makes cell phones hard to navigate at times.

That bicep vein is textbook indication that Anavar has entered the chat.
Yesterdays shoulder day:

Cable high pull with straight bar 4x10

Reverse db fly 4x10

Lateral raises 4x10

Seated Db press 4x10

Bb shrugs 4x10 - I use Mike Van Wyk style here

Superset lateral partials x cable face pulls

Lateral partials meaning what John Meadows popularized. Using a higher weight than traditional lateral raises and a shortened range of motion (the bottom portion).
Haha being my height + big HGH hands makes cell phones hard to navigate at times.

That bicep vein is textbook indication that Anavar has entered the chat.
I know what you mean, I'm not on hgh and don't plan until 30's, but I got pretty long fingers too :D I think we're about same height ~ 6'2 if I remember correctly? I find it hard to to navigate smaller phones and even now S20 ultra which is enormous for most ppl is normal size to me, but talk about typing I need a tablet...

I think it's your insane leanness that has entered the chat more so than anavar, sure it helps with cosmetics but it's more or less your very low body fat %.
I know what you mean, I'm not on hgh and don't plan until 30's, but I got pretty long fingers too :D I think we're about same height ~ 6'2 if I remember correctly? I find it hard to to navigate smaller phones and even now S20 ultra which is enormous for most ppl is normal size to me, but talk about typing I need a tablet...

I think it's your insane leanness that has entered the chat more so than anavar, sure it helps with cosmetics but it's more or less your very low body fat %.
Yea I’m about 6’2 last I checked. My feet have gone up almost a full shoe size in a year so who knows if that’s changed lol.

And yea I won’t discredit myself, I look this way because of my body fat, the orals are just icing on the cake…mmmmm cake
Very good log and awesome physique !!! How many hours do you wait after your pre-workout meal to workout? Thank you
Why do you use karbolyn instead of cluster dextrin? Thank you
Just personal preference and I have a ton of karbolyn stockpiled. HBCD and karbolyn are interchangeable in my eyes so use what you prefer. Vitargo can be used as well but it doesn’t mix as well and it’s pricey.
If you are meal prepping are you weighing your rice uncooked for tracking the macros? I know most guys weigh their meat while cooked as 4oz raw is ~3oz cooked or about a 25% reduction in weight. Where as rice you gain about 3x the weight for white rice because of water. Do you use a simple ratio like that if you are weighing everything cooked?