PCT Dosage


New Member
Hi everyone!

I'm planning my first cycle (which should only be in around 5-6 months: I like to plan ahead).

I'll be running 500mgTest E for 12 weeks, 2 250mg Monday and Thursday pins (incredibly standard cycle).
Adex on hand if need be, will probably start 0.25mgEOD after week 3 (or before if sides arise) and increase it further ahead if need be.

I have been researching for a long time and found some conflicting information.

First of all:

. ALOT of people suggest starting pct 2 weeks after last pin for test E (all over the internet), HOWEVER I did read here on the sticky and by reputable members it should actually be 3-4 weeks.
I was thinking of waiting 21 days - 3 weeks, should it suffice?

Second question:

. About Clomid and Nolva. I've read in many places that for such a simple cycle one of either would be enough (some people favor Nolva, other Clomid). However I have also read in MANY places, including here on Meso that they have great synergy together, which is why most people go with both.

That being said I found that I most often see dosages of:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50 with sometimes slight variations of a little higher on second week or decreasing through weeks.

I have also read very often that, for this cycle (simple, tipical begginer cycle) when used together their "normal" dosages should be cut in half.

Which would leave me with:
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Clomid 50/50/25/25 (playing it safe)

Should this be enough? Am I right or wrong? I would very much appreciate opinions from everyone as to these question and what dosage would they take of both clomid and nolva for such a simple cycle, while still doing the best to recover as well as possible (I value my balls and test production alot ahah).

Thank you for having me and I appreciate in advance all advice!
How you as an individual react to any compound can't be predicated by anyone. Take Clomid, it hits some guys really hard with that down in the dumps feeling. Also, how fast any particular ester will process out has variables. The most important thing to know. Is to know. Get pre-cycle bloods. Get them about six weeks in. Get them after PCT. This will give you reliable info on how to handle things. Some guys don't even need an AI. There are online calculators that estimate when to start your PCT, but even those can't take into account you as an individual. They can be a good indicator, but they are not perfect. If you another 5 or 6 months like you said. So invest that time in researching PCT. It may get confusing, but the more you read quality research and individuals personal experience. The more you will get a sense of what is right for you. There are some very informed guys on this board. Who will get some quality input. Just keep in mind, that it is up to you to keep you as safe as possible.
Hi everyone!

I'm planning my first cycle (which should only be in around 5-6 months: I like to plan ahead).

I'll be running 500mgTest E for 12 weeks, 2 250mg Monday and Thursday pins (incredibly standard cycle).
Adex on hand if need be, will probably start 0.25mgEOD after week 3 (or before if sides arise) and increase it further ahead if need be.

I have been researching for a long time and found some conflicting information.

First of all:

. ALOT of people suggest starting pct 2 weeks after last pin for test E (all over the internet), HOWEVER I did read here on the sticky and by reputable members it should actually be 3-4 weeks.
I was thinking of waiting 21 days - 3 weeks, should it suffice?

Second question:

. About Clomid and Nolva. I've read in many places that for such a simple cycle one of either would be enough (some people favor Nolva, other Clomid). However I have also read in MANY places, including here on Meso that they have great synergy together, which is why most people go with both.

That being said I found that I most often see dosages of:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50 with sometimes slight variations of a little higher on second week or decreasing through weeks.

I have also read very often that, for this cycle (simple, tipical begginer cycle) when used together their "normal" dosages should be cut in half.

Which would leave me with:
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Clomid 50/50/25/25 (playing it safe)

Should this be enough? Am I right or wrong? I would very much appreciate opinions from everyone as to these question and what dosage would they take of both clomid and nolva for such a simple cycle, while still doing the best to recover as well as possible (I value my balls and test production alot ahah).

Thank you for having me and I appreciate in advance all advice!

Aromasin is better but Adex works too, your dose is fine.
Start pct 2 weeks after last test e pin, not sure Iv seen anyone who recommends 4
Clomid and nolva together would be better but if money/source is an issue one is fine at those doses you mentioned, not aware of the "half cut" but I'd suggest 40/20/20/20 and 100/50/50/25, unless that would mean you'd need an extra box or two in which case it isn't worth the $
You seem to know what you're doing so that's pretty much it. Just get bloods done prior, 6 weeks in and after pct. If acne is a problem you may want to to run accutane @ 20mg eod for peace of mind, 20mg ed if you break out or 40mg if it gets pretty bad. At 40mg per day I can assure you acne won't be a problem
Good luck
Aromasin is better but Adex works too, your dose is fine.
Start pct 2 weeks after last test e pin, not sure Iv seen anyone who recommends 4
Clomid and nolva together would be better but if money/source is an issue one is fine at those doses you mentioned, not aware of the "half cut" but I'd suggest 40/20/20/20 and 100/50/50/25, unless that would mean you'd need an extra box or two in which case it isn't worth the $
You seem to know what you're doing so that's pretty much it. Just get bloods done prior, 6 weeks in and after pct. If acne is a problem you may want to to run accutane @ 20mg eod for peace of mind, 20mg ed if you break out or 40mg if it gets pretty bad. At 40mg per day I can assure you acne won't be a problem
Good luck

How you as an individual react to any compound can't be predicated by anyone. Take Clomid, it hits some guys really hard with that down in the dumps feeling. Also, how fast any particular ester will process out has variables. The most important thing to know. Is to know. Get pre-cycle bloods. Get them about six weeks in. Get them after PCT. This will give you reliable info on how to handle things. Some guys don't even need an AI. There are online calculators that estimate when to start your PCT, but even those can't take into account you as an individual. They can be a good indicator, but they are not perfect. If you another 5 or 6 months like you said. So invest that time in researching PCT. It may get confusing, but the more you read quality research and individuals personal experience. The more you will get a sense of what is right for you. There are some very informed guys on this board. Who will get some quality input. Just keep in mind, that it is up to you to keep you as safe as possible.

Thank you very much both for your input, I am and have been researching. Money should never take the upper hand vs my safety, altho I would obviously like to find an equilibrium.
I appreciate it alot
Thank you very much both for your input, I am and have been researching. Money should never take the upper hand vs my safety, altho I would obviously like to find an equilibrium.
I appreciate it alot
Pct should start roughly 20 days +- a couple days after last pin. The theory is to wait approximately 4 half life's of the esters length which for test e is 5 days. I've read on here that pct could consist of either Serm but most including myself prefer both clomid and nolvadex. I ran the same cycle as you for my first with the exception that I jump started mine with dbol for the first 4 weeks. I ran nolva at 20 Ed for 4 weeks and clomid at 50 Ed for 4 weeks.
Remember that the pituitary gland is the size of a pea...... IMO it's better to start off with a less is more kinda thing, keep it simple with just Clomid... Try and wait 4 weeks past last pin, and if ya start feeling low T start at 21 days and run 4 weeks if yeah start feeling good call it good-- if not add an extra week in there (5) Worst that can happen starting early is a waist of serms, or not going long enough.... And chances of 3 weeks recovering your Hpta for first cycle are high anyways.

Good blood work:)