!!pct Help For Gainssake!!


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
whats the best way to pct off of a 12 week cycle of test c250 deca300 an sust250 with a kickstart of dbol? guna stak them by running 1ml eod. i know i need to pct off of them properly..just dont know whats the best way to go about it..ive done a half ass cycle before but never ran the pct an i know thats one if not the most important part of a cycle..can i just use a box of clomid or nolvex an take one pill a day until the box is gone or what?? i dont wanna start a cycle an be working my ass of to gain as much as i can just to lose it all again do to my lack of knowledge and knowing how to properly run my pct!!! please lend a helping hand...
Are you on cycle right now? Hope not.

Hcg while on cycle 250iu twice a week starting week 2
You can run hcg the last 4 weeks of your cycle...not to enter into pct


Get an AI for estrogen related sides and run it during cycle.

Good luck
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Are you on cycle right now? Hope not.

Hcg while on cycle 250iu twice a week starting week 2
You can run hcg the last 4 weeks of your cycle...not to enter into pct


Get an AI for estrogen related sides and run it during cycle.

Good luck
thank you for the advice an no i havent even ordered my cycle yet..I just wanted to have all of my ducks in a row before I even ordered..also I have no idea how to do the whole hcg thing? do I have to get a different syringe made for IU? For my pct do I just choose one or do I need to use both like you said? An if I aint bugged you enough yet I have one last question lol...What exactly is an AI? Is it aromasin? an if so how much of it do I need an how much of it do I take an for how long?? Im sorry for all the questions..I jus wanna make the most out of my next cycle an all the rest of the cycles that are to come in the future..I sure do appreciate all of the help that you have alredy given me an hope to keep learning more an more...if I don't ask the questions then I will never know the answers lol...Peace out mghoward74 an again thanks!!!!
You need to do some more research before starting bub. Read a lot. I'm into the 2nd week of pct from my first cycle. Test E 500 a week for 10 weeks. I'm doing clomid and nolva 50/50 40/40 25/25 20/20. Started 2 weeks after last pin and used adex at .25 eod during cycle for estrogen. I researched over a year before first cycle. I have pharma pct. And I'll go another 4 weeks off after pct before my 2nd cycle. I'm doing a lot of research right now to decide what I'm doing for my 2nd cycle. I'm thinking test p and npp, but not sure yet. I love studying aas. I've learned so much here at Meso.
This is the advice that was given to me from a vet....ive been reading for months....

Wk 1-4 Dbol @ 30-40mg/day
Wk 1-12 Test Cyp @ 250mg 2/wk Mon am - Thurs pm.
Wk 3-10 hCG 250 iu twice/wk day before test pin
Wk 1-14 Adex .25mg EOD and monitor visual and felt sides - increase if necessary.
Wk 15-19 PCT
PCT = Clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/20/20/20
Thanks for joining meso and asking questions. AI is an Aromatase inhibitor, basically blocking/limiting excess estrogen during your cycle. Estrogen has its benefits, but TOO much is not good ie. gyno/ man boobs.

HCG is a bitch to understand at first. There's a few different ways to go about using it. The most important thing to know is that it prevents/slows testicle atrophy, and aids in recovery of your LH, FSH hormones

For your pct? Yes, you want nolvadex & clomid. There are other serms out there, so you would have to search for them. Clomid & nolvadex are 2 types of serms most people use.

The 2 post above are good examples. You can adjust accordingly

You need to do some more research before starting bub. Read a lot. I'm into the 2nd week of pct from my first cycle. Test E 500 a week for 10 weeks. I'm doing clomid and nolva 50/50 40/40 25/25 20/20. Started 2 weeks after last pin and used adex at .25 eod during cycle for estrogen. I researched over a year before first cycle. I have pharma pct. And I'll go another 4 weeks off after pct before my 2nd cycle. I'm doing a lot of research right now to decide what I'm doing for my 2nd cycle. I'm thinking test p and npp, but not sure yet. I love studying aas. I've learned so much here at Meso.
4 weeks off is probably not long enough to recover. Time on including pct = Time off

Good luck on your next cycle
whats the best way to pct off of a 12 week cycle of test c250 deca300 an sust250 with a kickstart of dbol? guna stak them by running 1ml eod. i know i need to pct off of them properly..just dont know whats the best way to go about it..ive done a half ass cycle before but never ran the pct an i know thats one if not the most important part of a cycle..can i just use a box of clomid or nolvex an take one pill a day until the box is gone or what?? i dont wanna start a cycle an be working my ass of to gain as much as i can just to lose it all again do to my lack of knowledge and knowing how to properly run my pct!!! please lend a helping hand...

Why test C AND Sust?

The fellas that have already posted above me are giving solid advice. It always varies a little from person to person however your general Clomid/Nolva protocol is a must. I always run Aromasin throughout my PCT. Clomid can be a bitch (literally). If you want to know what a woman goes through mentally when she is on her period, Clomid is your thing. The Aromasin seems to curb some of those symptoms for me.

Also this sounds like your first cycle? If so, I would suggest going only test and dbol kickstart, as you will see HUGE gains with the right doses. Deca makes me lactate like a prego and bloat like a dead animal, I don't mess with it anymore.
You need to do some more research before starting bub. Read a lot. I'm into the 2nd week of pct from my first cycle. Test E 500 a week for 10 weeks. I'm doing clomid and nolva 50/50 40/40 25/25 20/20. Started 2 weeks after last pin and used adex at .25 eod during cycle for estrogen. I researched over a year before first cycle. I have pharma pct. And I'll go another 4 weeks off after pct before my 2nd cycle. I'm doing a lot of research right now to decide what I'm doing for my 2nd cycle. I'm thinking test p and npp, but not sure yet. I love studying aas. I've learned so much here at Meso.
Why test C AND Sust?

The fellas that have already posted above me are giving solid advice. It always varies a little from person to person however your general Clomid/Nolva protocol is a must. I always run Aromasin throughout my PCT. Clomid can be a bitch (literally). If you want to know what a woman goes through mentally when she is on her period, Clomid is your thing. The Aromasin seems to curb some of those symptoms for me.

Also this sounds like your first cycle? If so, I would suggest going only test and dbol kickstart, as you will see HUGE gains with the right doses. Deca makes me lactate like a prego and bloat like a dead animal, I don't mess with it anymore.
yes you are rite this is guna be my first real cycle with a proper pct..my only other cycle I ran was two bottles an the guy I got them from said one bottle was test 250 an im not sure if it was test c e or p..the other bottle was mixed he said with deca and sust 250...I ran 1ml eod til they were gone...I loved it while I was on it an had sum great gains...went from 155lbs to 175 by the end of the cycle...but to my disappointment as soon as I gaind it all I lost it all an was so fukin bummed that I worked my ass off just to lose it because I had no clue wtf a pct was at that time..been researching ever since an been devoting myself to listening an learning as much as I can before attempting another cycle because I want to do it rite this time around an for all of the cycles that are to come in the future!! thanks for helping me out..
Just remember most of your gains, depending on the compounds you use, are water and you Will loose it when you come off. When you expect to gain 20 pounds in a cycle, if you actually do, even if PCT is done right, you are lucky to keep 10 pounds. After a few cycles, you will not be gaining 20 pounds anymore. A good AI will keep a lot of the water off and give less fluctuation in weight loss during and after PCT. Remember using gear, when done properly over a period of time, is comparable to taking two steps forward and one step back.
so how does just a straight test cycle sound to you guys for my first real cycle during the winter?? wanting to put on some serious mass an then cut up for the summer...which test would you all recommend for me?? test c,p,or e?? an I defiantly want to kickstart it off with something good like dbol..I would love to get up to 180lbs but 200lbs is my goal weight!! im 5'4" so I think 200lb would be awesome..when I took that last half ass cycle I got up to 175 an lukd an felt great..everyone that I knew was like holy shit wtf your fukin huge an I was even at my goal weight..i want to get back their an stay their an even possibly get bigger if I can!! I eat like a horse an always make sure do the 2g protein per lb...I have always had a pretty clean diet so I got that part pretty well in check just need to know how to use gear the right way to reap all the results I possibly can..an that's were my meso family comes into play..thanks so much to all my brothers here on meso an looking out for one another an look forward to listening and reading all of your suggestions!!! thanks again brothers!!!!!!
Just remember most of your gains, depending on the compounds you use, are water and you Will loose it when you come off. When you expect to gain 20 pounds in a cycle, if you actually do, even if PCT is done right, you are lucky to keep 10 pounds. After a few cycles, you will not be gaining 20 pounds anymore. A good AI will keep a lot of the water off and give less fluctuation in weight loss during and after PCT. Remember using gear, when done properly over a period of time, is comparable to taking two steps forward and one step back.
thanks for that an I will keep that in mind when I start my next cycles not to get to disappointed when I lose some afterwards..hell even if a can keep keep 50% with diet an training would make me happy till I started my next cycle..thanks for looking out an telling it how it is!!! :)

yes you are rite this is guna be my first real cycle with a proper pct..my only other cycle I ran was two bottles an the guy I got them from said one bottle was test 250 an im not sure if it was test c e or p..the other bottle was mixed he said with deca and sust 250...I ran 1ml eod til they were gone...I loved it while I was on it an had sum great gains...went from 155lbs to 175 by the end of the cycle...but to my disappointment as soon as I gaind it all I lost it all an was so fukin bummed that I worked my ass off just to lose it because I had no clue wtf a pct was at that time..been researching ever since an been devoting myself to listening an learning as much as I can before attempting another cycle because I want to do it rite this time around an for all of the cycles that are to come in the future!! thanks for helping me out..
You sound dedicated & excited. I happy for you.

There's tons of info here from gear to diet. You got the underground section, pics forum, pretty much the best of the best.

Don't rely on your buddies to give you the info you need. Stay on this forum, ask question, contribute, and all these knowledgeable guys will guide you to success.

If your are really serious...Get bloods done before you start your cycle. Also get them during and after. Get a labmax to test your gear too.
If your are really serious...Get bloods done before you start your cycle. Also get them during and after. Get a labmax to test your gear too.
thanks for the info an yes iam very serious an devoted to lifting even without aas..I love and live to lift an will do so for as long as my body will allow me to...with that being said lol...do I have to make a appointment for my bloods or can I get that done at a clinic for free like you would for getting a flushoots?? also what exactly is a labmax an where can I get that done an does it cost anything?? thanks for all your answers an hope im not annoying you with all of these noob questions.. its just if I don't ask then ill never know..ya know? lol I like how you all have your shit down to a science and are so knowledgeable to what is going on..thanks again!!!
you can get a script to get bloods done from privatelab md then you go to a labcorp near you to do the blood draw they will email you the results in a few days , cost is $50
Are you on cycle right now? Hope not.

Hcg while on cycle 250iu twice a week starting week 2
You can run hcg the last 4 weeks of your cycle...not to enter into pct


Get an AI for estrogen related sides and run it during cycle.

Good luck

I'm on week 7 of test e 500mg a week. ONLY
I haven't got my pct yet but i'm running test e for 12 weeks then waiting 2 weeks then going to run pct for 3 weeks. My question is what do I need and how much? Can I run just Nolvadex? I've heard of people not even running pct on test just lowering the dosage and they still keep their gains. This is my first cycle and I didnt kickstart with dbol or anything. Thanks for the help :)
I'm on week 7 of test e 500mg a week. ONLY
I haven't got my pct yet but i'm running test e for 12 weeks then waiting 2 weeks then going to run pct for 3 weeks. My question is what do I need and how much? Can I run just Nolvadex? I've heard of people not even running pct on test just lowering the dosage and they still keep their gains. This is my first cycle and I didnt kickstart with dbol or anything. Thanks for the help :)
Hey Bro

I'm going to give you a little advice. ALWAYS start your cycle when you have everything. It'll save you plenty headache and frustration. You never know if your source will have what you need, or yet packages getting lost or delayed in the mail. Picture this....you get into a car accident and you break an arm and hurt your leg. Guess what....PCT starts now and you're waiting for serms to come in.....hope not!

It'll serve you right to have clomid & nolvadex for your pct. Run both for a month.
clomid at 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex at 40/40/20/20

Those number are the standard protocol. There not set in stone. You may need to adjust accordingly. ..

start a thread & cycle log, so the member's can follow you on your journey...my friend. :)
thanks for the info an yes iam very serious an devoted to lifting even without aas..I love and live to lift an will do so for as long as my body will allow me to...with that being said lol...do I have to make a appointment for my bloods or can I get that done at a clinic for free like you would for getting a flushoots?? also what exactly is a labmax an where can I get that done an does it cost anything?? thanks for all your answers an hope im not annoying you with all of these noob questions.. its just if I don't ask then ill never know..ya know? lol I like how you all have your shit down to a science and are so knowledgeable to what is going on..thanks again!!!

Google "labmax" watch a couple videos on it.
@ironwill1951 stated private lab md for bloodwork. It cost $62; $50 with a discount a discount code. Scroll down and look for E2 panel ( for female ). It test for estradiol, lh, fsh, & test.