Peak Week

@rutman @jaymaximus man you two get a shit load more carbs than me Haha granted I'm eating 5lbs cooked weight of tilapia a day, but my high carb day is I belive 150, others are 50 and 75

I'm assuming your fat is higher though. Mine stay constant, but they've been 200 and below since October. At 200g I was eating like a king though. Real desserts and everything.
It’s really all dependent on how much YOU need to fill out. For me....right now I’m around 120 carbs per day and 300 on refeed days. I think I’ll start carbing up on Wednesday before the show and dial it back somewhat on Thursday, and see how I look Friday morning. If I️ need more, I️ can add it. If I️ don’t, I’ll just keep things normal.

Some say carb Friday, but that’s just gambling and hoping you’ll be right Saturday morning. I don’t like that approach at all. There’s no room to play and you get only get one shot at getting it right.

I like the Wednesday-Thursday carb days and go by feel Friday.

Yeah, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks.
Good advice from both Lord and Rut. Pushing water as Rut suggested is my advice also. His intake amounts are specific to him and he’s a beast so you might not need as much. It depends on your current intake also. Don’t go over board.

I’d probably keep the water going high until mid day on Friday. Then cut it off completely except just what you need to eat (very minimal). Drop a diazide (40mg) or lasix (20mg) late afternoon to push as much out before your body figures out what’s going on.

When you wake up Sat morning the option for another dose of diuretic is there but only if you need it. You’re in shape so you don’t want to be flat or you’ll look less in shape. Flat muscles pull away from the skin and make you look soft. Full muscles push against the skin creating a tight lean look.

Keep water intake to a minimum until after prejudging is done. Then you can start to drink some. Don’t go crazy but you can start with sipping on a 16oz bottle of water right after you come off stage.

Then eat something with some fat and salt. Burger and fries is usually the go to for most people. You could have also have a 16oz power aid if you want. Some simple sugars will help with immediate energy and the fats from the burger or whatever will slow down the rest of the carbs so you don’t spill over.

Rice cakes and peanut butter (or almond butter) are typical show day foods. You won’t need a lot of protein so don’t stress on that. Keep your carbs to an as needed basis on show day or you’ll bloat your midsection.

I wouldn’t go nuts with the carb loading. If you’ve been carb cycling then you’ll know how you look after your high day. If you typically hold water then take in less carbs than your high day. If your high day just barely give you a bump then add 50-100 grams more. Unless you do a deletion phase you won’t want to go crazy with the carbs.

I’d say to start your load late afternoon after you’ve cut off water and taken the diuretic on Friday. Keep the loading going all the way until prejudging. Take in small amounts every hour to keep your body’s reaction to a minimum.

Honestly, you could probably just cut water mid day on Friday and eat about 100 grams more of carbs and you’d be fine. “Peak week” is where most shows are lost because people are trying to over due it. You got it man the hard part is done.
I’m kind of the same advice.. man, just keep going as your going if you’re truly wanting to play it safe. You’re on tack and I’m shape and your biggest concern should be filling out, the way you’re eating now obviously has you lean. So all I’d do is manipulate some sodium and fats after prejudging hard and a big carb load and then 30mins before stage I’d take A pumping supplement.. pump up right and you know how you look jacked and pumped in the gym. Go for that, bud just a bit less of too pumped in the arms and legs. I’d rather be a bit too full than a bit too flat..

You’ll be fine bro, just stick to the script
On competition day, what are you bringing?

Whatever you choose to use for stage oil (bring 2 bottles/cans because people will steal it or ask to borrow it)(protan product, non-flavored Pam spray, ect), towels (at least 2 for wiping off, blotting oil off, also good for wrapping around a door knob and pumping your back), resistance bands for pumping up (never assume they have weights or that you'll be able to grab them), back up copy of your music (just in case), head phones to block out everyone's chatter, extra tanning solution for touch ups and the applicator, zip lock bag for your phone so you don't cover it in oil and tanning stuff but you can still use it, extra gloves for the person applying your oil/tanning products. I'm sure someone will chime in and add to what I forgot.

Wear comfortable baggy clothes that you don't mind getting stained. If keep everything in a back pack remember to use the handle and not the straps. Straps will rub your tanning product off some a create light spots where the straps were and if it's heavy enough it'll rub on your back also.
Do you need an Rx for dyazide? Can't seem to find it

As far as I know yes. At least in my neck of the woods it’s a script only med.

The only source I’ve dealt with on here for it is Pharmacist in the underground section but his deliveries are 10-21 days typically.
When "carbing up" are you just adding carbs to your macros and adding the extra calories or do you adjust the others based on your carb intake?