Pharmaceutical Process for Testosterone Enanthate

Plate Smacker

Well-known Member
I have searched high and low. On Google, Google patents, other....
I can't seem to find information on how companies prepare their Testosterone Enanthate from already produced Testosterone Enanthate.
The process of taking the raws as we do, and preparing for putting in vials.
Ratios, temperature, and all that stuff.
I know the information has to be somewhere, or in a book.

I brew my Test E at 190F.
I would just like to know what companies do as far as temp.
Some have the solvent percentages available.
I'm interested in Temperature.

I had gotten some Test E raws from 2 different sources. These raws were brewed as usual in MCT oil,, but varied in brewed color, than their usual clear color. Usually clear, but these had a more yellowish tint. Usually the Test E has no to minimal pip, no swelling.
They caused immense pip and swelling compared to the usual brew.

I tossed one because it was brutal. 166ml tossed. I still have some of it marked, in vials.
I brewed another one, same source different Test E raws though, no problem. Then I just brewed another 50g, and intense pip again.
2 sources, 2 different orders from both sources, one good brew from both, and one bad.

So the fact that some has no pip, and some does is beyond me.
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My test e is usually always brewed in MCT with zero color change and zero BB. Your saying the yellow tinted test e you brewed had no pip?
My test e is usually always brewed in MCT with zero color change and zero BB. Your saying the yellow tinted test e you brewed had no pip?
I mentioned the tint to show disparity in brews when using same methods.
Same BA and BB, same temp, same concentration.
I brew Test E @300mg/ml in MCT.
I have brew various percentages.
1%BA 5%BB
1%BA 10%BB
1%BA 15%BB
1%BA 18%BB
Sometimes there will be minor pip or no pip.
So BB percentages didn't effect pip.
Different batches for same percentages had varying pip.

So I was interested in actual heating temp used in the pharmaceutical compounding process.

We all know what Temps work. Some people use 190F, some use lower Temps.

But what temp are the real companies using?

One bad brew I tossed, but kept 8 of the vials and marked them for an upcoming experiment. I can tolerate a TRT dose, so will run TRT with it, then get bloods to see what's up. That was the most painful ever, and definitely a loss as far as pinning more than 0.5ml.

The newer brew has pip and swelling, but if I pin 1ml of that new TestE brew,, in same syringe with 1ml of my Deca that is painless, (Deca 300mg/ml 2%BA 18%BB) it cuts down pip and swelling to tolerable.
However my initial test pin I do in delts of 0.5ml with that test e was pretty bad. Swelling, pain lifting arm. So as long as pinned with Tren E or Deca, good enough to go.

Another interesting thing about BA.
I experimented with Deca and Tren E, which is always painless. I had finally tried 2%BA, and still painless. So that throws out the whole "more BA causes pip" and "too much BB causes pip" because I have brewed painless gear at varying BA and BB percentages. Although everyone is different so it may effect everyone different. I have seen some weird recipes for even Test E 250 at 5%BA 10%BB posted from an obvious copy and paste, and I'm just like "Why". So maybe 5%BA would b an issue. I don't care to try. No need.

I'm rambling.
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I mentioned the tint to show disparity in brews when using same methods.
Same BA and BB, same temp, same concentration.
I brew Test E @300mg/ml in MCT.
I have brew various percentages.
1%BA 5%BB
1%BA 10%BB
1%BA 15%BB
1%BA 18%BB
Sometimes there will be minor pip or no pip.
So BB percentages didn't effect pip.
Different batches for same percentages had varying pip.

So I was interested in actual heating temp used in the pharmaceutical compounding process.

We all know what Temps work. Some people use 190F, some use lower Temps.

But what temp are the real companies using?

One bad brew I tossed, but kept 8 of the vials and marked them for an upcoming experiment. I can tolerate a TRT dose, so will run TRT with it, then get bloods to see what's up. That was the most painful ever, and definitely a loss as far as pinning more than 0.5ml.

The newer brew has pip and swelling, but if I pin 1ml of that new TestE brew,, in same syringe with 1ml of my Deca that is painless, (Deca 300mg/ml 2%BA 18%BB) it cuts down pip and swelling to tolerable.
However my initial test pin I do in delts of 0.5ml with that test e was pretty bad. Swelling, pain lifting arm. So as long as pinned with Tren E or Deca, good enough to go.

Another interesting thing about BA.
I experimented with Deca and Tren E, which is always painless. I had finally tried 2%BA, and still painless. So that throws out the whole "more BA causes pip" and "too much BB causes pip" because I have brewed painless gear at varying BA and BB percentages. Although everyone is different so it may effect everyone different. I have seen some weird recipes for even Test E 250 at 5%BA 10%BB posted from an obvious copy and paste, and I'm just like "Why". So maybe 5%BA would b an issue. I don't care to try. No need.

I'm rambling.
I sent you a video which should give you some answers
I have searched high and low. On Google, Google patents, other....
I can't seem to find information on how companies prepare their Testosterone Enanthate from already produced Testosterone Enanthate.
The process of taking the raws as we do, and preparing for putting in vials.
Ratios, temperature, and all that stuff.
I know the information has to be somewhere, or in a book.

I brew my Test E at 190F.
I would just like to know what companies do as far as temp.
Some have the solvent percentages available.
I'm interested in Temperature.

I had gotten some Test E raws from 2 different sources. These raws were brewed as usual in MCT oil,, but varied in brewed color, than their usual clear color. Usually clear, but these had a more yellowish tint. Usually the Test E has no to minimal pip, no swelling.
They caused immense pip and swelling compared to the usual brew.

I tossed one because it was brutal. 166ml tossed. I still have some of it marked, in vials.
I brewed another one, same source different Test E raws though, no problem. Then I just brewed another 50g, and intense pip again.
2 sources, 2 different orders from both sources, one good brew from both, and one bad.

So the fact that some has no pip, and some does is beyond me.
Look up said company’s patent for testosterone, they generally have a lot of information about this stuff.
Tried the whole heat up at 110C (230F) for 30 min. Temp ranged from 230F to 240F. The center one in bottom pic was one of the painful Test E that was in the pot. The other two have not been reheated like the center one. It got darker as you can see.
Vials placed In pot with grapeseed oil.

Yes risky with the vent, but never had an issue if making a blend and reheating in the vial.

Didn't work. Still causes pain and swelling.
0.5ml in left delt. 8 hours later swelling. Woke up whole side delt from insertion to insertion, swollen.
Mixed 1ml of the Test E with 1.2ml of painless deca 300mg/ml, in right glute. Still soreness and swelling. Next day some redness, and still swollen. However if I didn't mix it with the Deca, 1ml of the painful Test E would be more painful.

Trying one more trick, basically 250F for 30 min, see if that does anything.
Once I get my Testosterone Decanoate, and I'm sure it will be painless. I will be brewing that at 330mg/ml.
I will try doing in a vial 8ml of the Test Deca and add in 3ml of the painful Test E, heat to 140F, and mix/shake vial. Then shake with glove while it cools to room temp. Then do a test pin with that. Should smooth it out I'm sure.
Then try another vial at 7ml Test D and 4ml Test E. See what blend gives slight pip, then I can salvage this painful Test E, even though money ain't a thing and tossing it isn't really a loss. I'm just stubborn.

Done with this Test E business for sure.
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Tried the whole heat up at 110C (230F) for 30 min. Temp ranged from 230F to 240F. The center one in bottom pic was one of the painful Test E that was in the pot. The other two have not been reheated like the center one. It got darker as you can see.
Vials placed In pot with grapeseed oil.

Yes risky with the vent, but never had an issue if making a blend and reheating in the vial.

Didn't work. Still causes pain and swelling.
0.5ml in left delt. 8 hours later swelling. Woke up whole side delt from insertion to insertion, swollen.
Mixed 1ml of the Test E with 1.2ml of painless deca 300mg/ml, in right glute. Still soreness and swelling. Next day some redness, and still swollen. However if I didn't mix it with the Deca, 1ml of the painful Test E would be more painful.

Trying one more trick, basically 250F for 30 min, see if that does anything.
Once I get my Testosterone Decanoate, and I'm sure it will be painless. I will be brewing that at 330mg/ml.
I will try doing in a vial 8ml of the Test Deca and add in 3ml of the painful Test E, heat to 140F, and mix/shake vial. Then shake with glove while it cools to room temp. Then do a test pin with that. Should smooth it out I'm sure.
Then try another vial at 7ml Test D and 4ml Test E. See what blend gives slight pip, then I can salvage this painful Test E, even though money ain't a thing and tossing it isn't really a loss. I'm just stubborn.

Done with this Test E business for sure.
The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Thanks for the follow-up. Interested in your results for the Decanoate brew. I'm debating on brewing up some Sustanon @400 I know it's going to cause a lot of pip but I have a feeling it will be more barrable than the Test E and share my results. I was thinking about Cypionate but I live in a Northern climate and it will crash so my only other option will be Decanoate. I might just cave in and grab some Decanoate. If only it didn't take a month for delivery.
Been looking for Testosterone Enanthate degradation/decomposition temperature data.
Can't find any.

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Been looking for Testosterone Enanthate degradation/decomposition temperature data.
Can't find any.

Someone posted a list of all the melting and degrading points in the forum. I saved it but can't find it.
I have searched high and low. On Google, Google patents, other....
I can't seem to find information on how companies prepare their Testosterone Enanthate from already produced Testosterone Enanthate.
The process of taking the raws as we do, and preparing for putting in vials.
Ratios, temperature, and all that stuff.
I know the information has to be somewhere, or in a book.

I brew my Test E at 190F.
I would just like to know what companies do as far as temp.
Some have the solvent percentages available.
I'm interested in Temperature.

I had gotten some Test E raws from 2 different sources. These raws were brewed as usual in MCT oil,, but varied in brewed color, than their usual clear color. Usually clear, but these had a more yellowish tint. Usually the Test E has no to minimal pip, no swelling.
They caused immense pip and swelling compared to the usual brew.

I tossed one because it was brutal. 166ml tossed. I still have some of it marked, in vials.
I brewed another one, same source different Test E raws though, no problem. Then I just brewed another 50g, and intense pip again.
2 sources, 2 different orders from both sources, one good brew from both, and one bad.

So the fact that some has no pip, and some does is beyond me.
Test e has been doing this for awhile now.. I don't personally think heat makes a difference beciase your not changing anything.. getting it hot doesn't chang the make up of anything.. that I'm aware of atleast..
I can say that bb% does correlate with pip.. I was doing an experiment with injectable anadrol.. which usually needs alot of eo and/or guaiacol.. I did many small batches.. 25,30,35,40% bb.. 30 and up had some serious bite.. 30 it went away in 15-30min 40 was over an hour.. 30 would crash in a few hours..40 would crash in 40hrs ..reheat and be good but fuck that pip..
So high bb% does = pip
Test e has been doing this for awhile now.. I don't personally think heat makes a difference beciase your not changing anything.. getting it hot doesn't chang the make up of anything.. that I'm aware of atleast..
I can say that bb% does correlate with pip.. I was doing an experiment with injectable anadrol.. which usually needs alot of eo and/or guaiacol.. I did many small batches.. 25,30,35,40% bb.. 30 and up had some serious bite.. 30 it went away in 15-30min 40 was over an hour.. 30 would crash in a few hours..40 would crash in 40hrs ..reheat and be good but fuck that pip..
So high bb% does = pip
Yeah, but typical brews that are painless, such as Test E(varies now), C, D, Nandrolone Deca, Tren E, some use up to 20%.
In my experience, below 20% BB, I have made painless gear at 5%, 10%, 15%, and 18%. If pip came from BB%, then pip would have been experienced as percentage went up, but it didn't.

Injectable orals, from what I have read, generally have pip associated with injection. I have never done Injectable orals.

However, everyone responds differently.
So some may be affected by higher BB.
So experiences will vary I'm sure.

I can take 1mg of Pramipexole and just feel tired.(had to use up to 1mg once when I experimented with front loaded Deca and was also running NPP for kickstart, with high Test and no AI, long story)
Others can take 0.2mg of Pramipexole and feel like they are dying from nausea.
Just did another final experiment.
If it doesn't work, I'm sure I can still salvage by mixing with Test Decanoate at 8ml Test Decanoate, with 3ml of painful Test E.
There is less of an issue if I pin with Nand Deca in same syringe at 1:1 ratio.

I heated a different clear painful Test E vial the same way, but at 270F for 30 minutes.
It got a little darker than the one that was at 230F for 30min.

I will pin 0.5ml in right delt after my workout.

If there is no change, then I will just wait for Test Decanoate. Of course I will still pin glutes with Nand Deca mixed, it will just be some pip with 2 days mild swelling. But hey, It makes me feel tighter in the squat and deadlift.
Test E melts at 90 F.

Everyone has a theory why T-E is hit and miss for severe PIP. What was one theory possible contamination with Delta 6 T.

One thing I would do when brewing T-E is gently warm it to no more than 100 F and remove from heat source and add your raw to the oil and stir until it's all dissolved. Add BA and filter and call it done with no more heat.

It's the only option you have. We all know T-E melts quickly dissolved with just slight amount of heat. You don't need 190 F. Just a gentle warm and stir.

I'll be cooking up another large batch of T-E in a few weeks and report back if I get the dreaded PIP. I've had it happen a few years back as the worst PIP I've ever had from any compound including Bold Cyp.

Test Decanoate could replace T-E as it can be made at higher concentrations and has zero pip. I started stocking up on this raw a year ago just out of interest because you see Nandrolone Decanoate at 400mg/ml from some sources. The raw doesn't melt as such a low temp as T-E.

My current source of T-E is PPL. It would help if people would report their source to track down any problems.
Test E melts at 90 F.

Everyone has a theory why T-E is hit and miss for severe PIP. What was one theory possible contamination with Delta 6 T.

One thing I would do when brewing T-E is gently warm it to no more than 100 F and remove from heat source and add your raw to the oil and stir until it's all dissolved. Add BA and filter and call it done with no more heat.

It's the only option you have. We all know T-E melts quickly dissolved with just slight amount of heat. You don't need 190 F. Just a gentle warm and stir.

I'll be cooking up another large batch of T-E in a few weeks and report back if I get the dreaded PIP. I've had it happen a few years back as the worst PIP I've ever had from any compound including Bold Cyp.

Test Decanoate could replace T-E as it can be made at higher concentrations and has zero pip. I started stocking up on this raw a year ago just out of interest because you see Nandrolone Decanoate at 400mg/ml from some sources. The raw doesn't melt as such a low temp as T-E.

My current source of T-E is PPL. It would help if people would report their source to track down any problems.
My source was both PPL and AH.

Another issue I had from both sources was this.
Got 100g from each source (different times).
I used 50g and stored other 50g for about 7 months in original shipped package, inside a zip lock bag, air sectioned out. That zip lock placed in cleaned out protein bucket lid closed.

The first brew was painless. I then brewed other 50g 7 months later. That brew was painful. Same source, same batch of powder.

So my theory is maybe we are getting powder that is on the verge of expiration, or even past expiration, and storing it was more expiration time, enough to possibly cause painful PIP.
Some are just getting far beyond expiration raws. AGAIN, THEORY... I have no way to support that, and that is not what I am claiming as the exact issue. That needs to be made clear.

I see no reason how in 7 months of storage, it magically became painful. I have stored it like this for over a year in the past, and both 50g brews from 100g total powder, a year or more apart, were painless.

Since it's happening to Test E, and some even some batches are painless, and some aren't... even from same sources, and if they are using same sources for their raws... there is either some contamination or beyond expiration or something.

I am not sure what happens if you brew far expired raws.

Honestly with most things except for meat and dairy, I eat it expired if it's sealed. So I am sure raws can be good past expiration. It's not like on that date, bam, it turns to shit.

I'm just perplexed how from the same 100g,... 50g brewed 7 months apart, first brew painless, next brew crippling.

When I had first experienced the issue, I got all new MCT, BB, and BA.
Didn't help, as same issue and scenario.

So yeah, Test Decanoate all the way moving forward.

I have had no problem with any other Raws from those sources. Always great stuff. Just Test E in the past 2 years hit and miss, with past year being most painful.

I brew for myself and a very close bro. We work at same location for years. Deployed together. I had to switch out some vials for him when we first encountered the issue. Luckily the next batch I brewed was painless. So I can only imagine people who are brewing for more, or even trying to run a lab.
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My source was both PPL and AH.

Another issue I had from both sources was this.
Got 100g from each source (different times).
I used 50g and stored other 50g for about 7 months in original shipped package, inside a zip lock bag, air sectioned out. That zip lock placed in cleaned out protein bucket lid closed.

The first brew was painless. I then brewed other 50g 7 months later. That brew was painful. Same source, same batch of powder.

So my theory is maybe we are getting powder that is on the verge of expiration, or even past expiration, and storing it was more expiration time, enough to possibly cause painful PIP.
Some are just getting far beyond expiration raws.

I see no reason how in 7 months of storage, it magically became painful. I have stored it like this for over a year in the past, and both 50g brews from 100g total powder, a year or more apart, were painless.

Since it's happening to Test E, and some even some batches are painless, and some aren't... even from same sources, and if they are using same sources for their raws... there is either some contamination or beyond expiration or something.

I am not sure what happens if you brew far expired raws.

Honestly with most things except for meat and dairy, I eat it expired if it's sealed. So I am sure raws can be good past expiration. It's not like on that date, bam, it turns to shit.

I'm just perplexed how from the same 100g,... 50g brewed 7 months apart, first brew painless, next brew crippling.

When I had first experienced the issue, I got all new MCT, BB, and BA.
Didn't help, as same issue and scenario.

So yeah, Test Decanoate all the way moving forward.

I have had no problem with any other Raws from those sources. Always great stuff. Just Test E in the past 2 years hit and miss, with past year being most painful.

I brew for myself and a very close bro. We work at same location for years. Deployed together. I had to switch out some vials for him when we first encountered the issue. Luckily the next batch I brewed was painless. So I can only imagine people who are brewing for more, or even trying to run a lab.
It's my understanding that Raws do not expire if stored properly.

They lose approximately 1% potency every year. So if it's 99.9% potent today in 2026 it will be 94.9% in 2031 it will be 89.9%. These are fresh raws. Something with the manufacturing process of the raws obviously changed or there is contamination in the manufacturing process of the raws.

A 10-year-old Xanax is going to work a 10-year-old Viagra is going to work. They will be less potent but they will work.

Until a solution has been discovered the why no longer matters. Only pip proof option is different esters. Cypionate and Decanoate.
Yeah, but typical brews that are painless, such as Test E(varies now), C, D, Nandrolone Deca, Tren E, some use up to 20%.
In my experience, below 20% BB, I have made painless gear at 5%, 10%, 15%, and 18%. If pip came from BB%, then pip would have been experienced as percentage went up, but it didn't.

Injectable orals, from what I have read, generally have pip associated with injection. I have never done Injectable orals.

However, everyone responds differently.
So some may be affected by higher BB.
So experiences will vary I'm sure.

I can take 1mg of Pramipexole and just feel tired.(had to use up to 1mg once when I experimented with front loaded Deca and was also running NPP for kickstart, with high Test and no AI, long story)
Others can take 0.2mg of Pramipexole and feel like they are dying from nausea.
No your right 20% and under are painless..
Injectable orals are painless... ots the solvents that cause the pain.. sdrol at 40mg/ml brews st 2/20 painless.. var dbol adrol need 20ba and guaiacol..and eo.. that's where the pip comes from..

You right about bb and pip 20% and under.. you start going over 20% she bites back.. that's all I was saying.. ..

For shits and giggles.. can you do a ph test on the bad "pip"".. may be worth looking into..
Test E melts at 90 F.

Everyone has a theory why T-E is hit and miss for severe PIP. What was one theory possible contamination with Delta 6 T.

One thing I would do when brewing T-E is gently warm it to no more than 100 F and remove from heat source and add your raw to the oil and stir until it's all dissolved. Add BA and filter and call it done with no more heat.

It's the only option you have. We all know T-E melts quickly dissolved with just slight amount of heat. You don't need 190 F. Just a gentle warm and stir.

I'll be cooking up another large batch of T-E in a few weeks and report back if I get the dreaded PIP. I've had it happen a few years back as the worst PIP I've ever had from any compound including Bold Cyp.

Test Decanoate could replace T-E as it can be made at higher concentrations and has zero pip. I started stocking up on this raw a year ago just out of interest because you see Nandrolone Decanoate at 400mg/ml from some sources. The raw doesn't melt as such a low temp as T-E.

My current source of T-E is PPL. It would help if people would report their source to track down any problems.
Citation please of this Delta 6 issue for further investigation and research.
T-E seems to be one of the most popular ester for UGL so I suspect stock would rotate with new production.

However you could be right and the shit we're getting is old.

T-E might be better stored vacuumed sealed in the freezer in a container to protect it from moisture and freezer burn.

I have no problem storing short ester compounds as I bring them out to brew as years go by. I store everything vacuum sealed and then in heat sealed 7 mil mylar and keep them cool, but not in a freezer or fridge.

We know pain free esters are Ace, Cyp, Decanoate, Undecanoate. So that's plenty to choose from if you need to brew up pain free. Perhaps it's time to retire the T-E. I certainly don't order it myself, I only received a large order as a mistake that was later fixed and I figure I'd better brew it and see what happens because it obviously has no real shelf life.

My personal use favorite is 30% Test Ace/70% Test Cyp, I haven't used E in probably 3 years because the PIP was hellish, that shit went in the trash and perhaps this batch I'm about to cook up will go in the trash as well, however I will be keeping it at no more than 250mg/ml, I might even go 200mg/ml with MCT or Mig and no solvent, just 1% BA.