For the record I have only experimented with peptides. Here is my list along with its reasoning
- Telmaheal 40mg x 20
- Fat loss
Tadalafil (cialis)
- Tadalista 5mg x 40
- Overall Cardiovascular health + Pumps in the gym and bedroom
- Asthalin 2mg x 40
- Fat loss
- Megatas 50mg x 20
- Combining this with Salbutamol and Telmisartan for the Vigorous Steve fat loss stack
Roflumilast x 10
- Will be taking low dose Roflumilast every day.
Studies show that it improves cognition.
Ezetimibe x 20
- Cholesterol Lowering. My cholesterol is near the top of the range but heard that getting it as low as possible is best so doing that.
- A-RET 0.025%20GM Gel X 2
- A-RET 0.05% 20GM cream X 2
- Face skin health
Azylic acid
- Aziderm 20% x 4
- Face skin health
- Woxxakem 100mg x 10
- SSRI to help with cognition.
- P Nolol 20mg x 20
- Blood Pressure management + Anxiety reduction for stressful events. Heard its great for public speaking
Amoxicillin clavulanate x 6 (60 pills)
- Emergency stash of antibiotics. Heard that Amoxicillin clavulanate is better if an injection gets infected.
- CEPHADEX 500 CAP x 6
- Another Antibiotic
- Modawake 200mg x 40
- Want to see what the hype is about with Modafinil
- Artvigil 50mg x 5
- Want to compare the effects of Armo and Moda. However stimulants already last a long time with me, to the point it impairs my sleep, so I don’t think I’ll be able to tolerate it
- ROKO 2MG x 6
- For diarrehea
- APP UP 4MG x 5
- I aim to combine an SSRI with Methylene Blue which can cause Serotonin syndrome, this is the “I fucked up” button if I overdid the MB