
Am reaching half way through my cycle now & am happy with how it is going, not all lean muscle but have gone from 11 stone 10 pounds to 12 stone 7 pounds.
Have understood clomid & nolvadex for when i start my pct.
Im still just abit confused on the hcg tho, i was going to run it the last 2 weeks of my cycle at around 500 iu each day, then start my pct exactly 2 weeks after this is complete. Can someone please tell me is this will be benefitial or not? Thanks!
Just needed a bit advice, have ran out of blue needles & can't get any till next week, I was just wondering if i can still use the green which i normally draw the oil up with to inject instead of the blue for this week, in my understanding the needle is just a bit thicker so it shouldn't cause any real pain should it? Was just hoping to hear of feedback of anyone who has had this problem before & used the green?