PCT Simplified

Okay, here's an updated version using some better resources and a sample beginners cycle:

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)
Start 14 days after Test-E/Deca combination

Right off from the get go, this is wrong!

This makes no statement as to dosing, which is critical for PCT. In fact, it is by far the most important factor in avoiding ASIH.
Doc, what are your thoughts on the graphing tool? is 6mg per day a good target level for beginning a PCT?
Here's a link to the formulas used in the graph. http://steroidplot.com/about/

The formula used for calculating the rate of compound release at a given day t is:

λ * N(t)
Where λ is the decay constant equal to ln(2)/h, h being the half life of the compound given in days; and N(t) is the half-life equation given by:

N(t) = n * e^(-t/λ)
Where n is the original dose of the compound in mg and t is given in days.

Terminal Half-lives
For "PCT," make use of the Mean Residence Time [MRT]. In fact, due to the wide variation observed from individual to individual, I leaned towards 10 days [TC/TE]. The key is to ensure HPTA Functionality/Restoration. This is not done by trying to make the PCT as short as possible.

In recent years, more and more noncompartmental methods have been used for pharmacokinetic analysis. Twenty years ago statistical moment theory was introduced to pharmacokinetic analysis. The times for the individual molecules to be eliminated can be described in terms of a statistical distribution function, i.e. the individual molecules can be eliminated just by chance within the first minutes or might still reside in the body weeks later.

The mean residence time is a characteristic of this collective behaviour and is the mean of the residence times of individual molecules. The mean residence time can be regarded as the statistical moment analogy to half-life (t1/2). Assuming linear pharmacokinetics, the mean residence time (MRT) is characteristic for a special drug, independent of the administered dose.

Weeks 1-12(12weeks): Arimidex @ .5mg/day (Everyday)

Funny, I thought it was important to have E2 levels >0. I guess you could do 0.5 of Arimidex ED and still have some E2, Bansh are you a preovulatory woman?
@Michael Scally MD - I know this is an older thread, but was wondering about your take on HCG, 1000 iu/week run with Arimidex, 1 mg/EOD, starting 2 weeks prior to cycle end and continuing same dosage for 1-2 weeks after cycle ends for PCT.

Many new things I'm reading lately are saying Nolva is next to worthless for PCT.
what have you been reading lately abou nolva?
got links?
@Michael Scally MD - I know this is an older thread, but was wondering about your take on HCG, 1000 iu/week run with Arimidex, 1 mg/EOD, starting 2 weeks prior to cycle end and continuing same dosage for 1-2 weeks after cycle ends for PCT.

Many new things I'm reading lately are saying Nolva is next to worthless for PCT.
what have you been reading lately abou nolva?
got links?
Call it bro science I guess, since there isn't many reputable medical sources that will break down PCT (unless I'm completely off base). Most newer posts I'm reading on other boards are saying Clomid is the way to go and maybe another anti estrogen like Aromasin. I'll see if I can find anything reputable.

I read the dangerous, carcinogenic effects of Nolva here: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/f...rapy/tamoxifen

I still would love to hear the doctor's thoughts on HCG & Adex only as PCT.
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