PHARMA ONLY - Pharmasource

i can totally vouch for what PHARMAonly said.
he answers mails incredible fast and ships the stuff out in light speed :D
thanks for business my friend!
I was about to buy some omnadrem for my sports TRT this year, but ill wait to see the discounts
I announce that from this moment, anyone who order items included in next promo/discount before the official start of it Will receive store credit equal of difference in prices.I think that's fair.
ALL goods in pricelist are human pharmaceutical grade !!
Shipping from EU with re-ship guarantee.

Shipping price 15,- USD

Payment method - Crypto currencies , Wire transfer , WU transfers ( for orders up to 200,- USD )


SOPHARMA Ephedrine
50mg amp 10x50mg box / 20- USD---->new price 17usd

SOPHARMA Clenbuterol 50x0,02 / 10,- USD---->new price 8 USD

Omnadren testomix 5 x 250mg amp box / 35,- USD--->new price 30 USD

Anapolon 20x50mg / 30,- USD----25 USD

Ventolin 100x0,04 / 20,- USD--->18


Methenolone enanthate
Rimobolan ( Primobolan ) 100mg amp / 11,- USD
Modafinil 30x200mg / 50,- USD
GENOTROPIN Pfizer 36IU pen 160,- USD
Merck Ovitrelle liquid 6500IU 45,- USD
Merional 75IU / 30,- USD
T.3 thyroid
Tiromel 100x25mcg / 30,- USD
Acnegen 30x20mg / 20,- USD
Injectable L-Carnitine
5ml ( 1000mg ) amp / 15,- USD


Imune stimulant - used in Covid-19 treatment
1000 mg x 24 sachets / 40,- USD
500mg x 50tabs / 40,- USD

MODAFINIL Aspendos 30x100mg / 70,- USD

Cabergolin Dostinex 8x0,5 mg / 40,- USD
Bromocryptine Medochemie 30x2,5mg / 15,- USD

Nandrolone Decanoate
Retabolil 1ml 50mg / 12,- USD

Omnadren testomix 5 x 250mg amp box / 35,- USD

Post Cycle Therapy
Anastrozol 28x1mg / 25,- USD
Letrozol 30 x 2,5mg / 35,- USD
Exemestan 30x25mg / 40,- USD
Tam0xifen Sopharma 30x10mg / 10,- USD

Salbutamol 30x4mg / 8,- USD
Salbutamol Inhaler 200dosages / 20,-
Ket0tifen 30x1mg / 15,- USD

Liver protect
UDCA Ursofalk 100x250mg / 60,- USD
LEGALON 20x140mg / 25,- USD
KARSIL 30x110mg / 20,- USD
Transmethil ADEMETHIONIN 10x500mg / 30,- USD
HEPA-MERTZ / 30x3000mg / 80,- USD

Anti-obesity diet pill
MYSIMBA naltrexon hydrochlorid / bupropion hydrochlorid 90x8mg / 180,- USD
Xenical 43x120mg / 70,- USD

Tamsulosin/dutasterid combo 30tabs / 50,- USD
Tamsulosin - prolonged effect - 30x0,4mg / 30,- USD
Tamsulosine 30x0,4mg / 25,- USD
Finasterid 30x5mg / 25,- USD
Dutasterid 30x0,5mg / 35,- USD
Silodosine 30x8mg / 35,-USD

Pramypexol 30x0,7mg / 25,- USD
T4 – Levothyroxin 25x100mcg / 6,- USD

Long acting insuline - preilled pen
LANTUS glargine 300IU / 20,- USD
TOUJEO glargine 300IU / 20,- USD
Middle acting insuline mix
Humalog Mix KWIK 25/75 300IU / 20,- USD
Mumalog Mix KWIK 50/50 300IU / 20,- USD
Fast acting insuline
Apidra Solostar 300IU / 20,-
Novorapid aspart 300IU / 20,- USD

Metformin Gull Pharma 30x850mg / 15,- USD

Roaccutane isotretinoin 30x20mg / 40,- USD

tadalafil Accord 4x20mg / 30,- USD
tadalafil Stada 4x20mg / 30,- USD
sildenafil Stada 4x50mg / 15,- USD
Vardenafil Stada 4x20mg / 30,- USD
Dapoxetin Priligy 3x60mg / 45,- USD

Available many kinds of ATBs , please ask.
Ciprofloxacin, Doxyciline, Cefixime, Azythromicine....and others available

telmisartan 30x80mg / 25,- USD
Available more kinds of anti-hypertension drugs Doxazosine, Rilmenidine, Monoxidine

Propranolol 50x40mg / 15,- USD
Simvastatin 30x20mg / 10,- USD

Furosemid 10x10mg amp / 15,- USD
and many others Epleneron, Indapamid, Torasemid,

Piracetam sachets 20x2400mg / 30,-USD
Piracetam tablets 60x1200mg / 40,- USD
Cavinton forte 90x10mg / 30,- USD
Milgamma N inject 5x2ml / 20,- USD

Vitamin B12 Sopharma 10x500mcg / 16,- USD
Vit B mix ( B1,B6,B12 ) 10x2ml / 25,- USD

Available more kinds of injectable vitamins - inj. vit. B line, C , E - do not hesitate to ask about them.
Well this looks familiar! I'd add the Evista, Proviron, Provigil and Nebivolol (best antihypertensive bp med), and, while they're fairly unknown amongst bodybuilders & rather expensive, Liraglitude & Semaglitude are amazing satiety/weight-loss meds that come without the drawbacks of amphetamine-likes/stims like Ephedrine etc., so those are worth looking into:

For what it's worth, I can vouch for all of these being legit pharmacy products and the prices/margins being very fair, you're a good guy for not overcharging people, especially being the only EU source for many products between your two shops now.

Btw, I pinned an amp of ephedrine into each pec for symmetry - it produced no PIP at all or side effects different from the tabs, should anyone wonder/worry.

Why did you pin epdhedra into your pecs? Curious
You ever see aimovig in europe. Its injectable meds for migraines and shit in US is very expensive. Its only thing that hekps my lady
Yes sir. If anyone have suggestions about certain product that you want to see on our list please post it here.
I will add few more products next days :)
short update:
package arrived today after only 7 days (to germany)
ive ordered inj. l carnitine and metformin. Unfortunately, the courier was quite rough to the package and some vials of carnitine broke.
Ive wrote pharmaonly and he immediately replied that he will take care of the issue. Even after i said its okay since he already gave me 10% discount because i have mistaken this and pharmasource EU thread (there you get 10% BTC discount) he still told me he will fix it nevertheless.

All in all, very good communication, very fast shipping and great customer service. Will definitely order more in future and can recommend!!