PCT Plan after 12 weeks of Cypionate at 625mg per week

I have like a cycle worth of alot of dif compounds, i will use in the next year. so any recommendations ?
30ml of sust amps 50ml test p some amps some vial test E about 4 vials NPP i have 50ml and EQ i have aprx 70ml i also have aprx 100 anavar 25's some anadrol proviron and lotsa dbol. Got some TNE too :D
30ml of sust amps 50ml test p some amps some vial test E about 4 vials NPP i have 50ml and EQ i have aprx 70ml i also have aprx 100 anavar 25's some anadrol proviron and lotsa dbol. Got some TNE too :D

A whole warehouse lol!

I'd start with DBOL, EQ, NPP, and test E, I'd stop the NPP and EQ after 16 weeks, and switch the test E to prop. I would also add the anavar if you're looking to lean out at the end.