Thxs support buddies. Loved the results. Used some HGH + Nolvolin R on cycle too. Definitely helped for size and recovery. Turinabol PWO 20mg before morning sprints on sand or lifitng helps a lot w/ endurance. Tried a little tren ace near the end of the cycle. only used 200 mg total. Have 800 mg in vial left. Whey protein Isolate 4 plus scoops a day, apples, pears, bananas, regular oats, ceylon cinnamon, salmon + veggies, burgers, Grilled Cheese (Mozarella + whole grain), Rotisserie chciken + avacado sub from subway was the diet. Some 2% milk, but it gives me acne. Gained 20 plus pounds of lean mass. I injected EOD for a total of 84 days. So it was actually a 12 week cycle + 14 days for long esters to reduce.