PCT Plan after 12 weeks of Cypionate at 625mg per week

safe t steve

New Member

just wanted to get some thoughts and ideas on a pct plan

12 week cycle of test cyp at 625mg per week
pinned 250mg E3D
armidex at .5 E3D (continued until the start of HGC)

10 days after last pin start HGC at 500iu EOD for 14 days (7 shots)
aromasin at 12.5mg ED starting with the HGC for 14 days

24 days after las pin start
clomid 100/100/50/50
nova 40/40/20/20

this is based on 6 day half life for cypionate (if my math is right ha)
854 mg after last pin
269mg 10 days after last pin
53mg 24 days after last pin

i've attached the spreadsheet i made if anyone wants to take a look

blood tests
have a baseline test
taking one on last pin day
taking one 20 days after last pin
taking one 3 to 4 weeks after stop of clomid and nova to compare to baseline

so that's the current plan and just wanted to get comments, reviews, criticism, anything that helps =]



Nice graph!

I'm wondering as to why you waited to do hcg after cycle instead of during?

Secondly, from what I think I'm seeing....is you're starting pct too close to the end of your hcg administration. Pct should be started roughly 4 weeks or so after your last pin. No exogenous testosterone should be in your system. With you taking hcg so close to pct...you're possibly going to interfere with a proper recovery.

I would suggest hcg during cycle.

From my interpretation...
hcg during cycle
i didn't because i was concerned with prolonged usage leading to a desensitization of leydig cell... which after more research from trt docs and dr scally seems not true

i also felt i was a little high in body fat (16%) when i started the cycle and was concerned with the addition elevated estrogen levels due to aromatizing and the small amount of estrogen produced not from the result of aromatizing

as it stands now on the next cycle i will most likely do hcg at 250iu twice a week and increase as needed to prevent shutdown maybe even starting it around week 6

the plan for this pc was to use hcg to restart HPTA restoration leading into the pct
pct starts at about 24 days after the last cyp pin depending on bloodwork of course
i thought hcg only had a half life of 3 days so i was planning on starting pct 3 days after the last shot of hcg but i do see how that could effect the exogenous testosterone still in your system at the start of pct

how long would you recommend waiting after the last shot of hcg before the start of pct?
You should not have to worry about high estrogen, if your taking a AI. Just adjust the dose accordingly.

The moment you inject steroids, your body shuts down its own production as soon as day #2. This is why you should start hcg on day #1, no later than end of week #1.

You might need to wait 2 weeks after your last hcg to start pct. Better to air on the side of caution. According to Scally.

I try to end my hcg 1 week after my last test e pin (if I'm not using test p as a finisher). Then start pct 4-5 weeks later. Test p, I start my pct 2 weeks after last pin...

Depending on how heavy the cycle is I extend my pct from 4 weeks to 6 weeks for good recovery!

Good luck
You start PCT 2 weeks after your last prop pin? Why so long? 3 to 4 days should be sufficient in my experience. Isn't the benefit to using a short ester the ability to start pct sooner?
Pct starts 2 weeks after 1st pin. You have to let exogenous testosterone exit the body before starting pct

How long does it take for test e & p to reach peak values? The same time it takes to reach peak is the exact same time it should leave the body.

Dr.Scally & Jim has said this over & over

Yes the benefit of the prop ester is going into pct earlier...2 weeks

Question...what has your experience told you?
Pct starts 2 weeks after 1st pin. You have to let exogenous testosterone exit the body before starting pct

How long does it take for test e & p to reach peak values? The same time it takes to reach peak is the exact same time it should leave the body.

Dr.Scally & Jim has said this over & over

Yes the benefit of the prop ester is going into pct earlier...2 weeks

Question...what has your experience told you?


So first, let me say that one of your posts completely changed my opinion and mindset regarding start dates of PCT. I can't remember which thread, but I read 4 weeks for Test-E and 2 for Prop. I thought to myself....what an idiot. Then I did more research and couldn't believe how fucking stupid I had been. There is so much parroted information out there from people that don't understand this stuff it's ludicrous. So thank you for posting correct information, over and over again.

Now to my question. The sticky specifically says 7 days after last prop pin is sufficient. Now, technically, that is incorrect. It's about dose, duration, and drugs used, correct? Then we look at the relationship between those things and TT. So once TT drops below pre-cycle levels, then we can start PCT. So if I'm doing 300mg/wk Prop and someone is doing 700mg/wk Prop (what is recommended in sticky to use when waiting for Test-E to clear), I can start my PCT much sooner than someone using a larger dose. I understand, the ester is ultimately what leads to a compound being in the body for x amount of time, no matter how small the dose. But aren't we talking about TT here?

Also, how do you keep from going totally catabolic if you wait 2 weeks on a prop cycle? I don't understand so I hope you can clarify.
You should not have to worry about high estrogen, if your taking a AI. Just adjust the dose accordingly.

The moment you inject steroids, your body shuts down its own production as soon as day #2. This is why you should start hcg on day #1, no later than end of week #1.

You might need to wait 2 weeks after your last hcg to start pct. Better to air on the side of caution. According to Scally.

I try to end my hcg 1 week after my last test e pin (if I'm not using test p as a finisher). Then start pct 4-5 weeks later. Test p, I start my pct 2 weeks after last pin...

Depending on how heavy the cycle is I extend my pct from 4 weeks to 6 weeks for good recovery!

Good luck

I've read where Scally actually recommends hcg overlapping into the first week of pct. I also know it was a subject that he and Dr. Jim had a fairly heated disagreement on.
im going with 3-4 days is sufficient time to clear ace and prop ester.... is this incorrect?

Depends on the dosage, if he ran it at 100mg/ed, it would take around ~3 weeks for it to get to a low enough level to start PCT.

BUT, this is all theoretical, many other individual factors affect this rate as well.
last 4 weeks of my cycle i used aprx. 75mg tren ace ED and test prop 100mg ED and some dbol. waited*3 1/2 days to start pct of clomid nolva

I see, you could of waited longer yes, I hope it didn't hinder your recovery by a lot.

You see, from what I understood, calculating off time before starting pct is a lot more complicated than one may think. The reason being is there are many variables that could affect your serum levels. Such factors include, your metabolism, your gear concentration (assuming you use UGL), ester, etc.

As a general "guideline", I personally waited a week before starting on with my PCT after my last prop pins (@100mg/ed). I seemed to recover fine after four weeks of Clomid, I always had pre and post blood work so I recommend getting that as well.

Good luck
I see, you could of waited longer yes, I hope it didn't hinder your recovery by a lot.

You see, from what I understood, calculating off time before starting pct is a lot more complicated than one may think. The reason being is there are many variables that could affect your serum levels. Such factors include, your metabolism, your gear concentration (assuming you use UGL), ester, etc.

As a general "guideline", I personally waited a week before starting on with my PCT after my last prop pins (@100mg/ed). I seemed to recover fine after four weeks of Clomid, I always had pre and post blood work so I recommend getting that as well.

Good luck
yai have pre and mid bloods, will be gettig bloods at end of 4 weeks clomid/nolva (100/50/50/50,40/20/20/20) However, I am but 25 and indeed have a rediculous metabolism so i think that it may have cleared although i think the variables you mentioned are huge factors. Thanks for your input bro
If you're running at 100mg Ed, yeah could work for you as well (much safer than 3.5 days IMO.

What dosage of npp were you thinking of running
probably will just do 100-150 prop EOD and NPP 1-200 EOD, with dbol and or anadrol or anavar lol