Palifter’s competition log

Yesterdays shoulder day:

Cable high pull with straight bar 4x10

Reverse db fly 4x10

Lateral raises 4x10

Seated Db press 4x10

Bb shrugs 4x10 - I use Mike Van Wyk style here

Superset lateral partials x cable face pulls

Lateral partials meaning what John Meadows popularized. Using a higher weight than traditional lateral raises and a shortened range of motion (the bottom portion).
I absolutely love loves heavy partials for sets of 30. Gets all the blood in there at the end of the workout
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I assume you mean this one? This was my second show, I know I was just shy of the super heavy class (224 1/2lb cutoff), I think I was 223lbs weighed in. I was was 23 y/o here and it was before using any GH or slin. My legs have put on the most size since then due to being injury free for the most part - used to have all kinds of lower back issues.

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Here yes!! I love the look, almost perfect :)

To me this looks your best version honestly.

But heyy, I don't want to sound negative as you're doing great and you're becoming the monster!

It's all good, I like when people follow their passion and achieve their goals, so whatever it is, I want you to achieve it! :)
Here yes!! I love the look, almost perfect :)

To me this looks your best version honestly.

But heyy, I don't want to sound negative as you're doing great and you're becoming the monster!

It's all good, I like when people follow their passion and achieve their goals, so whatever it is, I want you to achieve it! :)
Appreciate that man! We’ll make that look small and fat though lol.
Solid shoulder day was solid. My workouts have kind of taken a hit the last week or so. I get burnt out so much quicker due to lack of carbs and daily cardio. I’ve had to reduce volume ever so slightly while trying to maintain the same intensity. My workouts right now last 45min, 1hr tops.

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That's just ridiculous my man! Everything is popping out like crazy! Shoulders arms chest god fucking damn! And those veins my man! ...... I'm not gay or anything but this pic has me questioning it .... lol I'm joking but really, god damn!! Incredible work my dude!
That's just ridiculous my man! Everything is popping out like crazy! Shoulders arms chest god fucking damn! And those veins my man! ...... I'm not gay or anything but this pic has me questioning it .... lol I'm joking but really, god damn!! Incredible work my dude!
Haha thanks for the love brotha! Doing my best one day at a time.
Appreciate that man! We’ll make that look small and fat though lol.
I respect your goals man, as I mentioned you're the motivation to us!

But your look in 220's was damn near perfect and if someone ever asked me to choose what physique I imagine as aesthetic when it comes to bodybuilding, I'd point at you, young Arnold and Calum Von Moger.

You're perhaps one of the most valuable members here, you could as well be jackass and tell us that we are dyels to you and still everyone would respect and admire you :D But you're a good person who gives his time and shares with us mortal gym rats his journey. Very cool it is :)
Lol I’ve never been the type to think I’m better than anyone due to muscles. That’s just silly. Ironically, the douches you describe are usually the bros under 200lbs that think they’re gods gift.

People come up to me all the time at the gym. I’m known as the gentle giant and love helping others if they’re in need. I go to a hardcore bodybuilder geared gym with posing rooms and all. We’re a family.
Lol I’ve never been the type to think I’m better than anyone due to muscles. That’s just silly. Ironically, the douches you describe are usually the bros under 200lbs that think they’re gods gift.

People come up to me all the time at the gym. I’m known as the gentle giant and love helping others if they’re in need. I go to a hardcore bodybuilder geared gym with posing rooms and all. We’re a family.
Usually the dickheads that think they’re better than others are the first ones to burn out and get fat when they aren’t getting the attention they wanted. And yea, they’re usually the little scrawny fucks that have nothing to brag about.

Most of the time, IME, the people that are the best at what they do, are also the most humble.
Usually the dickheads that think they’re better than others are the first ones to burn out and get fat when they aren’t getting the attention they wanted. And yea, they’re usually the little scrawny fucks that have nothing to brag about.

Most of the time, IME, the people that are the best at what they do, are also the most humble.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
I assume you mean this one? This was my second show, I know I was just shy of the super heavy class (224 1/2lb cutoff), I think I was 223lbs weighed in. I was was 23 y/o here and it was before using any GH or slin. My legs have put on the most size since then due to being injury free for the most part - used to have all kinds of lower back issues.

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first time I've ever seen synthol in the abs!
Lol I’ve never been the type to think I’m better than anyone due to muscles. That’s just silly. Ironically, the douches you describe are usually the bros under 200lbs that think they’re gods gift.

People come up to me all the time at the gym. I’m known as the gentle giant and love helping others if they’re in need. I go to a hardcore bodybuilder geared gym with posing rooms and all. We’re a family.
Cool, I would have thought you're this dude that is not approachable in the gym. Like god mode you know. So it's good to know you're a friendly type :) Still I would feel like a complete dyel next to you :D

But I have self esteem issues so it makes it fucked up sometimes, bipolar light version like. I have come a long way out of it, but I still feel inadequate sometimes. It's like all good and beautiful sunny weather then the lightning strikes, rain starts and everything is fucked up.

I hope I don't bother you too much, it's just so awesome and interesting to talk to people like you. I always find something new to learn from your posts. You're a good and real person I can tell. Very rare these days.

Ay , you know I am in ;). Made some insane progress already and excited to see stage time. Great detailed info here too
New low weight check in this morning. 252.5lbs.

My coach is very happy with where I am a little over 3 weeks out.

Staying base plan diet today. Tomorrow base +100 grams of carbs added. Thursday and Friday base again and then check in on Saturday.

Plan to bump proviron to 100 mg on Saturday, drop test to 50 mg ED, add Halo in at 20 mg (split dose 10 am and pm). @GoodLyfe any plans to add Halo to your list?

New low weight check in this morning. 252.5lbs.

My coach is very happy with where I am a little over 3 weeks

I don’t want to speak for everyone, but I think it’s safe to say we are all very happy with where you are 3 weeks out lol. Great job dude.

I sold halo caps on my initial launch. Let me think on this.
I don’t want to speak for everyone, but I think it’s safe to say we are all very happy with where you are 3 weeks out lol. Great job dude.

I sold halo caps on my initial launch. Let me think on this.
Thanks brother! You’ve yet to steer me wrong thus far so keep me posted.
New low weight check in this morning. 252.5lbs.

My coach is very happy with where I am a little over 3 weeks out.

Staying base plan diet today. Tomorrow base +100 grams of carbs added. Thursday and Friday base again and then check in on Saturday.

Plan to bump proviron to 100 mg on Saturday, drop test to 50 mg ED, add Halo in at 20 mg (split dose 10 am and pm). @GoodLyfe any plans to add Halo to your list?

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Looking good fam
Hello everyone!

I’ve been on the fence about committing to such a log but in the end, decided it was good for my own accountability and may even help others on the board. So here goes!

I’m 29 y/o, I’ve done 4 shows and I’m currently 6 weeks out from my latest show. This is a regional/state show. The plan is to place well at this show and qualify for a national level show which I plan to enter sometime in 2023. I do work with a coach and this is our first prep together. The end goal is a pro card.

This log will serve to outline the last 6 weeks of this prep along with the rebound/off-season to follow leading into nationals prep.

I will outline my current diet and training later on today. As for current PED’s, I’m currently on the following:

525mg tren a/wk
525mg test p/wk
525mg mast p/wk
10iu HGH - split am and post workout
6iu humalog pre training
.5mg adex mon/Thursday
25mcg T3
80mcg Clen

Oral AAS will be thrown in within the week if I were to guess. I’m assuming this will be a mix of proviron, winny and anavar. Halo will come in at the very end for 2 weeks or so. I will update when my coach confirms things.

I’m using @GoodLyfe for all AAS as well as GH. I can’t say enough good things about this source. I am also using @BG pharmaceuticals for my insulin and T3. Again, can’t go wrong here.

Below I will attach a few pics from yesterday mornings check in. I’m currently 255lbs fasted. I’m 6’1 for what it’s worth.

Thanks for following along!
I meant to ask this previously...but for some reason I couldn't reply to any threads. Maybe mods banned me from posting for no known reason? Anyway, what's the reasoning behind using Mast over Primo? I'm stuck between using those 2 compounds on my next/technically first "blast"/cycle.