PCT after after being off steroids for 5 years? worth trying before TRT?


New Member

Ive read through quite a lot of the forum and there is lots of good info.

Im 34 years old.

I have low testosterone, low free testosterone and suffer from low testosterone symptoms.

Noticeably over the past few years my libido has dramatically declined, amount of actual fluid ejaculated is a lot less, morning wood has declined dramatically (i used to wake up most mornings with wood), energy levels declined dramatically, loss of lean muscle mass, hard to gain lean muscle, more easy to gain fat.

I am right on the borderline in the UK to get testosterone replacement therapy. My total level is just above the bornerline, however my free testosterone is below and so i could probably push to go onto TRT.

However before i go down that route and end up on it for life, id rather see if i can have a go at boosting my testosterone back up into a better range. Afterall from what i can see having a try before jumping into TRT isnt going to do any harm and can only offer possible benefits.

I do have some previous steroid use, although light use, and did do some sort of PCT however nothing like the pct protocols i see used now by Dr Scally and other similar protocols. Most of the advice was old school gym advice which is very outdated.

1st steroid cycle was in about 2002 and was a badly advised dbol only. I tool all dbol tabs in the morning (not knowing better). Week 1 10mg/day, week 2 20mg/day, week 3 30mg/day, week 4-5 40mg/day, week 6 30mg/day, week 7 20mg/day, week 8 10mg/day. No PCT.

I gained some water and strength and probably lost most of it PCT.

My testicles definately shrunk a lot and probably never came back upto size properly.

Results were poor and it was a disappointing cycle.

2nd cycle was maybe 4-6 months later? it was 250mg Sust and 200mg Deca every 5 days for 8 or 10 weeks. I gained some muscle, strength and water. Acne was a big issue and i developed bad acne on my shoulders, back and jaw line. I dont think any PCT was done however if it was it was clomid only run at 300mg day 1, 100mg for week 1 and 50mg for week 2.

My testicles definately shrunk a lot again and probably never came back upto size properly?

3rd cycle was probably 6 months+ later? this was Test Prop only at 100mg EOD for 8 weeks. I gained some muscle, strength and water. Acne got worse. I think PCT was run this time which was clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg week 1 and 50mg week 2.

My testicles definately shrunk a lot again and probably never came back upto size properly?

I ended up getting a course of accutane from the docs and ran this for around 6-10 months at a low dose to clear up all my acne.

4th cycle was around 6 months+ later and was 2 weeks only after reading up on the internet on 2 week cycles. I did Test prop at around 600mg per week and winstrol at 50mg per day. PCT was done as above with clomid only and possibly tamoxifen at 40mg for week 1 and 20mg for week 2.

5th and final cycle was done at the start of 2010. This was another 2 (or maybe 3 or 4) week cycle of Tren Ace 75mg EOD and Anavar 40mg per day. PCT was done as above with clomid and nolvadex.

I havent touched any steroids since then. I dieted down to below 10% bodyfat at the end of 2010 and I have stayed around or below 10% and natural since.

My testicles probably never fully recovered however its been such a long time that i cant really remember if they are the same size or a bit smaller?

Id like to know proples advice on trying a form of Dr Scallys PCT protocl even though I haven been off steroids for 5 years. I cant see it doing any harm and id think it was a good idea before persuing the possibility of going on TRT for life, or even using an AI or HCG monotherapy.

I dont really know what dosages and time frame should be used because the protocols are for people coming straight off a cycle when they are properly shut down. If i use the normal protocol then it may be too much for me?

Id assume this protocol is way too much?

Days 1-20 HCG 2000IU EOD.

Days 1-30 100mg clomid.

Days 1-45 40mg Tamoxifen.

AI like aromasin, femera or arimidex to be used throughout?

Here are my lab results:
(i never had any blood work done before these)

august 2014
serum testosterone: 13 nmol/L (8.7 - 29.00 nmol/L)

August 2015:
Serum SHBG 64 nmol/L (13-71)
Serum testosterone 16.8nmol/L (8.7-29)
FSH 1.8 u/L (1-10)
LH 1.5 u/L (1-9)
Serum albumin 42 g/L (35-50)
Serum TSH 1.94 mu/L (0.40-5.00)
Serum free T4 level 13.1 pmol/L (9.0 - 19.0)
Serum free T3 level 2.89 pmol/L (2.60 - 5.70)

September 2015
Serum TSH 1.7 nmol/L (0.40-5.00)
Serum free T3 level 4 pmol/L (2.6-5.7)
Serum free T4 Level 13.4 (9.0-19.0)
Serum parathyroid hormone 2.8 pmol/L (1.2-6.9)
Serum Oestradiol level 52 pmol/L (40-161)
Serum testosterone 15.6 nmol/L (8.7-29) (this is the same as 450 ng/dl)
Serum sex hormone binding glob 65 nmo/L (13-71)
Serum IGF 1 level 153ug/L (77.00-250.00)

I would appreciate advice on this

What did your doctor advise after reviewing your latest blood work?

Your numbers are a bit low but, IMHO, but not devastating. Your TT has increased since last year, but this could be explained by time of day bloods were drawn. Your sex hormones are a bit low, however. Often with a healthy diet and exercise you can increase testosterone without any drugs depending on the results.
i was also thinking of doing a cycle of testosterone prop (incase of acne and i can get off it quicker) at 500mg per week for 8-10 weeks.
run hcg through the cycle and then the standard PCT protocol listed here of
Days 1-20 HCG 2000IU EOD.
Days 1-30 100mg clomid.
Days 1-45 40mg Tamoxifen.
AI like aromasin, femera or arimidex to be used throughout?

this would give me some muscle gains, shut down my own testosterone production and then jump start it back up again with correct PCT. Or at least thats the idea anyway?

any thoughts on either of these ideas?

maybe try the PCT alone first and see where i can get to with my own testosterone production, and then after that maybe consider trying another cycle as listed here?

Now youre thinking about a cycle?? Why dont you focus on one issue at a time and have your blood work squared away before you consider sending your endocrine system on a holiday.
Northern Nutrition:
my doc didnt really comment. he just said my testosterone was fine last year when i was tested and left it at that. he just looked at my serum testosterone and because it was in range he said it was fine. I personally got all the other tests done, the doctor didnt request them.

i know the values are low, but not rock bottom, however they are nearly on the borderline and they are comparable to what an 80 year old man should have.
my free testosterone puts me below the values in the UK which allows me to get TRT. I could push the doc to refer me to a specialist and he probably would do.

My values put my Free Testosterone at 0.177 ng/dL = 1.14 %, and my Bioavailable testosterone at 4.15 ng/dL = 26.6 %.
Northern Nutrition:
Im not exactly thinking about a cycle, ive not touched the stuff for over 5 years and didnt really plan on using again. I just thought about the idea after reading a few other posts where some people seem to have done this to try and reset their own production etc.

Id rather get myself sorted, and was wondering what peoples views were on using HCG, clomid, tamoxifen, AI, to sort of do a mini PCT of some sort to try and get values in the better range rather than thinking of going on TRT for life or just struggling with the way things are.

Is it worth trying it out, and if so at what sort of dosages and durations while trying to keep everything else in check.

I could just leave things alone however ive noticed a decline in the past year or so which i would rather try and sort out.
Your values are not that of an 80 year man, not even close. I think you should revisit your doctor and provide him/her with ALL your results. Then perhaps see a specialist and get another opinion. Choosing TRT is an important decision and should not be taken lightly, especially when your results are not that bad.

Edit: you dont do a cycle to "reset yourself."
just to add, id say diet, nutrition, exercise, macro nutrients and micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals are all spot on, or nearly as optimal as they probably can be.
NN: i appreciate your replies.
there is no way my doc would agree or condone doing any sort of PCT attempt or use of HCG etc. he has already said my testosterone is fine.
i could probably push to see a specialist.
I can easily get bloodwork done if needed.

3100 calories. 200g protein, 60g fats, 440g carbs. This allows me to maintain, or gain very slowly at a bodyfat of around 10% or a little lower. I am usually a % or two leaner than i currently am. I previously had protein heigher and carbs lower with fats at 50g but ive been going with this ratio for a while to see how i do.

Protein: This is currently around 180-220g. Varied sources of chicken, lean beef and whey protein isolate post workout only.
Fats: Usually between 50-70g. This is from Coconut oil, flax seeds, almond milk, few egg yolks, and trace from the rest of foods.
Carbs: I make up the remainder of calories from carbs which come from lots of vegies, fruit, low GI starches (oats, sweet potatoes etc)
Sugars are kept low, fibre quite high.
3 prices of fruit, 2x large servings of mixed salad, 3x large servings of green vegies including kale, broccoli, spinach, green beans, mushrooms, cabbage etc.

BCAA before and after workout.
Glutamine before and after workout.
Creatine before and after workout.
Vitamin d3 4000IU (trying to get my blood results in the 80 range)
Magnesium 700mg
k2 200mcg
Omega 3s 3000mg
Vitamin C 1500mg
Multi vitamin
(need to research correct intake of vitamin a a bit more)

Curently doing PHAT program for weights 5x per week.
I mainly used Slingshot training (or a modified version) for the last 5 or so years.

Ive just started to introduce some HIIT sessions when i can, however i dont normally do any cardio. Last week I did 1x HIIT session and ill probably get in 1x session this week. My day job usually involves a decent amount of activity, but not quite as much lately.

Hope thats enough detail, i can go into more if needed.
Your values are not that of an 80 year man, not even close. I think you should revisit your doctor and provide him/her with ALL your results. Then perhaps see a specialist and get another opinion. Choosing TRT is an important decision and should not be taken lightly, especially when your results are not that bad.

Edit: you dont do a cycle to "reset yourself."

How do we know that? There are studies that show the use of AAS [TRT] to be associated with HPTA Restoration. One factor of the HPTA that has interested me is 'timing'. I think this might have some critical import when attempting HPTA restoration.

On the OP, I agree the TT is well wnl for any age.

i dont quite understand this sentance, i dont quite get the 'abreviationss'.
On the OP, I agree the TT is well wnl for any age.

does that mean me? And do you mean its low for any age, or okay for any age?

I thought i had read on here of people doing a cycle with correct pct to restart their own T.

i would probably prefer to get my value into the optimal ranges first before even thinking about TRT or a cycle if thats possible, or at least have a try.
How do we know that? There are studies that show the use of AAS [TRT] to be associated with HPTA Restoration. One factor of the HPTA that has interested me is 'timing'. I think this might have some critical import when attempting HPTA restoration.

On the OP, I agree the TT is well wnl for any age.

Agreed. However a cycle, in terms of incorporating supra physiological amounts of exogenous testosterone, is not considered TRT. Therefore counter intuitive (or at the very least, counter productive) to restoring the HPTA, im my humble opinion.
Agreed. However a cycle, in terms of incorporating supra physiological amounts of exogenous testosterone, is not considered TRT. Therefore counter intuitive (or at the very least, counter productive) to restoring the HPTA, im my humble opinion.

It is counter intuitive until one realizes our understanding of the feedback is incomplete. Considering TRT is HPTA suppressive, the question might be total androgen dose/duration. There have now been reports showing HPTA restoration after TRT cessation despite being hypogonadal to start. I have seen this clinically. [IIRC, search for "Quinton" will bring up a study.]
Interesting read. It certainly appears that intermittent use seems to have produced favorable results. However, IMO, more data is needed to suggest a cycle to reset HPTA.

From a clinical (treatment) pov, what is the step/choice for someone that fails ASIH treatment? TRT for life? Or, TRT for a period?
Good question. For treatment i would have to agree with a period/intermittent protocol. Im in the camp that believes that the least amount of intrusion, whether chemically or otherwise, to produce the same results is always the best course of action.
Good question. For treatment i would have to agree with a period/intermittent protocol. Im in the camp that believes that the least amount of intrusion, whether chemically or otherwise, to produce the same results is always the best course of action.

See: Reversal of Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism [IHH]: Long-Term Integrity of Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Testicular Axis is Dependent on Intermittent Androgen Exposure

There is more ...
Good question. For treatment i would have to agree with a period/intermittent protocol. Im in the camp that believes that the least amount of intrusion, whether chemically or otherwise, to produce the same results is always the best course of action.

Also, see: Raivio T, Falardeau J, Dwyer A, et al. Reversal of Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism. N Engl J Med 2007;357(9):863-73. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa066494

Conclusions Sustained reversal of normosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and the Kallmann syndrome was noted after discontinuation of treatment in about 10% of patients with either absent or partial puberty. Therefore, brief discontinuation of hormonal therapy to assess reversibility of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is reasonable.

And, Bhasin S. Experiments of Nature -- A Glimpse into the Mysteries of the Pubertal Clock. N Engl J Med 2007;357(9):929-32. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe078145
I read that earlier, good read. Once again, timing and duration plays an important role in determining outcome. More data on the feedback and androgen up regulation is needed. BUT, im not suggesting that its not worth a try but rather its too early to rely on it since both are suppresive.