
I dont plan on keeping doing cycles tho, im just stuck at the weight i am now which is 11stone 10pounds. I just want to be near 12 & a half after my pct. Can i ask some advice please.
with the gains being very late with test e, i have heard some mates didnt fully see gains till week 7. Im only on it for 10 weeks at 500mg p/w do you think i should try extending it or not?
I dont plan on keeping doing cycles tho, im just stuck at the weight i am now which is 11stone 10pounds. I just want to be near 12 & a half after my pct. Can i ask some advice please.
with the gains being very late with test e, i have heard some mates didnt fully see gains till week 7. Im only on it for 10 weeks at 500mg p/w do you think i should try extending it or not?

A lot of people say that 10 weeks is short, I don't think so, I saw gains after 4 weeks, everyone is different. Don't think feeling gains and feeling the test are the same, you feel the test within like 36 hours after injection. It will do you really good to research more, a lot of people say that and I hate that on this site but it's true. You're shutting down your hormones completely and really messing up your body. Is 10lbs worth it? What's your diet? What's your training olan? Are you compete ting?
You saw gains after 4 weeks on test e? & well yes it is worth it cos if your not happy with your own body apperance it gets you down looking at it everyday. My diet was terrible down to smoking cannabis but now that is stopped & am starting to sort my diet out, i just struggle because i work in construction from 7am till 5pm so im burning alot of calories all day with short breaks to intake more. No im not competing im just wanting to bulk out abit & feel better in myself. & my training is monday-friday saturday & sunday rest days, sometimes a wednesday depending how work had been
I dont plan on keeping doing cycles tho, im just stuck at the weight i am now which is 11stone 10pounds. I just want to be near 12 & a half after my pct. Can i ask some advice please.
with the gains being very late with test e, i have heard some mates didnt fully see gains till week 7. Im only on it for 10 weeks at 500mg p/w do you think i should try extending it or not?

If only doing 10 weeks I would run test prop instead.
You saw gains after 4 weeks on test e? & well yes it is worth it cos if your not happy with your own body apperance it gets you down looking at it everyday. My diet was terrible down to smoking cannabis but now that is stopped & am starting to sort my diet out, i just struggle because i work in construction from 7am till 5pm so im burning alot of calories all day with short breaks to intake more. No im not competing im just wanting to bulk out abit & feel better in myself. & my training is monday-friday saturday & sunday rest days, sometimes a wednesday depending how work had been

But what is really going to get you down is when you lose most if not all of your gains when you come off, with addition to your newly dwindled hormone levels which prevent you from making gains even on the same level as before the cycle. Do you not understand that?

I worked construction as well through college, and I still made sure I got at least 5-7 meals in each day. It's just how bad do you want it.
Well i wont loose all of my gains. Yes i understand i will loose some of them. I eat 5 a day. I dont have time to be fitting in 7 meals a day
Im not running something else now mate. Ive commited to test e so i just need to put 100% effort in & eat as much as i can, look more into my pct but i have nolvadex chlomid & hcg there, run that correctly & i should be were im wanting to get
Im not running something else now mate. Ive commited to test e so i just need to put 100% effort in & eat as much as i can, look more into my pct but i have nolvadex chlomid & hcg there, run that correctly & i should be were im wanting to get

IMO you need to pick up aromisin or arimidex for your Ai while on cycle, and save you nolva for pct with your clomid (there's no h).
Blasting and cruising. IE: never going off test(PINNING FOREVER), when I'm cruising my dose is 150-200mg/week. A typical blast for me is 4 weeks of anadrol and 12 weeks of tren, while upping the test to 500mg.

Before I ever started steroids my levels were averaged out in the 600s, after my first cycle I couldn't get it over 400. After my second cycle they were in the high 200s and a couple of tests were low 300s.

@Intense @ben m

Ben M.. here's what happen when you cycle too young.. notice his test level keep dropping EVERY cycle.. because he did not recover and his HTPA is shutting down.. you want the same shit has him? being on TRT for the rest of your lives? He could have not cycle and be in the 600's in his mid to late 30's!! But now, is on TRT... Also he's 21yr and stated he got a kids already.. Nothing bad, but at 21yrs I was too busy pounding girls and the least of my worries is having kids!

If you take advice from this clown.. you'll be heading down THAT road.. What is THAT road? Low sex drive, limp dick, HTPA shutdown, lifetime TRT (pining yourself just to feel good), increase estrogen (crying like a bitch watching a show in the Animal Channel of whales giving birth) and depression.. I can list on and on for those that suffer low test.. It's reckless and irresponsibility

It's funny how this thread turn in to a "bro" 21yr club of noobies who's giving each other "sound" advice on how to cycle.lol! In a way, it's kinda good that most of you'll be unable to past your gene.. Darwin's working tho!
But im not doing cycle after cycle so its not going to keep dropping! Thats his fault for doing cycle after cycle, that isnt going to happen. Im doing 1 & that is it
Everybody is different. Just cos others choose to keep doing them doesnt mean everyone will jump on the train.
I propabably would of done more but im not now. I want to do this one recover as well as i possibly can from it & stop there till im alot older
@Intense @ben m

Ben M.. here's what happen when you cycle too young.. notice his test level keep dropping EVERY cycle.. because he did not recover and his HTPA is shutting down.. you want the same shit has him? being on TRT for the rest of your lives? He could have not cycle and be in the 600's in his mid to late 30's!! But now, is on TRT... Also he's 21yr and stated he got a kids already.. Nothing bad, but at 21yrs I was too busy pounding girls and the least of my worries is having kids!

If you take advice from this clown.. you'll be heading down THAT road.. What is THAT road? Low sex drive, limp dick, HTPA shutdown, lifetime TRT (pining yourself just to feel good), increase estrogen (crying like a bitch watching a show in the Animal Channel of whales giving birth) and depression.. I can list on and on for those that suffer low test.. It's reckless and irresponsibility

It's funny how this thread turn in to a "bro" 21yr club of noobies who's giving each other "sound" advice on how to cycle.lol! In a way, it's kinda good that most of you'll be unable to past your gene.. Darwin's working tho!

Your reading comprehension is that of an 8 year old. I am trying to DISCOURAGE him from fucking himself up at such a young age you twat. Hence the reason I am explaining all that shit.

And where did I say I was 21? I said I began cycling at 21, and currently living a very high quality of life due to trt. So no hard feelings here.

But keep "poundin that pussy" bro. Your level of douchebaggery can not be matched.
Ovcourse there is. Aslong as you have the will power to say no why cant there be? Just cos you give into more doesnt mean everyone will
Your reading comprehension is that of an 8 year old. I am trying to DISCOURAGE him from fucking himself up at such a young age you twat. Hence the reason I am explaining all that shit.

And where did I say I was 21? I said I began cycling at 21, and currently living a very high quality of life due to trt. So no hard feelings here.

But keep "poundin that pussy" bro. Your level of douchebaggery can not be matched.

Explain to him how to run a cycle and taking the proper dosage.. that's what you called DISCOURGE? I don't know what kind of shit you're talking about.. but you sure don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Would you like me to quote your posting???

Go on and live your "very high" quality of life...LOL!! Sorry, bro but I don't need TRT to enjoy my "quality of life" and having a kid at 21yr..But hey, it's your life.. enjoy!