PCT clomid Nolvadex Length


New Member
I finished a 10 week cycle of 900 mg test-e, Masteron 600 mg, HCG 300 iu x2/week. I started 40 mg Nolvadex/day 14 days after last inject + 50mg Clomid. Pharmacy grade in mexico. I'm 20 days into PCT. My Balls are big (they never shrunk much b/c of HCG). My LH/FSH are within range on the lower side. Can I quit the nolva and clomid now?
I finished a 10 week cycle of 900 mg test-e, Masteron 600 mg, HCG 300 iu x2/week. I started 40 mg Nolvadex/day 14 days after last inject + 50mg Clomid. Pharmacy grade in mexico. I'm 20 days into PCT. My Balls are big (they never shrunk much b/c of HCG). My LH/FSH are within range on the lower side. Can I quit the nolva and clomid now?

In short

You will see elevated LH and FSH while on clomid and Nolva.

Low range means that when you quit the compounds, it will drop.
Stay the course.
give it another week of clomid.. then drop it.
Cur your Nolva in half after 1 more week...
Then run it for a few more.

Safety first, err on the side of caution.
I finished a 10 week cycle of 900 mg test-e, Masteron 600 mg, HCG 300 iu x2/week. I started 40 mg Nolvadex/day 14 days after last inject + 50mg Clomid. Pharmacy grade in mexico. I'm 20 days into PCT. My Balls are big (they never shrunk much b/c of HCG). My LH/FSH are within range on the lower side. Can I quit the nolva and clomid now?
Haha you can't ask that. Seems like you know what your doing and you are the one that has to take the responsibility for your choice. If I were in your shoes I would quit the SERMs they take a while to leave your system. The best advice is to continue the SERMs until your LH and FSH are a little higher. But that's not what you want to hear. Because you know that is the best thing to do :p

Didn't see Silent's post. Agree with him. Pretty much the same thing I said.
In short

You will see elevated LH and FSH while on clomid and Nolva.

Low range means that when you quit the compounds, it will drop.
Stay the course.
give it another week of clomid.. then drop it.
Cur your Nolva in half after 1 more week...
Then run it for a few more.

Safety first, err on the side of caution.
Thxs guys. I Was hoping HCG on cycle would allow me to cut the nolva and clomid duration shorter. Safety first. right on.
Thxs guys. I Was hoping HCG on cycle would allow me to cut the nolva and clomid duration shorter. Safety first. right on.

HCG will definatly allow a faster kickstart.
I've seen a lot of guys think the same way as you.

The way I view HCG... it will.help with the kickstart...but we should still run the course of PCT.
What's a few more weeks of discomfort to renew out system?
It is probably rough for him right now.

We got your back @andy322

Did you get good results with your cycle?
Thxs support buddies. Loved the results. Used some HGH + Nolvolin R on cycle too. Definitely helped for size and recovery. Turinabol PWO 20mg before morning sprints on sand or lifitng helps a lot w/ endurance. Tried a little tren ace near the end of the cycle. only used 200 mg total. Have 800 mg in vial left. Whey protein Isolate 4 plus scoops a day, apples, pears, bananas, regular oats, ceylon cinnamon, salmon + veggies, burgers, Grilled Cheese (Mozarella + whole grain), Rotisserie chciken + avacado sub from subway was the diet. Some 2% milk, but it gives me acne. Gained 20 plus pounds of lean mass. I injected EOD for a total of 84 days. So it was actually a 12 week cycle + 14 days for long esters to reduce.
Thxs support buddies. Loved the results. Used some HGH + Nolvolin R on cycle too. Definitely helped for size and recovery. Turinabol PWO 20mg before morning sprints on sand or lifitng helps a lot w/ endurance. Tried a little tren ace near the end of the cycle. only used 200 mg total. Have 800 mg in vial left. Whey protein Isolate 4 plus scoops a day, apples, pears, bananas, regular oats, ceylon cinnamon, salmon + veggies, burgers, Grilled Cheese (Mozarella + whole grain), Rotisserie chciken + avacado sub from subway was the diet. Some 2% milk, but it gives me acne. Gained 20 plus pounds of lean mass. I injected EOD for a total of 84 days. So it was actually a 12 week cycle + 14 days for long esters to reduce.

Solid results and good diet.

Yeah bro, what can I say.
6 weeks for PCT in my opinion no matter what.
The last 2 weeks arent too bad as your just running Nolva 20mg.

You'll for sure see a drop after you kick the Nolva/clomid.

I assume you've been off HCG since you started PCT?
Solid results and good diet.

Yeah bro, what can I say.
6 weeks for PCT in my opinion no matter what.
The last 2 weeks arent too bad as your just running Nolva 20mg.

You'll for sure see a drop after you kick the Nolva/clomid.

I assume you've been off HCG since you started PCT?
I quit HCG 2 days before my first day of Nolva + Clomid


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